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Everything posted by Claudi

  1. Claudi

    Suggestion for MP interface

    Ok, just came from another two hours wasted getting a mp game started on a public server. Something needs to be done asap. How about giving the player who has been connected for the longest time admin rights. I would rather have someone 'just do it', than this voting s**t. What do you all think?
  2. Claudi

    The Problems with Multiplayer Online

    Is there a complete list of servercommands somewhere? I know these:  #vote mission (have not seen it work) #vote mission []  #vote missions  #vote reassign (have not seen that work either)  #vote kick [] (Edited by Claudi at 4:15 am on Oct. 31, 2001)
  3. Claudi

    The Problems with Multiplayer Online

    Spot on Horse. But I really, no REALLY like this game. So im still hoping, crossing my fingers till they are blue. Try a great SP mission: EnemyTerrain