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Everything posted by Bandicoot

  1. Hi, I hope someone can help me with this one. I'm having troubles creating a way when a unit(blufor/opfor) fires a weapon and a nearby civilian will flee in a random 100 mtrs direction. Â I'm using an eventhandler as a condition to set the ball rolling. Example: Init field of unit firing: this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this execVM "flee.sqf"}] Flee.sqf file: This does work in SP setup, but the MP Dedicated server setup it doesn't. Â I think its to do with the AI not being a client controlled thing, but I 'm lost otherwise. Btw I had used "this Allowfleeing 1" and this just makes the AI go to one location in town in this example. Â You end up with a huddle of civilians instead of fleeing the fire zone.
  2. Bandicoot

    Add action to object

    Try adding <name of scud> removeaction myaction; at the bottom of the script("disabled1.sqf") also as the scud won't need the action if its disabled. Bandicoot
  3. No, Â its repeatable. Â The last part for "FleeCiv.sqf", says Fired_gun= nil; publicVariable "Fired_gun"; So that means the variable is ready again to make known if a new unit is firing a shot. Â Plus the eventhandler "Fired" is a repeatable event. Â A lot of the times too the Civilians will drop prone before moving, which I think can be a realism factor before running off. Â I don't think its a big issue the simultaneously part as the civilians will go prone first in most cases. I have a demo on my server and I'll make a link to download a copy of the mission. Â So in a busy town with bluefor and Opfor firing in town some civilians may get caught in the cross fire which is what I wanted to happen. Demo_Fleeing_Civilians.Intro.zip Regards, Bandicoot
  4. Finally, for the record a working example. Init.sqf: Unit Init or make a trigger for all units: Flee.sqf: FleeCiv.sqf: Fired_gun variable was where I was having issues in "FleeCiv.sqf", I had it as "_unit = _this select 0;". I hope this helps someone else as another example for addPublicVariableEventHandler usage. Thank you for reading. Bandicoot
  5. Still no luck, Â this is what I've tried in trying to understand Publicvariable of this kind in MP. Init.sqf: Unit's Init: Flee.sqf: as per this Example. Regards, Bandicoot
  6. Bandicoot

    Script help

    Thanks dengibtsschon. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> call format [{ [{Ncode1 = ""%1""}] exec {publicCode.sqs}}, _code]; This did the trick The "call format" to exec the publicCode was the solution for this script. Â Thank you Pulverizer for your script "publicCode.sqs". Trying to keep the old OFP girl alive. Â Regards, Bandicoot
  7. Bandicoot

    Script help

    Hi, I'm using a random code gen from Codepad by Blanco(Modified by - RickUK 2007-01-04) for missions involving getting a code off dead bodies or speak to someone, but what I'm having issues is that the setup in MP mode doesn't let everyone have the same code. Â I've tried just the DedicServer to create the code, but how can I transfer the same code to the other clients. Â Can anyone see what the problem is? ie- <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#Init Codereadycheck=false;Publicvariable "Codereadycheck" codefound = false Ncode1 =[] MAXNR = 6 ;If client goto #start and wait for server to create code ?!(local server): goto "Start" #Create_random_digit _digits = ["1","2","3","4","5","6"," ;7","8","9","0","",""] _countdigits = count _digits _code = "" _i = 0 #CYCLE _r = random _countdigits _r = _r - _r % 1 _digit = _digits select _r ; You can't put special characters in a string for some reason..., Even between double qoutes.I had to find an alternative,it works great! ? _r == 10 : _digit = "#" ? _r == 11 : _digit = "*" _code = _code + format ["%1",_digit] _i = _i + 1 ?_i < MAXNR : goto "CYCLE" Ncode1 = _code; Publicvariable "Ncode1" ~1 Codereadycheck=true;Publicvariable "Codereadycheck" #Start ;clients wait for server to create code @Codereadycheck ~1 hint format["%1",Ncode1] [code_pad,Ncode1] exec "\TEFextras\codepad\pad\numpad.sqs" ;?(Randomunits):[Codekeeper] exec "\TEFextras\codepad\pad\randomassign.sqs";exit [Codekeeper] exec "\TEFextras\codepad\pad\bodysearch.sqs" exit I endup getting the scalar error msg, meaning the clients didn't get the code I assume. Should I be using a code that is more numeric rather than string format to make the info more of a publicvariable or is that barking up the wrong tree? Regards, Bandicoot
  8. Bandicoot

