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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    Remove the blinding sun in A3 please

    What a stupid feature request... What about...remove weapon recoil in A3...I can't hit anything...
  2. Bouben

    Community feedback - improvments for Arma3

    AI. Nothing more.
  3. Exactly those two gameplay features I have mentioned in my post. Units does not matter.
  4. Hello guys, I have a question. Is it somehow possible to use ACE for only few features it has? Weapon resting, range adjustments?
  5. Any proof? Playing since 2001 OFP and have never noticed anything like this.
  6. That's what I meant. Thanks. Yes, that was it. Something more effective. A lot of deaths is caused by AI's unnecessary slow reactions combined with a need to stop and go down.
  7. If I am not mistaken this will not lead to a flanking manoeuvre but to taking a diagonal route to an enemy position.
  8. Yes, I would like to have it fixed too. Found it out just now.
  9. It would be enough, if AI in ARMA was able to look before going behind a corner and shoot while moving.
  10. Man, I never play campaigns or missions. I just want OA features and those two DLCs so it is not worth the money for me to buy full OA. From what I know the features and models are full-quality even in lite. Only the missions and campaing is missing. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
  11. Guys, one question here. Is it possible to merge RFT with A2? Thanks. Really thinking about buying RFT.
  12. Yep, there is a lot of things that ARMA2 could learn from MOW. It is an excellent game with a lot of innovative stuff. Even the AI is very interesting at times.
  13. Guys, the problem is (old and...) simple. AI tend to shoot bullets at Vodniks even tho the commander behind that huge cannon is absolutely covered by an armoured turret. Yes, bullets will eventually destroy the vehicle but for the price of 3/4 of my squad and lot of ammo. So the question is, how to force my AT guys to use AT weapons in case of Vodniks and other similarly behaving vehicles? Did somebody make some fix for this? I hoped it would be fixed after all those patches. Thank you. Using the latest version of A2. No OA, no RFT.
  14. Bouben

    How to deal with Vodniks?

    If you be so kind I would be very grateful.
  15. Bouben

    How to deal with Vodniks?

    Yeah, but how to do that in a real-time battle? Controls are problematic. Man, that would be amazing if someone really did. Maybe I should put it in the addon request thread?
  16. Bouben

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 75666

    Oh guys! Come on! No feedback on AI changes?? I don't have my ARMA at the moment and I am really excited to read some feedback on AI. It's been a long time since the last AI change was introduced so please! :D
  17. Disengage is functional, but it has a different function. It is not supposed to withdraw your squad from a combat. It is supposed to disengage engaged units AFAIK. i.e. "1 engage that officer" - "1 disengage" correct me if I am mistaken. ---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:42 PM ---------- Yes, I would also prefered tank behaviour based on experience of people who have driven tanks in real. If BIS could choose those people and discuss it, that would be great and imho better than deciding based on some superficial feeling of majority of people how a tank driving should look like. No offense, you know what I mean. I personally have no experience with it at all, so I would be grateful for opinions of real experts.
  18. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    But that's it. I just moved it in my prefered area and tested it and they've again magically seen me through grass. And you did not answer me on some questions in my last post. Thank you to do so.
  19. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    Allright, I've tested this updated mission. The terrain is not flat. There is a small wave and teleport location is too far and also behind a small wave. AI is not so precise so the small wave is enough to hide you. Please, find a really flat terrain like around an airport and set your postition and teleport position up to 100 meters away. Only that will make a transparent test. And what are your skill settings for AI and are you testing a vanilla game? Thanks ---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ---------- Can't confirm. I've always waited for knowsAbout to go up and teleported only after that and enemy would instantly turn at my new teleport position and shoot me. I've even waited for enemy to start shooting at me and only then teleported with the same result - death and xray vision.
  20. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    There is nothing to test. Nemesises video is what I've tested numerous times in my scenarios. And situation in Nemesises video is the situation I am intersted in. If Nemesises video isn't enough for you, then nevermind. I don't want to discuss it anymore. I am tired. From now, I will be just quoting Nemesises video as a proof and if anyone don't like it, then just forget it. Cheers. EDIT: Oh my god. I've just tested that mission. YOU ARE TOO FAR FROM THE ENEMY AND EVEN BEHIND HILL AND YOU WILL TELEPORT BEHIND TERRAIN SURFACE - BEHIND HILL MOREOVER LIKE 300 METERS AWAY! Of course they will not see you! Because there is a LOD that will block their vision - the terrain surface! You must test it on completely FLAT terrain because we are testing GRASS not terrain! If this is a source of your confusion, than I absolutely understand it. When I moved testing to some flat area with a high grass around I was AGAIN SEEN THROUGH GRASS BY THEIR MAGICAL X RAY VISION. There you go, the proof. Again. !!!For testing this properly following conditions must be accomplished!!!: - Firstly, realize that we wanna test only grass and its concealment capabilities so we need: 1) completely flat terrain 2) high, dense grass so that you can't see anything 3) terrain without rocks, bushes, houses, trees and any other objects with LOD 4) starting position like 100 meters behind enemy and teleport position also like 100 meters in mirrored direction from the starting area - if you teleport yourself like 300 meters away AI will be also affected by distance and we don't want this 5) enemy must be ONLY ONE SINGLE UNIT so that we can prevent enemy watching more than one direction 6) you must of course test it in the vanilla version of Arma2 If you test it in this conditions you will fail and enemy will shoot you like in nemesises video and it will prove that grass is not taken in account if your knowsAbout is above 0
  21. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    I've never said that you are dumb. I have nothing against you. Stay cool. Nothing happened. Cheers.
  22. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    If you people do not understand thing happening in the video, then this discussion is pointless already. I can not imagine example of this problem to be more clear and simple. Lets quit this.
  23. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    I don't know if I understand your article well, but the point is, that you should test AI's seeing capabilities after you've attacked them. Nothing else. Stealth test without showing yourself to enemy is pointless. I was told by Nemesis recently that he's preparing a explanation video at the moment. So lets wait for it.
  24. Bouben

    Mythbusters ArmA edition.

    What proof you have? Nothing? Or some chaotic gameplay experience where you THINK it is how it is? If you look at that ticket, there is a proof that you are wrong. And if you read that BIS statement, they're basicly saying that yes, grass areas has some camouflage bonus, but that bonus is simply based on numbers in configs and has nothing to do with LOS of AI. Moreover - these numbers stops their function once a player have been spotted. I've written exact examples of behaviour we're discussing here but you're simply still re-playing that old tape. As if I was talking with a little child whose toy I've touched. This is incredible how ignorant can some people be. Please, study the engine a little and try to go over it despite your big love for the game. Reproduced and confirmed. Sorry for touching your toy.