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About Grimpac

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  1. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    Thanks, maybe some words from the official side?
  2. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    Is it possible and am I allowed to do this?
  3. Grimpac

    Use old ID for the GOTY

    I rebuyed OFP, because I wanted to reinstall it. I bought the GOTY edition. But now I can see, it only use one CD Key. But I got my old CD keys and I am not able to use my old OFP ID. Is there a possibility to use it? I hope you understand me.
  4. Grimpac

    NO jets in ArmA?

    There must be planes! They belong to Operation Flashpoint. Else, there will be no air-support by with bombs or rockets. Only helicopters, sea gulls and flies? I cant believe that.
  5. Grimpac

    M1A2 SEP

    Yeah, cool M1A2. Saw some other types of M1A2 but never a really good one like this. Awesome sounds, of reloading and firing. Good job! Was it really necessary to use CBT_Crew and JAM? Would be better if you put a link into the ReadMe.txt where you can find JAM (http://www.ofpec.com/editors/mods/JAM/JAM2.rar). (I uninstalled BAS Rangers before ..)
  6. Grimpac

    Camp Alpha - The Buildmode

    Hi all, I still released my own Operation Flashpoint Real-Time-Strategy Engine. There are two missions within, both Free-Build Missions, one for the East and one for the West Side. This version is like a demo, where I want to check bugs and your opinion. Here is one picture: Buildmenu The homepage is not English, but the missions are. Would be nice, if someone would like to translate my homepage. ------------------------------------------ Check it out at the homepage: www.campalpha.de