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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    I think that would be amazing and I want it now. If not, as soon as it's done.... Go get em Tonic....
  2. boneboys

    Can't join wasteland servers!

    Make sure you have disabled DayZ Mod before you try to join a Wasteland (or any other) server.
  3. The Mod Squad recorded a Q & A interview with DayZ Dev Matt Lightfoot yesterday evening. It was the first time we attempted anything like this but it turned out rather well, so it was made public... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/116479-interview-with-matthew-lightfoot/ Thanks.
  4. Due to the nature of the DayZ Mod, its clients and the creator's wishes, we, the DayZ forum staff are inclined to be a little more *bohemian in our approach to moderation. *(free of regard for conventional rules and practices). Welcome to the Wild West, as we say.
  5. boneboys

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    I had the same error message (mission 01 coast +++) up until the 4th mission (if I remember correctly), I just clicked and continued without any problems. No mods and a clean pathfinder full install. Thanks.
  6. The freezes and game blocking have stopped for myself and those that I know with BE 1.178 update.
  7. Same problem with the Demo. I'll wait for a fix. Good luck...
  8. LOD's are loading very well, in fact I would say "fixed". I would just like to ask could this have any effect on the known graphics problems that the Mod DayZ is having. Since I installed this patch I have had no gliches whatsoever. I keep on going in and out of Stary Sobor camp just to provoke the problem but without success. Thanks.
  9. boneboys

    Day Z players playing ArmA2 now.

    I ask you all to give the new players a helping hand and a little compassion. They have come in from an enviroment particularly nerve racking, (those that made it through) and without mercy. Thanks.
  10. boneboys

    CD Key in use

    "Please don't redirect to other forums/posts because I already looked for them and didn't found anything" http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138523-Bad-CD-Key-CD-Key-disabled-No-CD-key-CD-key-in-use&p=2204409&viewfull=1#post2204409
  11. This is the BIS forum. There is a Forum for the mod. The mod will continue to be worked on...but all that info can be found here http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/
  12. Good news, its the only way to go really, after all, stuck in a perpetual Alpha has its limits. I wonder who's making the Island, it will be difficult to do better than good old Chernarus even if it was not made with DayZ in mind. Good luck.
  13. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Everything working here. I took the precaution to disable any mods/beta before installing and launching through the main menu. The sea shore sounds took me by surprise !
  14. This should be asked over at the DayZ forums, in the Troubleshooting Forum or If needed the Ban appeals forum. Normally a Global Ban by BE will not be dealt with by the Dev team, you must contact BE support. Opening the Server Control is something that will, in certain cases result in the game shutting down with a BE message, this is one of the messures taken to restrict different scripts being added. I have tested the function (a while ago) and was able to rejoin the server straight afterwards. Please make a post or Search the DayZ forums to see if anybody else has the same problem. Boneboys.
  15. People have been asking about this on another forum which shall remain unmentioned. I used the Search funtion to find this Thread :http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?122607-xbox-controller-support/page2&highlight=xbox+controler ArmAII is mentioned and a controller seems to work.
  16. boneboys

    xbox controller support?

    My mistake, please remove. Thanks.
  17. Good Game Dwarden, good game.
  18. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm going to use the 5 USD discount coupon when I buy ArmAIII. If we do the subtraction and apply it to the DLC, it works out pretty cheap. All's well that ends well.
  19. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I'm waiting for the release, haven't installed the RC1 (just the beta version). I do not see how to critic something that does not yet exist.
  20. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Has anyone stated the Map sizes for Bystrica and Bukovina ? I know they are based on Chernarus but I would like to know how, split into the two republics? I've proberbly just answered my own question :eek: SEARCH :Bystrica Bukovina map size and variations gave no joy. Thanks for any answer.
  21. Thank you Das Attorney, a very good read indeed.
  22. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    2.50€ cheaper than when I pre-ordered (9.99€= 10€). Seems a little unfair. Oh well, lesson learned, once bitten, twice shy. Shame really.
  23. I really like the new colors (day time). + the sky at night helps when playing DayZ. I played last night, no clouds and the moon must have been low or ascending but overall a lot more precise. Good work.
  24. boneboys

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Pre-ordered and paid, waiting for activation key :dancehead:
  25. Personally I like the way the new gear system functions but if you look through the dayZ forums not everybody is/was happy, although the subject is calm at the moment. I joined the moderation team a few days ago but there is so much stuff happening its pretty hard to keep track of whats what. Defiantlyly heading in the right direction IMHO. Good work.