    Script help

    Hi, I tested the Publiccode.sqs,  found that the information  it sends is like setting up a trigger, you can't send Local variable. [{Ncode1 = _code}] exec "publicCode.sqs" This is what is sent and read: Ncode1 = _code So I'm trying to send what is in the variable Ncode1 to update all clients verison of Ncode1. I see what its doing in that all clients create a unit with the init details, but its not displaying in the init what the variable equals. Unless format ["%1", _Code], but then wouldn't it just say that instead of having the logic to display whats within the variable? Regards, Bandicoot
  9. Bandicoot

    RAF Chinook HC.2

    Hi, I too have found a way to transport vehicles slung underneath and correct BAS KLR issue to transport bikes. Â My problem is it has to be configured to typed vehicles and not just any vehicle. ie- "jeep", "CBT_M998_W", "Zodiac" Â Still compacting the script atm, but it works. My solution is for MP, however it should work in SP. Â The problems with other scripts is lag time between client>server>client updating. Â BTW this is for OFP not ArmA. Â Regards, Bandicoot
  10. Bandicoot

    Server ww2 !

    Is this a Server startup error msg or when you select a mission? (Server or "Mission.sqm" related) Check your commandline, Â it could always be just a typo. Bandicoot
  11. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ml+tags Suma answered this for me from the above post. Â I found out my Server provider didn't have HTTP protocol enabled for the folder. Â So its like saying can the Server browse the internet? Â Bandicoot www.teameliteforces.com
  12. Same problem is we can see our XML tags on other servers except our own, Â I assume it is udp or tcp access by the server? Â Anyone know the fix?
  13. Bandicoot

    Passenger ship

    Looks promising, keep at it.
  14. Bandicoot

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Hi Thunderbird84, I'd like to say congrats on your work and dedication you've put into FFUR. Â I am administering the OFP game server here at Team Elite Forces (www.teameliteforces.com) and would like to pursue having your MOD played online with our members. Â I have not read the current entire 40 pages so far on this forum and forgive me if I have missed this particular concern. Â Currently I am having difficulties with stable connection(server crash), similair to users having different Animation configs(users do have same setup). Â I am aware you mentioned the MOD is not ONLINE tested, but could this be related to more of a scripting issue where the script is either configured to run only on client or server? Edit: =================================== No can't keep client stable on MP. SP is fine. =================================== Bandicoot
  15. Bandicoot

    Tunnels in mountains..

    Errr....and you tested the links right? Â Nice pics on the ones that work and then comes the tease. Â http://ofp.gamepark.cz needs to checks its database. Almost gave up, PCCaves.zip link worked the second time round. Â Wished that "Upcoming Bahadur v1.9 Release" got released. Â Back to the...yeah search button or teach myself to make a map too. Bandicoot www.teameliteforces.com Team Elite Forces [TEF]
  16. Bandicoot

    Tunnels in mountains..

    Errr....and you tested the links right? Â Nice pics on the ones that work and then comes the tease. Â http://ofp.gamepark.cz needs to checks its database. Almost gave up, PCCaves.zip link worked the second time round. Â Wished that "Upcoming Bahadur v1.9 Release" got released. Â Back to the...yeah search button or teach myself to make a map too. Bandicoot www.teameliteforces.com Team Elite Forces [TEF]
  17. Bandicoot

    Tunnels in mountains..

    Bump. Because I have not seen an Island map with a Tunnel. None of the links work, infact a lot of links dont work on this forum site. Yes, private people are hosting the links that is one reason. I just find it annoying and am finding this place a last resort than anything else. I guess I'm too late as AA takes over.
  18. Bandicoot

    Tunnels in mountains..

    Bump. Because I have not seen an Island map with a Tunnel. None of the links work, infact a lot of links dont work on this forum site. Yes, private people are hosting the links that is one reason. I just find it annoying and am finding this place a last resort than anything else. I guess I'm too late as AA takes over.
  19. Hi, I'm trying to add a simple detection line in a script like a trigger in editor. "NOT Detect any East units within a particular radius of a waypoint/marker/unit". Â ? (waypoint _distance EAST) => 200 : goto "exit" No EAST units within 200 of Unit(called Waypoint) to exit script. ================= The only option I've found that works involves creating a trigger(EAST- Not Present - Once - Radius 200 -ACTIVATE:H setdamage 4 ) and H is a unit (H Invisible object). And in the script add this to exit it: ?(Alive H):goto "Cont" goto "Exit" #Cont ================ Can someone please advise if there is another way? Thanks Bandicoot
  20. Bandicoot

    East Detection command?

    Thanks guys, one less trigger in this one. Regards Bandicoot