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Everything posted by Butta

  1. Squad name- Roughnecks Squad acronym-RN Squad location-The World Squad webpage- http://roughnecks.org/ Squad butanootz@hotmail.com]contact-butanootz@hotmail.com[/email] Squad status-active/recruiting
  2. Butta

    Favorite Mutliplayer Missions

    Sometimes,its just about fun
  3. Butta

    European Armed Assault To Feature Exclusive Conten

    The Exclusive content is probably a plastic soldier and a paper map
  4. Butta

    ArmA MP Bug

    Fair enough,this isnt a post to burn BIS just want to know if it will be fixed is all. be nice to get some Dev feedback
  5. Butta

    Good Players

    Highlanders a Noob!
  6. Butta

    Commander Mission #9

    Im having this problem too what did u do to fix it?
  7. Butta

    ArmA MP Bug

    Im getting the same thing I cant hear gunshots from a distance over 20-30+feet,i can hear the bullets hitting around me,I have tried 3 different sound crads and all the latest drivers,HW accel eax,u name it,anyone else getting this problem?