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Everything posted by Bingo

  1. Bingo

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Nice job BIS. * Overall performance increase for me (middle of the road PC), particularly in urban areas which were always a bit choppy and (literally) hit'n'miss. * Largescale online maps seem to be smoother (e.g AirCav) * Loss of mini-map in in-game Escape menu? Where'd that go, liked it!! Or could that be the mission I played? * Odd relaying out of main menu buttons... Not sure why Multiplayer had to come "out" of the "Play" section... Not a biggy. * Armoury is an interesting addition... could while away a bit of time there. * A10 is fun. So, overall ingame is improved and (from my perspective) I haven't seen any "new" bugs introduced, just the odd one that was there before, but all mostly minor. I like it. Just miss the minimap...
  2. Bingo

    No Arma April Fools?

    I was hoping to hit the forums this morning and see something along the lines of: Major BIS announcement In listening to our community we have decided, as of patch 1.06, to include full French army soldiers, and equipment. To facilitate this, we have included a new action: "Drop Rifle and Surrender" In addition to this, when playing this side in CTI, should any one member perform this action, everyone else will automatically follow suite. You can find this in our changelog under the label "Cheese-eating surrender monkey additions".
  3. Bingo

    Crysis Nukes

    That and a crytek-driven island the size of Arma's = Huge mofo of an install....
  4. Bingo

    Crysis Nukes

    That and a crytek-driven island the size of Arma's = Huge mofo of an install....
  5. Bingo

    No Arma April Fools?

    Actually, I didn't see any april-fool stuff on the forums... I just woke up, hence how retarded it was.... I did find this, tho: http://www.google.com/tisp/ Which you've probably all seen. Only problem with the Armed Assault on PS3 April Fool is that it's not that unbelievable Peace out all!
  6. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    That's quite neat, actually... I like the idea of challenge/pass... system would generate the words, of course... and you could actually do this using just scripting, I believe...
  7. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    That's quite neat, actually... I like the idea of challenge/pass... system would generate the words, of course... and you could actually do this using just scripting, I believe...
  8. Bingo

    New sniper system?

    If it's 100% realism you're looking for, I suggest you buy VBS... ArmA has to make money for the publishers, and also doesn't want to make the buyers of VBS look like fools. ArmA is a video game, end of story. Sorry mate.
  9. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    Whilst it may be unrealistic, adding Teamkill options such as "reflective" (as in, you get hurt with the damage you would have done), does wonders to reduce teamkilling. Servers on other games I have played have taken this to a different level... after a TK you get a warning, after another, it gets set to reflective (just for you)... so one accidental TK doesn't harm your game (it can happen)... anyone who continuously intentionally TK's, kills only themselves. Obviously this only works with gametypes that are supporting respawn.
  10. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    Whilst it may be unrealistic, adding Teamkill options such as "reflective" (as in, you get hurt with the damage you would have done), does wonders to reduce teamkilling. Servers on other games I have played have taken this to a different level... after a TK you get a warning, after another, it gets set to reflective (just for you)... so one accidental TK doesn't harm your game (it can happen)... anyone who continuously intentionally TK's, kills only themselves. Obviously this only works with gametypes that are supporting respawn.
  11. Bingo

    XML: Beginning to End Explaination Needed.

    XML, stands for eXtensible Markup Language. I have worked with it for over 5 years. Your questions are incredibly vague. Next time, I won't bother trying to give you a hand.
  12. Bingo

    XML: Beginning to End Explaination Needed.

    I am really confused here... has this to do with mission editing? Where is the XML correlation with the other points? Why do you need to host XML? Do you mean HTML, as in a website? Maybe someone else can make light of this...
  13. Bingo

    optional alternative flight model

    I would be all for flight certification. It doesn't stop the whoring of helis on pub servers, but would reduce the amount of crashes killing all on board. Certification would, imho, be optional for a server. Whilst servers not running vehicle certification would attract a bad crowd (perhaps), it should be sortable in the browser (along with other filters)... only show me servers that have certification enabled. Some may argue that this restricts the players ability to play as he or she sees fit on public servers, but I believe that this is better than the current "free for all" state of most MP FPS's out there currently.
  14. Bingo

    Friendly AI..

