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About Bald_Maggot

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  1. Bald_Maggot


    No offense; but I honestly think that posts like these are written by by either very young children or people with very little life experience. Â I don't see how anyone else could confuse the pursuit for realism in simulation of military equipment and tactics that many of us share with the desire to relive all the horrors of war. So look here kids, no responsible software company would release a game that focuses on simulating the later. One day, when you are more emotionally developed, you will understand why this is a terrible idea. Â For now, you'll just have to take our word for it. Â It's a bad idea - just like playing with fire or running around with scissors. Peace, DreDay I have to say that although children in OFP is not something that i feel the game misses at all i find it rather amusing that some people on this forum enjoy a touch of hypocracy... I dont see what "more emotionally developed" has to do with this idea. The fact remains that if you are aiming towards a military simulation then these are things that undoubtable would be included if the developer is "allowed" to do such a thing. It just shows what a confused world we live in at the moment, where the sight of a child doing anything but smiling and playing is stooped in controvercy. "I don't see how anyone else could confuse the pursuit for realism in simulation of military equipment and tactics that many of us share with the desire to relive all the horrors of war." This quote i find utterly rediculous and indeed one of the most questionable quotes for a while. Â "Relive ALL the horrors of war"? Â I think its fair to say that you cant pick and choose what you believe to be the full horror of war. Simply put; People Die and they can be all types and ages and indeed if this is a military sim where the objective is essentially to kill people using modern weaponary or tactics. bottom line for me, why do we see child suffering in movies? I can name plenty of documentrys and films that have these things in them. Â What essentially is the difference between this form of "entertainment" and that of a video game? So basically DreDay, taking the moral highground on a subject such as a "War Simulator" quite frankly does not make any sense to me.
  2. Bald_Maggot

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    i have to say im still dissapointed that my joystick buttons are now completely useless as they have "pre assigned" functions now. Has really spoilt my game and im looking forward to this being sorted as many people have been discussing. I also have a mind to set out on a one man crusade to "persuade" BIS to correct the FUNDAMENTAL rifle tracer bug that still has not been sorted. I find this hard to believe they have not sorted what i consider basics for the enjoyment of this game
  3. Bald_Maggot

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    yes i agree, the controls on my joystick are now "locked" and they cannot be remapped in the controls settings, i find this rediculous and see absolutly no purpose for the controls to be locked and i hope it is taken care of soon. Apart from that the patch is pretty good apart for some texture lods that appear in the wrong places from a distance. Im liking the nv goggles and the sight distance improvements. Keep it coming BIS!
  4. Bald_Maggot

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Yeah... the BIS team is very small compared to most game developers and therefore can't address every issue that is wrong with the game all at once, give them time. i completely appreciate that the dev team at bis are very small compared to most other game developers, however this was not my issue.... The idea being that this small aspect of the gameplay that has not been corrected yet, is to all intents and purposes fueling the fires of those who believe that BIS have not released a "complete" game, thats all. And i have to say that it does figure, seeing that the function simply act like a broken link ingame. I also dont believe that it would be very hard to fix, compared to some of the other big fixes out there.
  5. Bald_Maggot

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    i have to say, and i dont mean to sound "negative" about this at all, but im very worried that the patch developers STILL have not sorted what i feel to be one of the most rediculous bugs of the game and thats the tracer round issue where you cant turn off the tracer effects in the difficulty settings. If there was one reason that i can think of that frustrates me the most about the debate about the release of a "buggy" and or "unfinished" game it is this one. The fact that is still hasnt been corrected even though there is text ingame relating to it, sorta gives me the impression that somethings quite wrong somewhere along the line....
  6. Bald_Maggot

    Why Does Everyone get so up tight on these forums?

    i think people on these forums need to realise there is a difference between personal taste and the development of a commercial game. These two things rarely are combined together as everyone each has thier own different ideas and objectives. OFP was a military sim, possibly the only one of its kind and ArmA is an "extension" of that. This means that when people have ideas and suggestions for addons or things to be included in official patches they HAVE to bear in mind that this is the type of game that is being developed so additional content has to be as accurate as possible and more directed to the simulator experience rather than the FPS. This doesnt mean though that ArmA would not benifit from any sort of addition, and those that protect the foundations of the ArmA engine have to understand this too. Ultimatly what i desire for the ArmA engine is for it to build upon the old style of OFP, stability for example is something i hope will be taken seriously, as well as game physics and issues with graphic bugs. These things im sure will be built and improved on by BIS. Its up to the mod community to be strong enough to develop thier own personal ideas and share them!
  7. Bald_Maggot

    Why Does Everyone get so up tight on these forums?

