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Capitaine Haddock

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About Capitaine Haddock

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  1. Capitaine Haddock

    PC Gamer UK (Jan 2006) - Armed Assault Article

    ArmA will do two things: - First it will discover OFP to a whole new group of players who never played the original game and still don't know how trully open and immersive games can be. Those guys think BF2 is as much as you can do on a current PC, and they are going to be amazed when they try ArmA. - And second, it will polish our dear OFP and extend its life until OFP2 (the real one by BIS) is ready. "Join in progress" alone could make this game huge online, and if on top of that it supports TrackIR, we are going to experience new levels of game immersion. That's enough reasons for me
  2. Capitaine Haddock

    Track ir

    That's really good news! I use TrackIR for IL2 and FS2004 I can't imagine myself flying in a game without it. It's simply the best piece of gaming hardware I've bought since my first joystick in the early 1980's. Once you've tried it there is no going back.
  3. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    All you need to know on Semi-Rigid Rotors http://www.copters.com/mech/mr_semi.html
  4. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    True. And that will help people to use the Helis in a more realistic way. None of that "fly over enemy base and jump" business. Did you know that auto-rotations are also implemented in OFP? They are hard to master, but they do work. I'm not sure most people is aware of the complexities of the current helicopter physics when using a joystick... You'll miss all this if you just fly with the mouse.
  5. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    The auto raise/lower is already turned off automaticaly when you use a Joystick Nah, it's still auto NAP. Â Unless that was added in the very latest patch. Edit: the collective or rotor rpm is just a little less terrain automated with joystick, not completely as it should be It's completely off, honest. Are you using the joystick just for the cyclic, or also for the collective? That might be it... I use a separatte throttle stick and it works for me. Full control goodness
  6. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    The auto raise/lower is already turned off automaticaly when you use a Joystick
  7. Capitaine Haddock

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    A big thank you from an old fan of your addons! I upgraded my PC a couple of months ago and never got around reinstalling OFP. Well. That's until yesterday... your Mi-8 made me do it. What a fantastic model. Thanks a lot for the hard work.
  8. Capitaine Haddock

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    Just a quick post to say thanks! What a fantastic mod. I love the details, from the music to the menu backgrounds. Really atmospheric. And excellent choice of tanks and planes. Top job! PS. Nice gunsight on the Hurricane
  9. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    I like the idea of the copilot taking over "you have control!" Thing with BF Vietnam is that they've pretty much replicated real helicopter physics. You'll be surprised to know how cose they are from real choppers (it also seems to me that they've dumbed it down a bit in BF2). The important thing to me would be making Helos realistic enough so people won't use them as mad UFOs in multiplayer games. If they are too easy to fly they would kill the gameplay balance. At least you want to know that the guy behind the controsl has to have some skills...
  10. Capitaine Haddock

    Getting into the game industry

    Sorry but that's not the way it works. You'll simply need: 1- A good portfolio. 2- Experience with export pipelines and specific game setups. The second is easy. You just need time and experience. The first is much harder. If your models/textures/drawings are not good, there's nothing you can do about it. If you live in the UK, buy EDGE and check the adds. There are new job offers every month. You won't need to know anyone inside the industry. The bad news is that most studios in the UK are downsizing and outsourcing. Most studios will only recruit experience people that could help during prototyping. The bulk of the production (what used to be the job for entry-level artists) is going to India, China and Vietnam. It's much harder for new blood to get into the industry. Things have changed a lot in the last 2 years. The good news is that if you are a really good artist they'll be fighting for you. There are too many average CV's going around these days. Good luck!
  11. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    OFP wasn't born as a flightsim, but thanks to the hyper-detailed environments and the high-quality addons it has become my favourite helicopter sim. You can do so much more that in any dedicated helicopter sim despite the lack of avionics, and the physics are not too bad as they are, to be honest I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves flying helos in OFP. It'll be a shame to dumb-down the physics. Personaly I'll be more than happy with the same level of difficulty/realism as in Battlefield Vietnam. Perhaps with a little bit more workload on the rudder pedals, but VBF Vietnam's physics were pretty close to the real thing anyway.
  12. Capitaine Haddock

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    Realistic, no doubt. The best thing in OFP is that the gampley balance comes from reality. Make the choppers too easy to fly and they'll become deadly air-quake UFOs. If they fly as they should people will use them as they would in reality. It's like asking "Should the sniper rifles have an auto-aim just because I can't shoot?" of course not! Just learn to shoot
  13. Capitaine Haddock

    TrackIR support?

    Thanks a lot for the help Onyx After checking those threads I think I've reached the same cul-de-sac as everyone else... It's possible to run TrackIR in mouse emulation mode and it almost works, but not quite: If you enable freelook (* key) it all works fine until you touch the joystick. Then the camera turns to the front and the only thing you move is the cursor. For some reason they've blocked the mouse look when you are using a joystick, which spoils the whole thing. That's why I was wondering if ArmA would support it properly, specially with the 6DOF upgrade.
  14. Capitaine Haddock

    TrackIR support?

    1. Before asking I used the search and I didn't find it 2. That's very useful, thanks...
  15. Capitaine Haddock

    TrackIR support?

    Will ArmA have TrackIR support? It'd be the perfect game for it, specially when flying helicopters. Although I'm convinced that the infantry would also benefit. For those who've never heard of it, TrackIR is a simple infrared tracking camera that captures the movement of your head and translates it as head movemernts in the game. I made some small videos of Aces High II to show how it works: FW190 cockpit Misc planes Once you've tried it's hard to play anything without it.