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Everything posted by crassus

  1. crassus

    New pics of OFP2 from Gamespot

    OMG!! The hands! Look at the quality of the hands!!! One Two Three Well....It's been one my pet peeves anyway....;) I'd like to see the squad interface/command system next......
  2. crassus

    Head model/Face textures

    Four Thumbs Up!. Keep it up!
  3. crassus

    Soviet Airborne

    I'm hoping someone from one of the Mods that focus on Russian units (RHS and ORCS) will shed some light on the dearth of Paratroopers wearing the Soft style of helmet. Did (do?) the paratroopers actually wear the steel helms when jumping?
  4. crassus

    Soviet Airborne

    Thanks, guys. I'm hoping the modders will attire their paratroopers accordingly in the future.
  5. Just a guess, but perhaps they've been able to successfully get the AI to act in a more coordinated manner, by having the AI concentrate their fires on the player and his squad, pinning them down, while another team of AI flanks. Wouldn't that be somethin'?
  6. crassus

    Colonel Hackworth is dead.  RIP old soldier.

    Rest in peace, Sir.
  7. crassus

    Barbedwire Interactive

    Thanks for the news, and the invite I wish you luck on your mod.
  8. crassus

    SWAT Truck & Updated Units Soon

    I second using the weapons in Hyk's US Infantry pack.
  9. (Shields his eyes as the guns blaze and the flame-throwers spew out their flesh eating heat at orlics 101's post)
  10. Well not to undercut the many requests for screenshots or movies, I'm wondering if you describe for instance how the .And how will be different (and better?) than a Mission maker simply clicking West or East or Nobody....to designate with whom the AI are allied?
  11. crassus

    Grenade Pack V2.0

    You are the man, KyleSarnik.
  12. crassus

    Grenade Pack V2.0

    Yep, okay that loaded the default BIS and Laser Ranger (just gotta remember to removeMagazines "smokeshell" for the Rangers.) But the M61 will not detonate. I loaded just one M61 to test it out. No detonation. I tried a couple different variations, using <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addmagazine "BD_M61";; this addMagazine "BD_M67" switching the load sequence around. No detonation for the M61. If you load two M67s, both will blow. Two M61s, neither will. (If you use the init field to load up your soldier with your frags, there's about a four to five second delay before the frags show up in the weapon inventory. Not complaining, just reporting to you.) Sorry if I sound as if I'm badgering you; again I'm just reporting. Oh, may I suggest a faster response to the Stun grenade? Black out the screen, keep the ear-ringing--can you make the player deaf?--perhaps add an "AAAaaah" sound. Just my two cents.
  13. crassus

    Grenade Pack V2.0

    Do you mean I should use [this,1] exec "\BD_grenadePack\AddNewUnit.sqs"? I receive a no script found message with just [this,1] exec "AddNewUnit.sqs". And with "\BD_grenadePack\AddNewUnit.sqs" nothing happens; the default grenades remain in the load-out.
  14. crassus

    Humwee with Mk19

    Downloading and playing---Uh I mean testing for you....:) Edit: Well done. Very detailed. I do prefer WGL's Mk19 sounds, the very metallic bing bing bing as the weapon cycles. Do you plan to have the ammo belt animated?
  15. crassus

    Grenade Pack V2.0

    KyleSarnik, thanks for the grenades. I cannot figure out why those who're making new soldiers don't add your grenades to them. They'll include the newer weapons packs....but not your grenades. Bug Report:The second Fragmentation Grenade (Bouncing) will not detonate. I played with one Soldier (Bouncing Grenades), tossed the first grenade in the deault load-out, and it went off. The second Frag automatically reloaded: I tossed it--nothing. The Frags as carried by the Soldier (Grenade Pack) both detonate. Also, I'm a bit unclear about How To Use The Add-On. Am I not able to use it on default BIS or other's soldiers? I used <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this removeMagazines "handgrenade"; this removeMagazine "smokeshell"; this addMagazine "BD_M67"; this addWeapon "BD_ThrowGP" An M67 is added to my load but it will not detonate after I throw it. (Off-Topic: Nice video of your upcoming Viet Nam Troops....Esp loved the music. I'm hooked on Ghost in the Shell...)
  16. Just in case anyone's still getting that error msg relating to that M203magazine....and you want a simpler way of un-and rePBOing, let me recommend WinPBO, from the Our Weapons team. Here's a quick How-To on using it to fix Laser's pbos: Assumming you've already downloaded LSR_DeRaWP20_fixes 1) Run WinPBO.exe 2) Click Pbo Patcher in the top toolbar 3) Click Select folder and navigate your way to where ever you unzipped LSR_DeRaWP20_fixes. Select the LSR_delta folder, then click Okay. 4) Click Select pbo, and navigate your way to the offending pbo of the same name, in this case, LSR_delta.pbo. Select it, then click Okay. 5) Click Patch pbo. 6) Repeat steps 3 thru 5 for each of the other folders/.pbos. WinPBO will unpack, patch, and pack up the .pbo in a matter of seconds. Edit: Do a search for "WinPBO", if the above link takes you only to OFP CZ'z title page.
  17. crassus

    Call of Duty 2

    88mm Apparently the AI needs work. Â Â He's trying to fire through that small window, right above the MG42 gunner. Either that or he's trying to take out that just-arrived shipment of cold-weather gear, still packed in the crates.
  18. crassus

    AEF: Phoenix Island

    k@voven, well done. Big island with no lag!!! Now that's perfect. The towns and cities are well laid out--just beautiful. I'm wondering if you're looking to get bug reports: There are a couple spots on the rail line where the train "stutters" and will just not move anymore. Is this a result of the connection problem you spoke of earlier?
  19. crassus


    Thanks, guys.
  20. I'm hoping someone will point me to a list, if such exists, of which events can and cannot be checked for. I mean, can such events such as reload, prone out, drop or pick up <this weapon>, weapon on back, basically anything either requiring a keystroke by the player or some event in-game be checked and a script written to act upon it?
  21. crassus


    Well, that's a start toward my understanding of it. I'm hoping for a more no-brainer oriented definition. I'm a bit confused:First there is this: Does this mean I can define any old evenhandler I wish? But then, in the same paragraph: Or am I limited to the types...defined below?
  22. crassus

    Sanctuary's Animation pack 1.7

    All, Hail Sanctuary. Let's add him and Locke to the Pantheon of OFP Modders!
  23. crassus

    Sanctuary's Animation pack 1.7

    Thanks, Sanc!
  24. crassus

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.6

    Woooo hooo!!!! Saturday, the last day of my work week!!
  25. crassus

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    BergHoff, try this: put Locke_Anims.pbo in the MAIN OFP add-ons directory. The BIN folder you keep in the Mod folder. Just my two cents: I remapped the X key to handle the Stand/Prone, and C to Kneel/Stand. I mapped Q to Turbo and Strafe Left, and E to Turbo and Strafe Right. (And I use the right mouse button to bring up the iron sights. This arrangement of course make driving or commanding a vehicle next to impossible....oh well.