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About BrAinOfJ

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  1. BrAinOfJ

    Easy comfirmation please.

    Just a simple BS topic, not useful or anything. But ! Has BIS ever said that the early German and Czech release was a Beta or to be known as a Beta? (Before the release, after doesnt count as it could be an excuse) Im not asking if you think its at beta level, but if it is a commercial Beta. Its my opinion that if you have put it on disks, whacked it in a box, a burnt shrink wrap on it, its a release, not a beta.
  2. 1st question would be, have you ever looked in a config.ini (config.bin) file of an addon ? If no, reading on wont make much sense.... All the info about what characteristics each unit can do is outlined in its config.ini file. This would include the tail rotor failure build into the chopper already. If its a script it will be as simple to use as the scripts included in the BAS chopper from OFP. You'll need a little know OFP scripting know how, but certainly not expert level. And back up any files you open or edit.... (if when you open the pbo, and its config.bin instead of config.ini, you'll need to convert it... i dont know if the OFP converters will work with arma )
  3. BrAinOfJ

    Arma bugs

    Hehe, i think placebo is trying to blame the reporter's and not the system j/k bud. Anywho... Playing today the campaign mission in which you escort 2 blackhawk's to a base, then help defend it in the choppers (main battle i think its called) I noticed the first time i played it all was well (except i crashed into the ground, havent mastered these choppers yet... ), but after the auto save, when i fired missles, the no longer flew towards the targets, but instead flew way off course, then tryed to turn back onto the targets... i tryed long range, short range, making sure the line of fire was unobstructed, manual fire, i've tryed all i can think of... Usually the first missle off the rack fly's true and hits, but the other suffer... Anyone else had this issue ? this little bug DOES effect game play...
  4. BrAinOfJ

    Help me please

    Thanks, just removing the effects worked
  5. How do i make a guy fire a flare ? eg soldier1 fire flare.....
  6. Hi Im trying to understand variables that must be changed from false to true before the mission ends. I created a simple little mission to test it. The following is taken from the mission.sqm file. (THE UNIT) side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; rank="SERGEANT"; init="task=false"; (THE WAYPOINTS) items=2; class Item0 expActiv="task=true"; class Effects titleType="TEXT"; title="should activate variable"; class Item1 class Effects (THE TRIGGER) items=1; class Item0 a=15.000000; b=15.000000; activationBy="MEMBER"; type="END1"; age="UNKNOWN"; idVehicle=0; expCond="this and task"; class Effects titleType="TEXT"; title="This is activated"; I see both text effects, meaning that both the 1st waypoint and the trigger become activated, but the trigger doesnt end the mission. Any idea why?