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Everything posted by Bronski

  1. Bronski

    Uscm mod weapon pack

    The dropship could be awesome with the addition of all the new animaions in the new versions of OFP. Though I would rather see the ground troops (both sides that is) finished first.
  2. Bronski

    Uscm mod weapon pack

    That plasma effect is damn nice. I had to watch it a few times. I can't wait for more stuff to be finished.
  3. Bronski

    Scripting help

    Winzip opens .zip Winrar opens .rar and .zip Winace opens .ace and .zip I would guess that windows is screwing up the .sqs and such by adding some other extension.
  4. Bronski

    Need smoke at lz

    Best place to find out about this stuff is www.ofpec.com I believe this is a tutorial for what you need. Drop Tutorial
  5. Bronski

    Addon folders

    I'm doing it how it was said on the Avon's site. Â Though the only problem i had was that to get the island anims (just the anim file) to work i had to keep them in the regular addon folder, they wouldn't work while in the res addon folder. I'd like to see a tool that would use the mod folders. Â When you click it you select which mod folders you want and press start. Â Then your game starts up. Â That way you would have to have a bunch of shortcuts. Â I wish i could create something like that but i lack the programming skills. Â Basically all it would do would list your mod directories, creates a shortcut and executes it. Simple but it would help, especially since many large addon packs are out there now that have most stuff you need for missions. Â I have a Canadian addon folder for the Northstar stuff, a vietnam one for SEBNAM pack, an ADF folder, a WW2 folder. Anyway, that's my wish, just thought i would put it out there.
  6. I wish a simple anim for the map would have been included. Oh well.
  7. Bronski

    Legus island final v.1.1 by iguana

    What's the point of releasing a island if you have to ask permission to make missions on it?
  8. Bronski

    Legus island final v.1.1 by iguana

    I'll probably use this when i make a mission, though i just need an original idea for a mission which isn't extremely complicated (i'm not versed on all points of mission making yet).
  9. Bronski

    Rah-66 comanche 1.1 released

    The nav map won't show up on custom islands, it will only show up on the official islands. That is probably your problem.
  10. Bronski

    Bmp 3 by vladimir

    Gotta love the textures for the first cargo seat. All it needs is a caption in Russian say "What you are fighting for" Nice addon, so far i don't have any suggestions though i haven't gotten to play around with it much yet.
  11. Bronski

    Legus island final v.1.1 by iguana

    I really like this island. I love how the towns are set up. I like how some of the docks are made out of the landscape so they look as if they handle larger ships.
  12. Bronski

    Bd5 resistance

    This one is based off the one in one of the Bond flicks, which did have a jet engine.
  13. Bronski

    Rah-66 comanche 1.1 released

    How do you turn off the downwash? I was looking through the readme but i couldn't find any mention of how to turn it off. Its a little too much for my computer to handle.
  14. Bronski

    Rah-66 comanche 1.1 released

    Amazing, about to go try it in game. I must say, DKM is probably one of the most innovative addon teams out there.
  15. Bronski

    Operation frenchpoint

    From the Nightstalkers website: Hooah (who-ah), adj. U.S. Army Slang. Referring to, or meaning anything and everything except "no." Generally used when at a loss for words. Also: good copy, solid copy, roger, good or great; message received, understood. glad to meet you, welcome. I do not know, but will check on it, I haven't the vaguest idea. I am not listening. that is enough of your drivel--sit down. stop sniveling. you've got to be kidding. yes. thank you. go to the next [briefing] slide. you have taken the correct action. I don't know what that means, but am too embarrassed to ask for clarification. that is really neat, I want one too. amen.
  16. Bronski

    Sdoc/uce russians - new version !

    I believe Norsu did do this a while ago but SDOC's are much easier to find. I think it was Norsu's that i had tried to use a while ago. It was very confusing. I was downloading a bunch of files to get them to work error free. SDOC's are much more streamlined. Plus, Keg's and mailmain's weapons packs are very nice and underused, in my opinion.
  17. Bronski

    Adf mod update

    On the fully animated version of the regular camo M113 (non desert), part of the model is missing. On the left front side, the gear like wheel is not all there. Otherwise, great addon.
  18. Bronski

    Operation frenchpoint

    I would really like to see the soldiers with full packs and such. Make it so they look prepared for long times out in the field. I liked how the ADF mod soldiers and KMARN soldiers have a few different variants such as that. These are probably some of the best looking soldiers so far. I hope a lot more follows. (can't wait for the helo's)
  19. Bronski

    Sdoc/uce russians - new version !

    I'm glad you updated to Keg's pack as well as mailman's pack. I already had those in my addon's folder. I had been wanting the Naval Infantry units as well as a few other of the special forces units. Are you planning to update any other of UCE's units?
  20. Bronski

    Sdoc/uce russians - new version !

    I'm glad the special forces are updated, i have been waiting for those. This is probably the best update for UCE's units. There is another i tried but i never got it to work error free. I ended up dl'ing a bunch of different things that it needed.
  21. Bronski

    Dirt bike addon by dso

    I like the model but it is just so freaking huge.
  22. Bronski


    The SR47/SR74 by earl never made it out of the beta stage. Basically it was just a ak47/74 with a new model. I would really like to see a fully complete one. Maybe earl will complete his after the marine pack is done, which looks amazing.
  23. Bronski

    Screwy scripts

    You also need to "assignascargo" the group to the vehicle.
  24. These are some nice troops. The removable helmet is something that should be added be added to other addons. Adds a lot to the addon.
  25. Bronski

    Mi-2 beta release...

    If you are wanting them to parachute out you could do it with triggers but it would be much simpler to go over to OFPEC and dl one of the scripts in the eidtors depot.