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Everything posted by BlackCatSLO

  1. Hy there i have question,... how can i decode encoded mission.sqm to plain text so it can be oppened with arma editor....
  2. Hy there im tring to make TOW missle explode in mid air, i used that black cube but it doesnt happen any thing.. Any idea? Tnx for help...
  3. Hmm i think you should track all AI objects in script and checking thers dead "life" time... if life time is excidet and they are dead deleteUnit...or deleteVehicle.
  4. BlackCatSLO

    Exploding TOW missles in mid air

    Hehe, just for fun...in know the TOW doesnt explode in air like that(i like realism), but its not fun making FIREWORKS? My recepie for that is: IDIOTIC IDEA + realistic sounds + targeting script(like for artilery bearing and angle) + TOW exploding script + 52 Strykers or more + 2 rockets in lounch pad equals FUN the only missing ingredient is TOW exploding script...
  5. Hy there i need some help im making dialog for displaying some data, but when i show up that dialog the mouse shows up and i can not play. How can i solve this?
  6. BlackCatSLO

    Exploding TOW missles in mid air

    Ok the tow missle is launched from Stryker ok the problem is not to get that missle object but to explode it. Im making fireworks with 50 strykers and writing script to fire that TOWs in the line... i have only problem that the rockets doesnt want to explode....
  7. Hy i have one big problem Im writing a script to click on map and then Abrams will point at the same point but when tank fires his M256 cannon turns in some idiotic position that is not good. I even make loop with goto but i get same result. The aiming code looks like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _shooter = _this select 0 [_shooter] exec "fire.sqs" #target_force ?(!setfire): _shooter doWatch loc_targ ~(0.01) goto "target_force" the fireing code looks like this... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _shooter = _this select 0 #fire_force ?(fire): _shooter fire "M256" ~(1.3 + (random 10) / 10) goto "fire_force" Tnx for help. I need solution very fast.
  8. BlackCatSLO

    Flying AI plane exact over the target

    im droping bombs with<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _pilotunit selectWeapon "BomberLauncher" _pilotunit fire "BomberLauncher" ~0.3 _pilotunit fire "BomberLauncher" ~0.3 _pilotunit fire "BomberLauncher" i did find out what is going wrong, becouse i was using pitagora for calcing 2d distance and "distance" the coordinate units and meter units ratio wasn't right(with distance value was 200m and with coord pitagora was 10m ). And now plane flies in 2d space 1m - 10m away from target.
  9. Hy there, im writing script in witch you can order "onMap" AI AV8B2 bombers to fly over the target and drop bombs. Every thing works great from taking off and landing, but the AI plane doesnt want to fly exact over the target. AI flies 600m away from the target(i did use doMove), and becouse im using few physic equations to calc optimal range to drop bombs, droping bombs doesnt occur. The droping range is about 20m - 60m but bomber doesnt come in that area. I did try to use doTarget, but bomber uses machine gun instead. I only need to know how to order plane to fly over the target area, tnx for help. I hope you understand whats my problem and sory for bad english.
  10. Im making mod to replace default infantry, vehicles icons with red and green dots, becouse AA is not some kind of COD. And every infantry or vehicle have to be reported by the AI or human player. And that units that are not seen by the player they have to bee seen on the map on its last location. Any idea where to start, the scripting is not a big problem for me... Tnx for help.
  11. BlackCatSLO

    Decoding mission.sqm to plain text

    tnx, first i did try with unrap but unrap dont work with this. Eliteness is working in my problem.
  12. BlackCatSLO

    Decoding mission.sqm to plain text

    the problem is the mission.sqm is not a plain text... i can not open it with mission editor. i tried to put that mission.sara folder in to mission folder but when i go to mission editor and load that mission nothing happendd, packet in pbo i can load and play. i did open mission.sqm with notepad but its binary data. nothing plain as is have to be.
  13. BlackCatSLO

    Squad XML Not Working, Help

    I have the same problem. The squad member info is working for everyone but squad info is not working. I did get squad.xml and other files at community wiki. I can not get working this thing .
  14. Hy, i have one big problem im writing script for repairing the vehicles but i did ran in to problems, i can not find out whats wrong with this code the hint command is there just for testing and i dont think its the problem... is empty trigger on the map repairshop_trig just for marking the location... This script runs in the init. The errors are: generic error somewere in for loop, mising { <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #cnext _alltypes = "Currently in repair zone:\n"; _i = 0 _objlist = position repairshop_trig nearObjects ["LandVehicle",15] if ((count _objlist) >= 1) then { for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objlist) - 1) do { _obj = _objlist select _i; _alltypes = format["%1\n %2",_alltypes , _obj]; _speed = sqrt(((_obj velocity select 0) * (_obj velocity select 0))+((_obj velocity select 1) * (_obj velocity select 1))+((_obj velocity select 2) * (_obj velocity select 2))); if (_speed < 1) then {_obj setVehicleArmor 1;}; }; hint format["%1\n NUM OF REPAIRS: %2",_alltypes , count _objlist] }; ~1 goto "cnext" tnx for help
  15. Hy there, im looking a way to get direction of the tank turret. So i can algin cam on that direction. Tnx.
  16. Hmm i think you have to use  doTarget and then sendsimplecommand "fire" im not 100% if this would work
  17. Tnx MadDogX i did asing thows units with moveInCargo and then i did forget do do this
  18. I have problem when units are ejected, black hawk just land somewere and waits until units are back in cargo, I want to eject units in air and helo have to continue with its path. I tried to use Transport Unload, Unload and GetOut but everything is the same thing. Tnx for eny help Sory for my bad english
  19. Hy there i have question. I did make triger which activate on radio message and does work but i have problem with 'tank sendSimpleCommand "Forward"' and it just doesnt work. I only want to move tank Forward without any moveTo, doMove or commandMove. Tnx for eny help. EDIT: this command only works if im commander in the tank and thats not good becouse i want to order this to whole tank platoon.
  20. Hy there this is my first post here. Im looking a wait to create my own dialogs not radio dialogs, windows(with buttons, list, etc.) and when you click on button the sqs or sqf script will execute... and when i gona triger one action then this dialog(window) will popup... I just need to see sample, how to do it and thats it. And i need this becouse im building up sandbox where you beable to build, create and command your AI troops in multyplayer like in thow strategic games but here is gona be anything in first person.