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About Boston

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  1. Has anyone asked AI to create a custom face.jpg from a LIDAR scan? It would be great if you could scan your head and have a face.jpg created for you.
  2. Fer, thank you and your team for F2. I have a question. I wanted to keep the date I selected in the editor instead of 11May2007. So in f_setMissionConditions.sqf I made the following changes: // ==================================================================================== // SET KEY VARIABLES // Conditions are set in the parameters screen (during mission set-up). _timeOfDay = f_param_timeOfDay; _weather = f_param_weather; _todayIs = date; _yearIs = _todayIs select 0; _monthIs = _todayIs select 1; _dayIs = _todayIs select 2; // ==================================================================================== // SELECT MISSION TIME OF DAY // Using the value of _timeOfDay, a new date is set. switch (_timeOfDay) do { // Dawn case 0: { setDate [_yearIs, _monthIs, _dayIs, 4, 50]; }; // Early Morning... It seems to work. Is there anything else I should look for? Thanks again for your efforts.