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Posts posted by big

  1. I don't get all that people saying Spain's football is boring.

    Why don't you blame the other team?, they just defend in their side, running after the ball. They press and Spain keeps the ball cause they are unable to recover it from Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Xabi, ... that's why they just stay all close trying to reduce spaces.

    Why don't you ask them to go for it?, you would see what Spain can do with more spaces.

    Of course it's cause the other teams just can't keep the ball, you press them and their tactics it's just long ball to the space or to 2.00 meters forwards. Yeah, thats what you ask for and you enjoy cause the ball almost never gonna make it clear and there will be a fight to control it and the ball keeps "increasing speed", it means more mistakes and more goal opportunities.

    Why Germany didn't try to do like they did to Argentina, pressing them, taking the ball away?

    I would like to see Spain scoring in the first 5 minutes, then u can come back here and tell what's football.

  2. Of course, it's football but u can give thanks to Spain. It's the only team in the world who tries to play football.

    At least Germany "tries" too, with their players, but it's a good team to watch.

    You saw it today, first team not hanging over the bar and Spain really put Germany, the best team till today in the tournament, as a "bad" team.

    Yet people critics Spain when they don't beat other teams, or they win with "luck". When if u look any other match u can clearly see the other team from minute 1, wasting time, making fouls, ...

    Enjoy Spain, and pray young people learns football watching them and their style (which doesn't mean they always play well or win) cause they will try to win playing football as it should be.

  3. Where do the files go?
    Since they are missions the .pbo files they go in the:

    - ArmA2\MPMissions folder for (coop or multiplayer) <--- This case.

    - ArmA2\Missions (for singleplayer)

    - ArmA2\Campaigns (for campaigns)

    So in the folders where u installed ArmA2. If any of those folders doesn't exist just create them.

  4. Nope mate, I uploaded a new version with smaller fixes which Armaholic missed (and I was too lazy to report it as the fixes are not really important). In this version I indeed forgot to inlclude the required addon. :)

    Ok, page updated with the new version (included the folder "addons" from previous one)
