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About Billy-no-mates

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Billy-no-mates

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Well yeah but they could be user made for all i know, it's not like there are not similar or better out there
  2. Billy-no-mates

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Has anyone seen anything official on this yet? do we know it's for real? If it is then i'm gonna give up on ArmA
  3. Billy-no-mates

    Your ArmA Videos!

    Very, very impressed with your movies, please keep it up and release more. By the way if your into Massive attack, try the songs Man next door and i think it's called Bad girl, could be very atmospheric for your movies, again kudos to you
  4. Billy-no-mates

    Bad PC or bad optimization?

    AMD 3200+ Radeon 9800xt 1.5 gigs of Ram Onboard AC97 sound card Machine is 3 and a half years old 1024x762x32 Terrain = Normal Object detail = Normal Texture = Normal Shader = Normal Post Proccess = Low AF = High Shadows = Off/Low (depends on island pos or SP/MP) AA = High Blood = High View Distance = 3000 Settings need adjusting depending on game mode (SP/MP), above example is typical of MP/SP in the south of the island, for the north, terrain = Low, Shadows = Off, AF = Normal. These setting are possible as i have learnt to keep the computer clean and clutter free, with a few as possible background apps as possible running, as far as i'm concerned comparing ArmA settings to other games is silly as for example Half Life 2 runs on this rig with every setting maxed, AA, AF, HDR on full and get average of 30 FPS, different game different requirments, when i finally find (probably under a year) that games fall below this level i will upgrade to a rig capable of high settings on ArmA, this will also mean all other games should be no sweat (Crysis, World in Conflict etc etc)
  5. Billy-no-mates

    Yet another ArmA sound modification

    My brothers given up ArmA said it was a pile of crap in it's current state, showed him the battle vid for this mod, that got him going, he keeps pestering to tell him when it's released now (he's not on internet), have to say i am just as eager for it's release too, it's gonna add so much immersion. Kudos for trying to make a final release first up
  6. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    So whens the patch comin..... only joking ,it's a date Maruk, i'll bring the wine, you bring my fix Edit ... yes my girlfriend hates you too, i offered to buy her Pippa Funnels horse trials for her laptop but she wasn't interested
  7. Billy-no-mates

    Yet another ArmA sound modification

    Ahh ok thought it may be to good to be true, looks like we'll have to settle for the fantastic sounds instead, lifes a bitch eh
  8. Billy-no-mates

    Campaign Ending *Spoilers*

    Guys just forget the campaign it's a waste of your life unfortunately, just go on to user made missions/campaigns at least some thought has gone into these, it's sad i know but thats life.
  9. Billy-no-mates

    Yet another ArmA sound modification

    D-day+1 no sound pack, ah well secure the beach heads, bring the artillery ashore, push out into the bocage Yeah i was wondering this to, anyone?
  10. Billy-no-mates

    ARMA Review

    Normal, military are "be stupid" people, that the states (intelligence, governement), send to war, to kill them, to improve the quality of the livestock, or to let the presidents & Ministrys of G8 to eat good U.S meat... Damn, sounds like you need to move to another country, mate. You sound all oppressed and shit. Lol sounds like you understood what he was saying, i couldn't quite make it out, sounds like he was joking but who knows, certainly a very strange theory if it's understandable.
  11. Billy-no-mates

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Jeez your all as bad as each other, if someone in your opinion flames (or some other silly internet word) you don't have to answer them or make sacastic comments back, it leads you all to go around in circles and get nothing constructive done, just a suggestion
  12. Billy-no-mates

    Yet another ArmA sound modification

    Was hoping for a release on D-day , but will happily wait until D-day + 100 for this
  13. Billy-no-mates

    Vehicle vulnerability.

    So were all agreed refering to the OP that the vehicle dammage system on APC's and all vehicles needs to be changed and RPG dammage either reduced or implementation of a different system to vehicle reaches damage =1 = explosion. Picket boards out then
  14. Billy-no-mates

    Vehicle vulnerability.

    But as i tried to say dosen't balancing the vehicles completely take away the realism aspect?, what bits are we calling realistic?
  15. Billy-no-mates

    Vehicle vulnerability.

    Well for me it's a burger and a beer then out for a run later