Ok, here we go.
Win Vista
8800 GTX (tried many drivers already, newest at the moment)
newest drivers
I have stable frames at very high settings >40fps.
I noticed already when I take high settings the game will first lag 1-6 seconds and after some minutes it will crash.
On middle-low settings I can play about 2 hours before the same thing happens.
It happens really fast when you're flying or driving around fast... new textures will be load and there seems to be the problem. With a higher view distance and/or higher settings the game will crash faster.
In the german support forum I heard that there would be no problems with XP and 88GTX. And I've met someone with the same problem.
I think it's a problem between the 8800 and Vista.
And maybe I have more than one problem at the same time, I'm not sure.
I have this error:
Cannot create system memory surface
and I've got the whole Arma.rpt full of this:
w:\c\Poseidon\lib\d3d9\engdd9.cpp(4967) : Unable to create vertex buffer - Reset needed
this: Error: Failed to create surface texture
w:\c\Poseidon\lib\d3d9\engdd9.cpp(5226) : Vertex buffer not allocated
and errors like this:
Region: 0B7B2000,4 KB,Comm
Region: 0B7B3000,4 KB,Resv
I think it's a memory problem between Vista and the 8800's.
Here is my whole Arma.rpt if you want it
I hope there will be a fix soon