    Great job guys Had me laughing @deanos: Even had the other half laughing and she didn't get the underlying reason why it's funny, but it was funny for her nonetheless!
  15. Bingo

    How to influence AI's rat of fire?

    /signed. Real soldiers correct me if I'm wrong, but in the heat of the battle isn't it faster to say "shoot anything that comes out of that damn street" rather than orchestrating each 1 on 1? It'd be great to order the MG to lay down suppressing fire whilst me and the other guys sneak around a different way. PS: A "take one for the team" option would be cool too
  16. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    Memorising faces isn't the half of it. I looked at the images of each face from a link in the biki earlier today, and although it seems like there were 40 odd, I managed to distinguish: 1) Mildly surprised caucasian 2) Mildly surprised african 3) Old, mildly-surprised african (this may or may not have been Morgan Freeman). Good luck!
  17. Bingo

    Identifying players?

    Memorising faces isn't the half of it. I looked at the images of each face from a link in the biki earlier today, and although it seems like there were 40 odd, I managed to distinguish: 1) Mildly surprised caucasian 2) Mildly surprised african 3) Old, mildly-surprised african (this may or may not have been Morgan Freeman). Good luck!
  18. Bingo

    Arma Community

    If you join a public server and see all that non-cooperative, teamkilling, spawn raping behaviour then I can just say "welcome to the internet". Â It may have brought many people of different creeds together to game together, but unluckily many left their etiquette back at home. Â Nobody's gonna physically hurt you if you TK them right? Â Ha! But this is by no means an ArmA issue, far from it. Â In fact the Arma community is just that, a community. Â I also thing the OFP/Arma community is unique in the fact that a large proportion of the players ARE pretty smart and not TeamKilling f00ls. Join a clan, do co-op or clan v clan... Â That's what sets Arma apart from all the other see-it shoot-it games out there. Â But sorry, to liken the arma community to the BF2 community is a bit like likening Angelina Jolie to Roseanne Barr. Â IMHO EDIT: some typos.
  19. Bingo

    Demo dissapoints

    Hate to say it, but I agree with you. I am a BIG fan of OFP and ARMA. It is because I am this big fan that I bought ArmA. These days I don't just buy games off the shelf because the look cool, I read reviews, I read forums, I play demos, and I say "yeah, that's worth 45 bucks". I bought arma out of principle because I knew, demo-aside and bugs-aside, it would be amazing eventually. That's why I had no qualms about purchasing it. To a newcomer? To mass-market gamers? Utter failure. Sorry to be blunt, but if you want a man to marry your daughter, you don't show him pictures of her potty-training.
  20. Bingo

    "Fall into formation..."

    Wow troop, nice explanation I'll keep that in mind, even though I'm not the guy with the issue. Has this been wikiid?
  21. Bingo

    Demo dissapoints

    This is the correct motorcycle
  22. Bingo

    Demo dissapoints

    You can turn the demo in to an SP experience by merely hosting yourself and locking the server. No connection worries, and you can control your AI fellows... well, so much....
  23. Bingo

    Cant move while reloading

    Well, quite. I just find it odd that if it is as you say (I cannot refute your observation), then have BIS taken a step backwards? Anyway, this is getting off-topic.. we have what we have.
  24. Bingo

    Cant move while reloading

    True, so I don't see the issue...
  25. Bingo

    petition for wood camo

    The point we're trying to make is that an addon management system would fill in any missing addons, so you could choose which ones you like best and not have to worry. do the relavent "bits" get included in the pbo? As in, there is no need to download anything else but my mission file? (Apologies for sounding n00b... my experience with mission editing has so far been constrained to OFP and no add-ons, and am just beginning to move on in to Arma).