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About Corporal

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  1. Corporal

    Lone wolf?

    The hole is by 180degrees from the enterance of the Russkies base. The hole takes you then directly behind the T-80 tanks. Crawl under the each tank and place a Satchel charge under each one. Be careful of the Russians patroling the base. Whatever you do, dont shoot them. The rest of the base wakes up and runs trying to find you when you do. You have to place the Satchel Charges fast or else the T-80s leave with the rest of the infantry. Bobby
  2. Corporal

    05 Heavy Metal?

    I have the 1.00 European Version and I dont have that problem. Perhaps its the American version... Bobby
  3. Corporal

    Strange Meeting

    Ok thanks. Should i drive off road to avoid the BMP or what?
  4. Corporal

    Strange Meeting

    I beat the "Montaic must fall mission" and I went on to a mission where you have to evac from Everon called Strange Meeting instend of the mission where you are in the woods by yourself. Now, how do i beat this mission? I can get to the part where we go to Morton and we discover that the Russians took over the base and when all my men are killed, but how do i get past there? When i run in the forest north east east of morton, some guy with a pk shoots me. how am i supposed to get to EA64 for the new evac zone? Bobby