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Everything posted by buehgler_as

  1. buehgler_as

    TMR Modular Realism

    This needs to be corrected in the mod.
  2. buehgler_as

    TMR Modular Realism

    The triple monitor issue is just a problem with how the scaling is being done. It should be resolved by using safeZoneXAbs and safeZoneWAbs in place of safeZoneX and safeZoneW. In triple monitor setups the non "Abs" versions of these functions return the size of the middle monitor, not the entire display. This is useful for placing UI elements in the correct place, but will not scale "whole display" items (like the 2D scopes) correctly.
  3. Thanks very much for the update. I am very glad you were able to improve the ACE compatibility.
  4. While these two will behave the same (although I suspect firefly wants to sleep for something like 0.1 sec) waitUntil { sleep 1; variableName }; while {!variableName} do { sleep 1 }; My understanding is that these waitUntil {variableName }; while {!variableName} do { }; will have very different impact on game/server performance. The waitUntil version should only check once per frame, while the while version will check multiple times within the frame, until the script scheduler decides it has had enough time.
  5. This looks absolutely great. I am looking forward to DLing this over the weekend. Thanks very much for doing this. IMO, this is the "right" way to do this. Since our group runs ACE, we will be waiting for this before we can fully integrate this mod onto our servers. Keep up the great work!
  6. +1 I think this is dead on. In addition to these recent betas making some great progress in terms of stability and look of the game, we are getting some critical tools to improve scripted response/reactions of AI. This is something that I expect will significantly increase opportunities for stealth oriented missions, and I appreciate the effort by BIS. Please keep up the great work.
  7. The LOD blending addition had a significant impact for me. Sure some of the transitions still do not happen exactly when/where I would expect/desire them, but the smooth transition between them is much appreciated. However, I also saw the 'Internal error: Rendering command buffer to small' crash twice yesterday. First one happened just as dusk was falling, second one when I attempted to rejoin that same mission ~5 minutes later. After ~20 minutes (and night had fallen) I could rejoin w/o a problem. I added my report and bidmp to the CIT issue for this, sorry there was no mdmp. I hope this can get resolved quickly. Thanks
  8. buehgler_as

    ASR AI Skills

    Great to see this released Robalo. It has been great to see this evolve and stabilize nicely over the past few months.
  9. Glad to see that "-skipIntro" has helped a few people. I am still confused as to why running the intro would result int he mod becoming as broken as it does -- my presumption is that with an intro the load and initialization order is changed in some way that results in all of the trouble. We to have seen the "hands stay up" bug with a number of weapons we have in our mod-set. It also seems that you are not able to blind-fire with those weapons as well. Again, I presume there is some missing config information for those weapons that is causing both of these issues. Really looking forward to RC2, this has definitely enhanced gameplay for us.
  10. Try adding the "-skipIntro" flag. After spending nearly an hour trying to figure the same error out with our groups mod set, we finally tracked it down to this. Strange, confusing, non-intuitive??? Yes, yes, and YES... But it does seem to work just fine after that.
  11. I have been able to produce crashes with 4 and 2. Just like everyone else 4 CTD at game start, 2 was non-responsive after ~10 minutes and never came back. FPS performance is essentially equivalent between 0, 1, and 3. However, 1 reliably kept the working set the smallest, closely followed by 0 and 3 always seemed to end up with a significantly larger memory footprint. Based on this my vote is for 1, with the hope that being able to keep the working set smaller means less heap fragmentation and thus reduced chances of out of memory errors.
  12. buehgler_as

    ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

    I agree, however there is ambiguity over what is meant by the 1st bit. Most programmers/engineers will refer the the 1st bit as the least significant bit, or the 1's bit. The 2nd bit would be the 2's bit, etc. From what I see the following is correct: The new AA effects look very nice on the trees and grass on Takistan, at lower LODs. For my taste the transition as LOD drops on the A2 trees is a bit drastic and results on yellow and green puffs of "cotton candy" behind the more normal looking trees.
  13. Lots of folks seem to have the "unavailable" issues with the steam version -- my PMC will not even "install" after the download. I hope this gets sorted quickly.
  14. I think this AddOn is a really great idea. However, it seems to me that as it is currently implemented it will not work as expected in an MP setting or if a player enters an empty helicopter. In both cases the CAS feature will be enabled with a player-pilot operating the helicopter. My suggestion/"fix" is to change the logic that wraps the core functionality as follows. while (alive _myac) do { if {((damage _myac) > 0.2) or (not canMove _myac) or (isPlayer driver _myac) or ((abs speed _myac) <= 30)} then { sleep 0.5 } else { .... CAS math here ... } } Basically, this replaces the "_myac == player" checks with "isPlayer driver _myac". With this change you can also delete the "if ... exitwith {}" at the top, since according to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/exitwith you should not use exitwith unless you are breaking out of a loop.
  15. Looking forward to giving this a try. Thanks for the effort!!