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Everything posted by big

  1. big

    Rikabi's Iranian Cobra

    Frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage. The Armaholic.com download page contains the hot fix version now: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3519
  2. big

    Sniper shooting range

    I guess SP since u have to install it on your ArmA\Missions folder. At least i added to the armaholic SP missions section.
  3. big

    VFAI - AI Extension

    Armaholic mirror updated: - VFAI - AI Extension v2.4
  4. big

    Wip-m4a1's pack v1.0

    Armaholic mirror updated: - WIP-M4A1 Pack v1.5 (packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  5. big

    Cartridge Addon

    Armaholic.com mirror and news: - Cartridge by Mondkalb
  6. big

    No more Skoda's!

    Here is armaholic mirror: - Skoda Replacement
  7. Armaholic mirror updated: - Shawk Al Tarif
  8. Armaholic.com download page updated: -Realistic Designation v1.3
  9. big

    6G30 Soldier

    Armaholic mirror and news - 6G30 Soldier
  10. big

    Hamis sound mod

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Hamis sound mod
  11. big

    Hamis sound mod

    Armaholic mirror and news: - Hamis sound mod
  12. big

    (coop12)Town Contact

    Armaholic link fixed.
  13. big

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Armaholic mirror and news: - XtraMod for ArmA v1.14
  14. big

    Vilas' addons

    Armaholic mirror updated: - Vilas Alien
  15. big

    F-22A Raptor

    Armaholic mirror updated: - F-22A Raptor (<6MB packed with 7zip, anyways you can also use winrar to extract it)
  16. big

    Desert Bradley

    Armaholic mirror updated too: - Desert Bradley
  17. Armaholic mirror and news: T-72A ERA "upgraded" tank
  18. Armaholic mirror and news: - Cold War Operations Addon Pack 1
  19. Armaholic mirror updated + news: - Skoda Felicia car v2.1 (server key included) (packed with 7zip anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  20. big

    ArmAlib v1.0

    Armaholic mirror and news: - ArmAlib v1.0
  21. Armaholic.com mirror and news: - Morsa's Any Gear v0.9b
  22. big

    US Navy Seals

    Armaholic mirror and news: - US Navy Seals v0.5 (packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)
  23. big

    SLA Sniper Team

    It works fine here. ArmA v1.14 and launched fine. I just tried till u select the mission time.
  24. big

    Desert Bradley

    Frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage. The Armaholic.com download page has been updated and can be found here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3283
  25. big

    IAF UH60

    Armaholic mirror and news: - IAF UH60 (<8MB packed with 7zip, anyways u can also use winrar to extract it)