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Everything posted by Bikecop

  1. Bikecop

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Very good job lads! Okay now that I said its awsome I gonna go do some more ruskie hunting with my SVD.
  2. Bikecop


  3. Bikecop


  4. Bikecop

    C&C Tiberian Sun Updates

    There going to be any infantry?
  5. Bikecop

    Poseidon II , the ultimate engine?

    Posiedon was A god of creation. Had an iffatuation with the goddess of love Aphrodite so he made a horse as a gift. But she didnt take it so he put it on earth. Posiedon was also ruler of the seas But the seas were vast and full of life. Posiedon was also the one nickname given 'Earthshaker' so that means he created earthquakes. Sounds a lot like OFP dont you think? Creation > Addons missions scripts and such. Seas > Vast and full of life with the best playability. Earthquakes > Immense battles and explosions. Horses > Best looking graphics POSSIBLE.
  6. Bikecop

    Dynamic Destruction System

    Although I would like to see this feature Becuase every time I see an SU-25 fly into a house and just stops and explodes. I would like to see it brim it to the foundation. and stop 700 yards off.
  7. Bikecop

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Mod released yet? (Bikecop found a link on first page)
  8. Bikecop

    misc OPFOR

    Cool looking units you got there... Them make good conscripts for my UBER resistance army of death. AHWA 2 pistols
  9. Bikecop

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    Why not say it in Czech? (That way it dont seem sacrelige to BIS)
  10. Bikecop

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    Funny that no BIS fan has called apon a Holy war against Codemasters. Probably dont need to also. Dont you think ?
  11. Bikecop


    Lets make it more useless by spamming in it!! Come on something to pass the time while the storm blows over. Mine is over 10000.
  12. Bikecop

    BIS broken with CODEMASTERS?

    God fights on the side with more money... God fights with Codemasters... They after all got more partners than BIS. They will make a better game than BIS.
  13. Thanks m8. These will make a great Opfor for my Uber generic army of destruction (Original BIS resistance fighters).
  14. Bikecop

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Well my friend and I cant wait. (Of course) Do your best and take your time and create one hell of a mod for us all.
  15. Bikecop

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Are you serrious laddy? ... With everything? Wow how are you going to do that?
  16. Bikecop

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Wonderful mod I should say but I cant fit this thing on a disc for my friend... Any alternative solutions for the cop here?
  17. Bikecop

    New title for FLASHPOINT2

    I think it should be called Kill da codie and you have the liason officer running around across the screen in his underware and we shoot him and bring down the codie regime over BIS. Okay that was minor flambait but here is my other suggestion... Bikecop: codename "272"
  18. Bikecop

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    MY HEAD HURTS - **Wishes for better animation** - MY HEAD STILL HURTS (*Bikecop is very confussed and is needing guidance from the team*)
  19. Bikecop

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    Disturbing dream dude I would like slit my wrists with paper if that actually happened.
  20. Bikecop

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    My Pc will still beat the shit outa Xbox and Xbox 360 combined. In the end the PC wins.
  21. Bikecop

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    Good to here this... But... What exactly is "E3" (Damn back were I started... a noob)
  22. Bikecop

    CQC techniques

    Playing dead meens getting your head run over by an abrams tank.
  23. Bikecop

    OFP2 Q&A

  24. Bikecop

    OFP2 Q&A

    Wow my head is actually hurting....Damn. I am going to go listen to some music , re-install OFP, Go to sleep and dream about OFP2.Damn that sounds like a screwed up plan to hell with re-installing OFP I will just dream about the sequel. *Grabs back of head and takes really deep breath* Wow I thought it was just some stupid ass crazy conspiracy that the community and I just enjoyed about and dreaming about. Wow this is absolutely amazing seems I was wrong about everything I said to my friend. Well lets hope that BIS doesnt run out of money and f*cking break apart in the next year. Or else all that dreaming and suggestions went all to waist. Whew now I am pissed to hear the news about it they probably should have kept everything shut because my faith in OFP2 has went from "Why arent they telling us anything" to "Why now did you tell us?" thats not a height thats a completely different faith. They are telling us because they are afraid that within the next year they will have no support for when OFP2 comes out the will then release some new military toy and people will be willing to spend 1,000 bucks on something for something not willing (VBS-2 or some other thing like that) to be a "non commercial" when the VBS-1 freeks have already told us they can not replace VBS-1 for something "commercial" they are more fortunate and have already seen the future. For I have wondering I have the question. Why now? not later?
  25. Bikecop

    CQC techniques

    Kinda had the close range fighting in my head too, but comparing MGS3 and OFP2 is kinda stupid. Although Hand to Hand is taught in todays armies and a while back I had the idea of giving the spets-naz soldiers systema fighting techniques and US special forces tae quan do techniques to go along with ideaology of the time (Especially when a fighting method as effective as systema was kept secret for nearly 60 years) along with just blunt boxing techniques for the normal combined arms operations soldier. Why not have a hand to hand system for OFP2? I mean it would prove useful for a combined arms sweep through a city or a town.