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About BadKarma1001

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  1. BadKarma1001

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Thank you for reporting it, I will fix'em asap. Regards, TB Thank you! No problem! Keep up the good work!!!
  2. BadKarma1001

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    actuallly i know the techwarriorz link work but they capped the word MOD in the link is all. Should be simple for TB to correct. If a problem still goto www.techwarriorz.com we host the files there as well. Thx downloaded there!
  3. BadKarma1001

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    Is there a reason why the links to 2.5 on the FFUR website are all dead? Can someone provide me with an alternative link?
  4. BadKarma1001

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Still downloadable at: http://armed-assault.de/news/ffamm-14.html and i think it´s a little petty to disable the download based an the "accusations" of Goeth. Makes me wounder
  5. BadKarma1001

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Sorry but ppl writing THIS expression are phrasemongers the worst kind! Nobody is complaining except the wiseasses who camplaining about the "complainers"! Chammy go ahead! Take your time! Love your mod!
  6. Any news regarding this mod?
  7. My thoughts exaxtly! As much as i appreciate the efforts of modmakers, this imho kind of "new" approach want to have everything "perfect" when they release a mod tends to annoy me. I´m not talking just about this mod, but a growing part of the modding community (Insurgency or MAW anyone?). That kind of profesionalism seems to kill the fun of the whole thing because it´s a mod, i don´t expect it to be perfect i want to try it and if i don´t like it i erase it from my HD and if it crashes i try to figure out why and wait for a new release, so no biggie!
  8. Agree with you here! There where at last already two release dates going down the drain! Feels like a coitus interruptus!
  9. Just stumbeld over the video in youtube and i´m very impressed! Keep up the good work! ...and is the a release date?