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Posts posted by Blademun

  1. well, I'v tryed leaveing the forest on the NE corner, crawling through the border trees coming to the far one, which puts me in a grand posistion to take out that 4 man patrol and the BMP. They'll see me if I move from the tree, they always do. So I just load my LAW and fire right in the middle of their group, kill all four of them. Reload the Law, fire at the BMP, kill that, turn, arm the M16 and run from the tree to get to the gas station. Once at the gas station I have to deal with three-four guys running out of Provins. They seem to be Spetznatz quality. If it weren't so dang dark I could kill them, but this early in the morning I just CANNOT see them against the terrain. And they can see me fine.

  2. How do you beat this mission? I bought the game a few days ago with my X-mas money. I was doing fine till this mission. Now it seems no matter what strategy I try I die, and there are no save posistions so I have to START ALL THE WAY OVER AGAIN. i'v been playing this mission over and over for two days. mad.gif I like a hard game but this is insane...

    PS yes I did do a search on this, there was one post on it. it got one lovely 2 line reply. 'Go to provins, kill some guys, destroy that bmp, get the uAZ and go to the forest.'

    Ohhh, that helps lots man. Which guys? Where? With what, how? I aim at them, I fire at them but they don't die. I have to get right up to them before my gun is accurate. and their accuracy is top notch.

  3. I have no trouble avoiding enemy fire, I use cover and concealment often, when its avalible. I can stay alive long enough to fire many shots, but they never seem to hit the enemy, and when they do they don't kill the enemy. I'v got it on the easiest settings.

    I am STUCK in the Everon Evac mission and am getting ready to throw the goddam game out the window  mad.gif Its annoying, i run through the forest to Provins, I take out two of the guys with arocket launcher, the third guy opens fire on me. Irun, he runs. I go back into posistion to fire on him, we fire at each other, he kills me. Every Fing time. On rare occasions I do kill him after 30 or so bullets on single fire mode. THen two more guys come upover the ridge and nail me before I can aim at'em. If I try to go over the ridge I die before I can turn my head to find out who'sshooting at me. No matter what I do in this mission I die.

    In Ambush, another mission I'v had trouble with, all of my squadmates Suck, by the time we reach their main posistion theres only 2-3 guys left. Theres no easy approach to their posistion and with only 3 guys, its a slaughter.

    In Attack the Convoy that AA gun is nearly impossible otbeat, because everytime you start to get a bead on him he hitsyou and hte chopper gos crazy. Once I did manage to detroy the AA, only to be shot downby a enemy chopper before I could take out the T-80. its nice how real this game is, but for someone who -hasn't sered in the military it'd be nice if things could be toned down a bit.
