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Everything posted by BendakBR

  1. BendakBR

    NVIDIA 163.67 BETA

    Me, second post above yours. Still no good!
  2. BendakBR

    NVIDIA 163.67 BETA

    Installed these drivers, arma still not running... Noticed that it run about 10% slower in the opengl benchmark (fur rendering) and 2% faster in 3dmark06 and some slows downs that i was getting on bioshock is now over. Thats all tests i did.
  3. BendakBR

    Patch with translator

    I did bought the German version, because i was not willing to wait until the English version to come out, and i used a patch that was posted by the user SickBoy here in this board. I recommend you contact him as i don't have those patches anymore.
  4. BendakBR

    Patch with translator

    Just upgrade to patch 1.05 and you would be able to change the game to english. I recomend you upgrade to 1.08 tho. Less bugs!
  5. BendakBR

    Vista64 w/4gig of ram black screen  **FIX*

    No good to me! And I refuse to take out 1 stick of memory only to play this game. All games i have work just fine with my vista and 4 gigs, only arma is refusing to run.
  6. BendakBR

    Can't Play Arma

    Try looking in this post. I was having the same problem, and i discovered it was the last version of Creative OpenAL. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=66533
  7. BendakBR

    Start up crash

    I was having the same problem, after aplying the fix i received from microsoft (you should ask them to send it), and i was with lasteste version of openal32.dll (6.14.357.22) i searched though my computer and found a dll of the same version showing (6.14.357.11) and now it doen't crash, but i still have the surface texture problem.
  8. After i installed this MS Patch, ArmA doenst even start! It crashs just after securerom loading box (that with checkboxes).
  9. Well, i think someone should send this Direct to a BI programmer, as i reported that this maybe the problem, tho when i used to set the flag, securerom blocked the loading with a message telling that the executable has been modified. Link to the same problem I used editbin, same as i did in supreme commander, TDU, STALKER, Commandos, and many others that stopped running when i migrated to Vista64 (even when i was with 2gb of ram - now I'm with 4gb). As a matter of fact, editbin should not be considered as illegal modification as it does not reverse engineering, it just change a flag in the executable header. But anyone who tries it should do it own your own risk as it may be considered illegal by BI
  10. BendakBR

    Vista x64 + Radeon X1900XT unplayable

    I was wondering if this problem is not the same that happens in other games that were not made to suport 64bits systems or memory adresses over 2gb. Supremecommander have the same problem, but you could use a tool called editbin and solve the issues to use high textures and resolution on Vista64. But Arma and many other protected games, there is no way to try, as the protection validates the exe. Many developers are taking some time to discovers that a simple tweak in the compiler to allow its programs to adreess over 2gb of memory will solve a lot of issues! *edit* Find the right post that explain what i just said: http://forums.cluboverclocker.com/showthread.php?p=73616 I hope some BI coders look at this and check if they already did this tweak, as dumpbim tells that arma.exe cant address over 2gb of ram. *added* My Rig information as i having the exact same problem as the image in this post: Core2Duo E6600 4GB DDR2 800mhz Asus P5B Deluxe Wifi XFX 8800GTX 300GB Samsung SataII Hard Disk. Sound Max HD Audio Sound OnBoard on P5B Vista Busines 64bits.