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Posts posted by Billy-no-mates

  1. Very, very impressed with your movies, please keep it up and release more.

    By the way if your into Massive attack, try the songs Man next door and i think it's called Bad girl, could be very atmospheric for your movies, again kudos to you notworthy.gif

  2. AMD 3200+

    Radeon 9800xt

    1.5 gigs of Ram

    Onboard AC97 sound card

    Machine is 3 and a half years old


    Terrain = Normal

    Object detail = Normal

    Texture = Normal

    Shader = Normal

    Post Proccess = Low

    AF = High

    Shadows = Off/Low (depends on island pos or SP/MP)

    AA = High

    Blood = High

    View Distance = 3000

    Settings need adjusting depending on game mode (SP/MP), above example is typical of MP/SP in the south of the island, for the north, terrain = Low, Shadows = Off, AF = Normal.

    These setting are possible as i have learnt to keep the computer clean and clutter free, with a few as possible background apps as possible running, as far as i'm concerned comparing ArmA settings to other games is silly as for example Half Life 2 runs on this rig with every setting maxed, AA, AF, HDR on full and get average of 30 FPS, different game different requirments, when i finally find (probably under a year) that games fall below this level i will upgrade to a rig capable of high settings on ArmA, this will also mean all other games should be no sweat (Crysis, World in Conflict etc etc)

  3. My brothers given up ArmA said it was a pile of crap in it's current state, showed him the battle vid for this mod, that got him going, he keeps pestering to tell him when it's released now (he's not on internet), have to say i am just as eager for it's release too, it's gonna add so much immersion. Kudos for trying to make a final release first up notworthy.gifyay.gif

  4. Quote[/b] ]ctully the firing sounds for a distance is true sounds, not triggerd from what ive talked to chammy about, but the radio effects are not apart of his sound pack, just added with windows movie maker or some other tool.

    Ahh ok thought it may be to good to be true, looks like we'll have to settle for the fantastic sounds instead, lifes a bitch eh biggrin_o.gif

  5. D-day+1 no sound pack, ah well secure the beach heads, bring the artillery ashore, push out into the bocage smile_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]Are these radio chatters and voice commands in the youtube video part of the mod, or are they just for better atmosphere in the video? If they are in the mod, how did you do that? And how/when will they play? Are they activated by triggers? Or do the play randomly?

    Yeah i was wondering this to, anyone?

  6. It's as I noted before in some threads, "Making stupid remarks that make the other side look stupid"

    Normal, military are "be stupid" people, that the states (intelligence, governement), send to war, to kill them, to improve the quality of the livestock, or to let the presidents & Ministrys of G8 to eat good U.S meat...

    Damn, sounds like you need to move to another country, mate. You sound all oppressed and shit. confused_o.gif

    Lol sounds like you understood what he was saying, i couldn't quite make it out, sounds like he was joking but who knows, certainly a very strange theory if it's understandable. huh.gif

  7. Jeez your all as bad as each other, if someone in your opinion flames (or some other silly internet word) you don't have to answer them or make sacastic comments back, it leads you all to go around in circles and get nothing constructive done, just a suggestion smile_o.gif

  8. So were all agreed refering to the OP that the vehicle dammage system on APC's and all vehicles needs to be changed and RPG dammage either reduced or implementation of a different system to vehicle reaches damage =1 = explosion.

    Picket boards out then biggrin_o.gif

  9. Quote[/b] ] I believe that within the games limitations and possibilities something a little more realistic (and fun) could be done by balancing weapon and armor values a little better smile_o.gif .

    But as i tried to say dosen't balancing the vehicles completely take away the realism aspect?, what bits are we calling realistic?

  10. Really though at the moment we should all decide whether it's "simulation" and "realism" we want mainly, or if we want it to be more fun based,(with the balancing of Blufor and Opfor it can never be properly realistic) but the two things could go hand in hand, the fact that an armoured vehicle blows up everytime an AT rocket hits it is very silly and not realistic, yet it would be more realistic and fun if this was not the case and better targeting was needed, ie shall i hit the tracks and disable it or go for instant kill, i say this could be more fun as it will be infinately more rewarding when you do get a kill and it explodes (ie that was a really lucky shot saved my life there, or thats exactly what i intended how great am I)

    At the moment it is very boring after a while as there is no variation, fire RPG- explodes, fire RPG- explodes.

