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About Chucky

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    kdo vi...
  1. Chucky

    Attach a flag to a vehicle?

    you should easily do it, but not at the start of mission, you simply setup the flagcarier as in CTF mission, and then you set waypoint for some soldier to get the flag, and then move him into vehicle. that's all
  2. Chucky

    Helicopter Frustration

    Yes I uderstand you DestroyerX, but I have a soldier, a truck, and group of soldiers. The driver(the single soldier) come to the truck in the same time as the group, and get in, as the group. Then the driver drives to another place, with the group in cargo. And on the place I need to unload the group and the driver too, at the same time.
  3. Chucky

    Helicopter Frustration

    I have a similar problem, but with a truck. I've set up waypoints unload cargo and then behind it get out, for a driver of the truck, but the truck only stops on waypoint unload cargo, and then continues on waypoint get out, there the driver gets out of truck, and goes away, but nobody from cargo gets out. Could anyone help me with it? I tried sync too but it didn't work.