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About Bambi

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  1. Bambi

    International SF Pack

    Haven't touched this thread in a while . Nonetheless, as I told people that pm'ed me, I'm not too happy with the OFP engine anymore. After fiddling around with specular mapping, normal mapping and all that good stuff on max, I've pretty much decided that I'll just make this for ArmA with all that added detail in. Maybe I'll rethink this and release the updated units featured on this thread as an example for OFP, but until I find nice modding time that doesn't look like it'll happen. Sorry .
  2. Bambi

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    A: SF pack (WIP), CBT Humvees, SJB Weapons, Tonal
  3. Bambi

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    Wow Can hardly wait for the release after watching that new video, amazing job guys! Lol jk about the subliminal msg part, take as much time as you need to polish it up
  4. Bambi

    International SF Pack

    Yeah I probably triangulated it the wrong way, gotta fix that. A little tired so I missed it
  5. Bambi

    International SF Pack

    Just have a small update for you guys, I changed the look of the camo: Still tweaking the upper area though, so it's not completely done
  6. Bambi

    International SF Pack

    Oh yeah! Forgot to mention since people keep asking about it, the weapon shown is from Gordy's weapon pack awhile back. It can be found here
  7. Bambi

    Llauma Head 2.0

    Nope you're right, fixed this myself when I used the head. Just gotta change that one line and the death faces appear instead of a garbled mess.
  8. Bambi

    International SF Pack

    Glad you guys like it. There will be a woodland version too along with the desert one. I'm still sorting out the gear though and how I'm gonna set this all up. I have no patience . I simply just don't want to take my time handpainting each piece of gear realistically, when I can take the easy way out and just hunt down equipment shots. It's just my preference, so no offence taken The textures haven't passed 1024 yet so no worries.Regarding the other equipment, I'm planning to make a variety of gear so just watch this thread for future updates.
  9. This project isn't dead...Not yet atleast I haven't been able to do much the past few months due to school and RL, but I slowly started to pick up the project again the past few weeks; this time with a new vision. I have gotten rid of the whole "photoshop" look and have instead gone with photorealistic textures and have used Offtime's Jon Doe templates for the uniform. I have also implemented Llauma's new head and heavily editted the civilian model to fit my needs and at the same look more realistic. This is pretty much the result of the highly updated American SF: Keep in mind these are very early screens, this unit could be changed greatly in the coming weeks. My plan as of now is to make different variants for the American SF, and then move onto the next country. The fact that I'm now using photorealistic textures limits the number of countries that I can make unless amazing reference photos of equipment are given, if you can help with this PM me asap.
  10. Bambi

    Leg Texturing

    Alrighty, I'll do that. Thanks for the help
  11. Bambi

    Leg Texturing

    I fiddled around with Gizmo mapping earlier, but the textures became stretched in some areas and repeated/scrunched up in the inner leg sections.
  12. Bambi

    Leg Texturing

    I'm trying to relearn some stuff about Oxygen, but this one's got me stumped. I don't know how I should go about texturing the leg area. The simple way would be just to replace the texture outright with mine, but since I'm changing some vertices that gets ruled out. So...Any advice on how I should texture a leg area similar to this?
  13. Bambi

    Decisive Killing Machines

    Nice looking plane!!! I hope it isn't cancelled
  14. I'm already done the fix and I don't think I'll be editing the Black Op anymore. As for the arms...As I stated before, editing a model that was finalized awhile ago is not what I intend on doing. Anyways here's the Black Ops Final with all the fixes in including the handgun and the new description ext's by Monty: Fixed BMI Black Ops v1.01 FINAL Here's the Handgun fix patcher for those of you who can use it: BMI Black Ops Handgun Fix Patcher
  15. Can't believe I missed this...Anyways I guess one more quick fix won't hurt, might as well take down that BMI Black Ops Final for now too. Fix will be up in a bit.