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About Chill

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    Staff Sergeant
  1. Chill

    The Iraq thread 4

    The sentence "centralization of power" in Russia is a clear demonstration that Washington, and indeed, the West in general, does not understand Russia. Although Washington would love to see Russia implode in a myriad of micro-nations, this is not going to happen, for one clear reason: Vladimir Putin is not Boris Yeltsin. So for the following four years, George Bush is going to have to read articles such as this one, pulling his speech apart point by point and receiving broadsides from his interlocutors. Moscow has to centralize certain powers, otherwise opportunistic states such as the USA today, which acts as the worst kind of international vulture, a scavenger, will try to foster dissent and take advantage of Russia's resources. If George W. Bush considers "liberty" as invading a sovereign nation based upon lies, committing an act of mass murder, slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians in the name of "freedom and democracy", winning "hearts and minds" through "shock and awe" tactics, it is evident that he is intellectually constrained to the table upon which he threw a record number of Texans. He is intellectually, diplomatically and legally moribund, he is limited to uttering Cold War Slogans and he has a retentive understanding of the dossiers. Who is governing the USA? It certainly isn't George W. Bush. He doesn't even know what he is speaking about. While we are speaking about freedom and democracy and so on, a couple of questions. Where are Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction? No, we cannot ask Dr. David Kelly, because he was the one who knew they didn't exist and committed suicide. And how to justify the firing of CNN journalists criticizing the USA's act of mass murder in Iraq? Freedom and (BANG!!) Democracy (BANG!!) folks, winning hearts (BANG!!) and minds by (BANG!!) shock and (BANG!!) awe tactics. Speaking about democracy, did George Bush's Washington use the processes of dialogue and discussion in the UNSC? Or did it launch a criminal act of mass murder against Iraq, against every norm in the book? And this man dares to look Vladimir Putin in his eyes? Certainly, Russia wants to have friendly relations with the USA just as it fosters good relations with all nations. But is this made easy by a Washington which talks and practises the law of the jungle while pretending to stand up for the rule of law?
  2. Chill

    The Iraq thread 4

    100,000 iraq's dead after 3,000 killed in 9/11, whos the terrorist?
  3. Chill

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Easy solution to this killing, russia get out of Chechniya!! Russia invades Chechniya kills many innocent people, Chechniyans get angry dont have army, so what do they do? Resort to selfdefence. Usa invades Iraq kills innocent people, Iraqi's get angry dont have a army any more, so what do they do? Resort to selfdefence. These people are desperate people who have been given no choice because of the imperialist actions of both Russia & usa.
  4. Chill

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    If some invades your country and you fight back are you a terrorist? What would you do if your family were killed by russian/USA soldiers? Would you just accept the russians/USA and say " great they invaded our country to bring deomcracy?" The russians invaded cheniya like the usa invade iraq! And both of them invaded for the same reason OIL!! But i guess its a waste of time telling you guys some "Facts" as most of you here are to young to know any better.
  5. Chill

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Last time this happened in the theatre the russians killed over 100 inocent people!! I hope the russians learnt humility since their last rescue mission.
  6. Chill

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    The Chechen,s have been murdered for years by the Russians and when they fight back they are called terrorists? Live by the sword, die by the sword!
  7. Chill

    "Massacre" at UN Camp

    Wheres the USA? Oh thats right theres no oil there.
  8. Chill

    ORCS RF Motorized Riflemen

    Great addon!! But can we have the old option of putting helmets back on? They look so good with helmets on.
  9. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    I know I was sarcastic and really hope you americans can amend the situation in November for World Peace.
  10. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    Seeing that Saddams captured and the USA has killed all the terrorist in Afganistan we all can walk in the streets with out fear. The war of terror is over. So why do the USA still kill inocent people in Iraq?
  11. Chill

    Sudan Crisis

    2 ways we can get help there: 1: Lets send a rumour that there is WMD there 2: Lets tell the USA theres alot of oil there.
  12. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    Have you noticed that the media has stop telling people about the casualtied in iraq?
  13. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    A Soldiers Story(Democracy USA style) http://shmyl.com/wqoison
  14. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    Its turned into flamefest? Least its better than inocent people getting killed by the "Coalition of the willing"
  15. Chill

    The Iraq thread 3

    The point is becareful of the USA government!! In 1934 Hitler united the people by having a common enemy (Jews) and we know the outcome of that action! Same thing with this war on terror. 20 fanatics has made the USA hate all people asociated with Islam a terrorist. Do not follow blindly and listen to your media that is payed by the rich and powerful and tell you to watch out for the "terrorist under the bed" crap Dont let 1934 happen again! Use your brains and open your eyes to who are the real criminals here!