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Everything posted by Biggleska

  1. I was playing last night on the 16AAB server, Air Assault. There was a player who i'll call "Joe" in this post as I don't want to name him; He was whining on, and on, and on about how the gameplay should have been updated, and how he didn't want updated graphics - just improved gameplay. Did I tell you that according to him the only thing improved in ARMA is the graphics? Well, anyway.. he told us on the server many times, in addition to how much he dislikes the game and prefers ofp - to which I replied "Why don't you just stop playing and go back to OFP then?" This angered Joe greatly, "who do you think you are, talking to me like that? i'm an OFP bet, you can't if you've even played it at all" I bought OFP in 2002 (well, I made a mistake and told him 2003) and played it often up until late 2005 by which time i'd lost the discs and my (now) old computer had died, I told him this and he said again "you noob, i'm an OFP vet. I played OFP from 2001 and why should I stop playing arma?" I know OFP and ARMA like the back of my hand, but I don't go about treating all other players who don't like dirt, I try to help those who don't know the game very well (though almost a month after the 505 release most people don't need help anymore) - what's his problem? It wasn't even if he was trying to enjoy the game, he simply standing around the base shouting "KICK!" "BAN!" every time someone accidentally crashed a truck, or fired off a bullet at random "stop wasting ammo!" Anybody else experienced people like this?
  2. Biggleska

    Armed Assault videos

    Thanks, your reaction(s) are really making this worthwhile for me, and yes.. I do enjoy having fun at others expense. Stay tuned folks, Part 3 shouldn't be too long away!
  3. Biggleska

    Armed Assault videos

    watched it when I was young
  4. Biggleska

    Armed Assault videos

    BIG DESTRUCTION!: *removed by mod*
  5. Biggleska

    Veterans with superiority complexes.

    It wasn't a member of your clan/staff, it was just a regular to your server - and as I mentioned in my post, i'm not going to post his name here.
  6. I bought the game yesterday in GAME at st david's arcade, cardiff at 17:38 on the 22nd of feburary 2007. Every time I restart the computer and try to play the game, it says "bad serial key given in setup" and I have to reinstall it: how do I fix this?
  7. Biggleska

    Beta of my armed civies available

    and me please, backifran@gmail.com