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Everything posted by Cop

  1. Ok, I am using the Cyborg 3D Gold USB, any idea why it doesnt work in OFP? I dont even think OFP reads the joystick. Anyone know how to fix this?
  2. Cop


    Any one thinkin bout makin a C-47? I just saw something about it on the History Channel, cool plane. http://amcmuseum.org/c-47.htm
  3. I found some, but I wasnt smart enough to bookmark the page, so I am looking for some good bunkers to use on my maps, anyone know where I can find them?
  4. Cop

    Hunt for Bunkers

    Those look pretty sweet, but they all seem to be already made maps, im looking for an addon one that I can place in my maps.
  5. I wish we could swim, im tired of having to bail outta a chopper over the sea and drowning, if ya could swim, it would bring more life into the NAVY Seals skins.
  6. O, darn, o well, looks good, I think ill go try it. Nice work.
  7. Hey Kegetys, any plans on making the Kiowa Warrior have a desert skin, or winter?