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Everything posted by Billy-no-mates

  1. Billy-no-mates

    New A10's RELEASED

    Have to say sir it's my first download of an addon (apart from beta patch and i am utterly blown away, really really good textures especially the desert one, just one idea, and how to implement this or if it's even possible i do not know but i have been reading the tracers topic in this section and was wondering if a version with these is possible, just about to download and try them but is it possible to add them without the need for that mod folder etc (if you get permission and stuff), if not ignore me and just carry on with the great work
  2. Billy-no-mates

    Arma Feels Unresponsive

    Umm can't seem to to fathom this one The controls are a little sluggish it's true but nothing that practice can't conquer partially, my one is the AT launcher around the corner which is sometimes a bit jumpy and takes the aim away, but i can live with it, the flopping to the ground is a little slow sometimes if your guy hasn't got his best foot forward yet but again it hasn't killed me yet, (i'm sure it will but hasn't at the moment) I looove that game but gets a little lonely in single player (still kick ass though and episode 2 is out soon yey)
  3. Billy-no-mates

    When a ARMA french forum ?

    Seriously what? trick and propaganda, your questions fair enough but to say this, being new to the forums i am dumbfounded if this is the level of conversation that posts turn in to. And your questions been answered are you volunteering to moderate these French forums? Is it our fault the attempted French Empires failed in the 16th to 19th century.
  4. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    In that case my apologies, self critism is a strength that every person and country should have and funnily enough after i wrote the post i thought damn i hope he ain't a yank i will look silly Fair enough i will wait and see the moods and posts on the forum and make my mind up then, i'm hoping its not as bad as that but we'll see.
  5. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    While i'm new to the forums i hardly think this will help, i don't want to argue with you as thats not my way (especially on the internet whats the point) but have you not just put yourself into the shitting around catagory, as you seem to have a lot of posts and time and have been present in the main topics i have looked at and mainly argueing, i apologise if i have this wrong and do not wish to get us into a contest of who can out do the other etc etc as its an exercise in futility, everyone posts should be respected if they are REALLY that persons opinion as we are all but a nick name and an avatar to everyone else. Unconstuctive posts are annoying but i think we can learn to ignore what we don't like and discuss what we do BTW you don't mean me stay out of the forums do you? i was having trouble interpreting your post (again apologies) Day of Defeat is my example still play it still love it (although i think my computer is a bit snobby and wishes i'd stick to modern games ) What country are you from?, while not being an American i can bet you that with very little searching i could find something about your country that is very corrupt and would be just as bad. Don't think this is the place for sweeping statements like that.
  6. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Don't get me wrong i understand your viewpoint, but however i haven't played any games that never got fixed (and i'm a 12 year pc gamer), maybe i have got great taste in games , but i just play what looks like i'll enjoy and i am sometimes fussy over my developers , you also have to weigh up what patch level the game would be up to with a few more months in development, but as we have already said thats water under the bridge. Having scanned these forums i think that it's half frustration half idiocy, and people wanting to identify themselelves into one group or other (lovers and haters), so i'll try to keep myself looking forward and constructive
  7. Billy-no-mates

    New ATI 7.5 Drivers out

    Still running a 3 year old 9800xt and it runs ARMA with no problem at all, the handle leak is annoying yes but as someone pointed out ARMA is not a big selling game and expecting it to be top of the list of driver fixes is a bit naive, (thats not to say it shouldn't be on the list and i wait patiently). The reason i stick with this card is that it's Anti Aliasing ability still baffles me, it runs game nearly twice as well with it turned to full, can't explain it but it's great for me.
  8. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    No honest i realise what your saying and if the games you have had experience with are like that then i'm sorry, but saying 99% of games don't get fixed within patches etc etc is just rubbish and it's kind of elevating BIS to a standard of super developer which they are not, they are good yes and this project to raise money for Game 2 is one that was probably neccesary for their survival as i said, but lets not go to over the top, i have great hopes and chances are they will come good (or go out of buisness, which hopefully none of us want).
  9. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Never played it, it looked crap
  10. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Couldn't agree more, also fixing and improving a game that wasn't finished isn't really something to get to thankful for but i am glad that they are doing it rather than not. I will not be singing BIS's praises until they fix to a level of satisfaction for me (in my own opinion so don't flame me saying i love it, its fine or i hate it and will never be right etc). Also won't be fully happy until they give us something that we were not expecting within the next few patches, or had given up on ie tracers, climbing, better AI (well can't get any worse) etc etc blah blah blah, stuck record i know but for me essential, also of the 500 changes the vast majority will be very simple tweaks that would have already been done if the game was developed for slightly longer, (yes i know they ran out of money and i accept that, it happens). So i guess thank you for sticking to it and not running away when the amount of work still to be done was fully realised, you can make this a great vanilla game still and looking forward to future releases of patches. Any examples? every game i have played and patched have only required a few patches before being fully completed, or if extra patches come out its for more features instead of bug fixes.