    well thanks guys for your comments and i have read and i understand how you guys see that it is. I guess for me the bottom line is that im confident that the sense od community will develop back to the OFP days once the ArmA tools have been released, as these are a vital part of the Community. I have to say that at the moment i hardly ever play with ArmA simply as it just doesnt feel it gives me the freedom that OFP does yet. That doesnt mean that in the future things will change. For me, buildings that are interactive and enterable are crucial for me and the ability to interact with the environment (open doors, switch off power supplys etc) as well as things like being able to change the appearance of the player models (take off helmet, roll up sleeves etc) i think that for me these things give me the full simulation effect and make me want to play more. These are my personal preferences no more, no less and i know that at some point, once the tools are released that these will be implamented and i shall fall in love with ArmA just as i did with OFP
  8. Bald_Maggot

    Why Does Everyone get so up tight on these forums?

    Hehe, i think thats one of the reasons that forums can often end up in a flame war (of course i knew that you were joking! I think its funny how some people are actually serious though when they say things like that, I mean free thinking often florishes here because people are sitting many miles from each other hiding behind thier computer screens and acting like tough guys. I wonder if the future holds anything that would reprise empty internet threats.....maybe a interesting futuristic novel  But i spose you are right, i just wish that the "OPF" community spirit was back to how it used to be thats all Â
  9. Ive scanned these forums for quite some while now, and the one thing that im constantly aware of is how wound up people get over silly things. I thought the idea of a public forum was to share ideas for the greater good, it seems to me that some people just havent grasped this aspect yet. Strangely the one thing that i just cannot stand is the fact that some people get so rediculously defensive of ArmA when someone passes up a respectable question. Yes ArmA is a good game, but that doesnt mean that it is finished. All these comments are peoples ideas and if proposed with a little respect and common sense, should be replied to with as much grace. Please people lets act more like a community, more like how it was back in the good old days of OFP:R, im sure that way things will be a lot more productive.
  10. Bald_Maggot

    1.07 - Content, not when

    i REALLY hope that BIS have time to fix up the rifle tracers bug in this patch, its something ive been waiting for for ages. The reason i find it so annoying is that there is an option to turn them off but it just doesnt work, now this cant be hard for bis to do could it? i mean it was included with the original game!
  11. Bald_Maggot


    p.s i also noticed that the patch very kindly provided by Opticalsnare is also a little buggy, i can seem to use my static m2 or dshk anymore! Can anyone confirm that this is a problem to them too? Thanks
  12. Bald_Maggot


    As an update to a thread closed by the lovely mods I wanted to know if there was any updates on this problem Ta Original Post ; For GOODNESS sake is there going to be a fix for the blasted Tracers anytime soon? I mean you can turn the things off in the difficulty setting but it doesnt make any difference. I could understand it if the machine gunners had a tracer round for every round they shot (although this is hardly ever used in real life, more like every 3rd or 5th round) But riflemen? id never use a flippin tracer round! Is this being fixed, been fixed, or planned to be fixed caus its starting to annoy me a lot, just give us the option of turing this silly thing off. Also this is not a thread about what a tracer round should look like, so no whiners as to "it should be a round blob of light" etc i simply just want to know if there is any way to disable the "lasers" ingame Many thanks Chow Chow
  13. Bald_Maggot

    ArmA Hopeful Suggestion.....

    For GOODNESS sake is there going to be a fix for the blasted Tracers anytime soon? I mean you can turn the things off in the difficulty setting but it doesnt make any difference. I could understand it if the machine gunners had a tracer round for every round they shot (although this is hardly ever used in real life, more like every 3rd or 5th round) But riflemen? id never use a flippin tracer round! Is this being fixed, been fixed, or planned to be fixed caus its starting to annoy me a lot, just give us the option of turing this silly thing off. Also this is not a thread about what a tracer round should look like, so no whiners as to "it should be a round blob of light" etc i simply just want to know if there is any way to disable the "lasers" ingame Many thanks Chow Chow
  14. Bald_Maggot

    Triple Head To Go?

    just a quick question...does anyone know if ArmA has bee made compatible with the matrox tripleheadtogo hardware yet? does anyone have this awesome setup? Cheers for any replys
  15. Bald_Maggot

    ArmA Hopeful Suggestion!

    Here is a snippet from AAZ's interview with ArmA Markus: Im sure you will be interested in the comments... "Seeing as it is impossible to get off the roofs of certain buildings in the game without falling to your death, BIS are planning on adding ladders to the game as separate objects that can be put in missions so that building roofs can be used as sentry positions wherever the mission-maker feels is appropriate. New collision detection brought into the 505 release and latest build of the demo means that certain low objects can now be hopped over easily, instead of having to make your way round them which could be annoying. This will be fine-tuned further in the future and added to many more objects." WOOOOOOO! YEAH!