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About Beeralbion

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Beeralbion

    Setting Controls For Aircraft

    Yeah this is the problem. The common controls like fire are not split between infantry / land vehicles / aircraft. So no matter what I do if I want LMB as fire for infantry then it must also be used as fire for all other vehicles. They have the drop down for Aircraft controls but they dont have a dedicated Fire command in that list... hence the problem.
  2. Beeralbion

    Setting Controls For Aircraft

    Annoyingly you cant remove the Fire or Optic controls as they are located under 'ALL CONTROLS' Oh well I guess it isn't possible. I have instead mapped the thrust to the POV hat on the top of the stick which isn't ideal but at least I dont have to reach for the keyboard!
  3. Beeralbion

    Setting Controls For Aircraft

    Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to set the mouse keys as the 'Increase Thrust' and 'Decrease Thrust' for flying aircraft? I like to have mouse-look enabled to look around (as im left handed i can fly with the stick and control the view with my right hand). The problem I have is that I cannot easily adjust the thrust. I wanted the left mouse button to be increase and right mouse button to be decrease, however these keys are used for Fire and Optic zoom for the infantry. I dont seem to be able to remove these from the aircraft control without also changing the Infantry controls (if that makes sense) Does anybody know a way around this?
  4. Beeralbion

    Aircraft seapons

    Thanks Taurus, you seem to know everything!!!
  5. Beeralbion

    Aircraft seapons

    I have recently tried this but when i removeallweapons i am still left with the option to use them, although they have no ammo - the previous weapon names still appear in the list. How do i remove the names too?
  6. Beeralbion

    Easy one for you scripters!

    Ok I have made a bodged attempt at the code you wrote for me: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> mirage1 = _this select 0 _iX = 0 _limit = 4 #Loop mirage1 fire ["flkmiragebomblauncher","flkmiragebomblauncher"] ~0.2 mirage1 fire ["flkmiragebomblauncher","flkmiragebomblauncher"] ~0.2 mirage1 fire ["flkmiragebomblauncher","flkmiragebomblauncher"] ~0.2 mirage1 fire ["flkmiragebomblauncher","flkmiragebomblauncher"] ~0.2 _iX = _iX + 1 ?(_iX < _limit) exit I get an error mentioning Reserved Variable in Expression - I assume its just me editing the code badly! Anyway YES! the plane will now drop 3 bombs in a line (not the fourth for some reason??) so i guess i will just play with it a bit to get it right! Thanks very much for your help
  7. Beeralbion

    Easy one for you scripters!

    Hey neat! I now have the bomb names. What do i need to do to get them to drop on a spot on the map? if its easier can i just get the plane to drop on a certain point on the map such as a town?
  8. Beeralbion

    Easy one for you scripters!

    Ok I have tried the DoTarget & DoFire commands on the planes but they still dont do anything I dont know the names of the bombs that it carries so not sure how to do the Mirage1 fire ["bombname","bombname"] I have tried it with the standard SU-25 and it does exactly the same BTW so its not the plane im using??....
  9. Beeralbion

    Easy one for you scripters!

    Thanks for the quick reply RED. I have quickly tried out what you said but it appears to make no difference. I have for test purposes just set up a group of troops on Desert Island. A Falklands Mod Mirage flies to waypoint above them. I want the Mirage to drop payload on to troops but it flies striahgt over them. I have added the "addrating 5000" to the units to be bombed but the plane does not even detect the troops, let alone bomb them!?!?! Like i say i am a complete novice to this but its really interesting. are there any manuals / references i can look at to help?
  10. Basically I know very little about scripting and would like to know how to get a bomber to drop its payload onto an area and not say a tank. Situation of lots of troops milling around in town but plane will not target them so just flys around and around. How can i get it to bomb them!?!?! Thanks in advance
  11. Beeralbion

    1.96 problems

    I dont know if this is a bug or if it is something i havent set up properly, but with the new 1.95 / 1.96 i can no longer adjust my view slightly left or right. I use a joystick to fly helicopter etc and the numpad to look left to right but now all i can do is look as far right / left as possible and not hold the view (if that makes sense!??!?) Anyone tell me where im going wrong?