    Quote[/b] ]It's advertised as being more realistic than others

    OT i know but on my box it says The ULTIMATE combat simulation

    and also says blended with a unique touch of TOTAL realism return in this game

    Now make of that what you will but the emphasis is definately on the the ULTIMATE and total realism aspects, so i don't know, i own it now too late. (Would have bought it anyway though on the strengh of Flashpoint, people who didn't play OFP, EEEK)

  11. Quote[/b] ]There are some AI improvements mentioned by the way, such as not using RPGs to look at unknown targets. The bugtracker also mentioned that they will no longer engage infantry with AT weapons. There will probably be other tweaks not mentioned in the changelog. I wont expect anything major though.

    No i know there are not all mentioned and have fingers crossed, just need the basics really like non RPG soldiers not running towards tanks, or having any idea of their surroundings, but yes i know the difficulties involved, the AI needs a complete overhaul which isn't going to be done in patches, maybe scripting from the community, OFP had a few i think, anyway at least MP is on the way now smile_o.gif

  12. Quote[/b] ]You guy's better should wait till you have tested the 1.08 patch by yourself bevore going crazy. whistle.gif

    Yes sensible advice me thinks, still no AI (any inteligence) improvements but hey it's only an predominately MP patch so waiting for further patchs. Good luck BIS

  13. Yes for some reaason if you stay in the water for long enough you will lose all your gear, test it with you in the water you'll see what i mean wink_o.gif

    Also i believe i saw a script in my scanning that stops this (not sure where it is though sorry)

  14. To madmatt my apologies i haven't been here long and sort of got swept up in the argument, i have tried to keep my posts pretty neutral and as no one responds to them i believe they may be to sensible for these forums biggrin_o.gif (only joking will stop looking in the mirror and preening), while i'm here though if someone could look at my posts and tell me if they are suitably either neutral, friendly, constuctive etc will give me some insight into how i conduct myself in the future (ie has anyone got a problem with the tone etc) would be good to know smile_o.gif

    And yes on topic am looking forward to the patch, many "interesting" conversations to follow i'm sure smile_o.gif

  15. Quote[/b] ]As I said, just be thankful it's possible for it to be fixed!

    Just being objective again but why would it not be possible to be fixed?, it was relesead early because of budget restraints and for all intents and purposes it's still under development, what i think is behind alot of the troubles is that people were not aware of this when purchasing the game. (yes we know they shouldn't advertise it as a beta because no none would buy it, but do not expect people not familiar with BIS, and OFP to like that)

    It is true any other product would not be able to be sold in this state, ie a music CD with missing or uncomplete tracks etc.

    I am lucky in that i played OFP and also did a little research before i bought the game so i knew it was a work in progress, does this make the situation right...no but it's all down to whether you can accept the current state or not, BIS are not the best developers or company but they are showing some passion and dedication to their work so nothing can be done but wait for more patches and watch the games development, again this is just whether individualy you can accept that with a game or not, for now i can but as i have said before i think there needs to be a surprise or two in the next few patches (mainly in the AI department) to keep everyone happily playing and enjoying their product rather than hanging around the forums waiting to defend it or attack it.

    ArmA is not the best game on the market but for the genre it's the only game there is really, so if we want it better we will just have to wait.

    All the best smile_o.gif

  16. Quote[/b] ]Oh well, if BI keeps patching in this rate we will have the most perfect game ever at the end of the year. biggrin_o.gif

    Hmm just to be objective, for you it may be the most perfect game maybe not others, not going to tell you my position as you may tell me you hope i die huh.gif , but seriously the AI is a bit silly, was sitting outside Masbete in a Abrams with lots of infantry in the town, as soon as i fired my MG once they preceded to run one after the other down the main street towards me, even without AT weapons and the funniest was a sniper who ran to within about 10 metres in front of the tank and then lay down, couldn't stop laughing and didn't want to shoot him as i thought he may be surrendering, but thats a small example of the things i've seen them do so far, stand up lie down, stand up lie down, elevate rifle 70 degrees upwards at nothing, ignore me when i fire etc etc.

    I'm sure this can get fixed but how i do not know, i also think the vanilla game has to be made as special as possible, without the MODS to make it better as some people are not going to have time to look at every script and MOD, learn how to implement it, have time to create there own missions etc etc.

    We'll get there i'm sure, with a bit of faith and patience, but at the moment it dosen't quite for me do what it says on the tin smile_o.gif
