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About Blich

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  1. WELL an it use to display orange before.. so why has it changed? this was all with 1.46
  2. Blich


    ya thx.. asked a friend and he showed me I made a script, and put this in the On activation of the trigger:</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldier2 fire ["throw","Flare","Flare"];<span id='postcolor'> soldier2 being the enemy with the flare... this is how you code a grenadier with 3 white flares.. in the Initialization: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this removeMagazine "GrenadeLauncher"; this removeMagazine "GrenadeLauncher"; this removeMagazine "GrenadeLauncher"; this addWeapon "Flare"; this addMagazine "Flare"; this addWeapon "Flare"; this addMagazine "Flare"; this addWeapon "Flare"; this addMagazine "Flare"<span id='postcolor'> this might be a long way.. but it works
  3. Blich


    ya how do i get a AI grenadier to shoot a flare.. using a trigger when he sees the enemy? I have a grendier with flares... and a trigger for when his team sees the enemy... now what? thx
  4. OK.. I have made a mission with 2 west soldiers in enemy territory.... there are a bunch of empty vehicles (east empty) around that they can use. Now the prob is... when they are in the vehicle... it shows up green to the East side's Hind. They use to be red.. but now they are green! This is a multiplayer mission.. when 2 on east and 2 on west. v 1.46 What gives? any ideas?
  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blich @ Dec. 05 2002,19:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"If you don't have resistance, you have to use the nearestobject (or nearestbuilding) command to specify your watchtower. It would look something like this: unit action ["Ladderup",(nearestobject [player,"ViewTower"])] But it depends on the specific type of watchtower ("ViewTower","ViewTower2" etc) " Can someone please tell me where to put this code... do I make a soldier  (call him player) and make a MOVE WP... then put this code in the a MOVE WP... ON ACTIVATION field? PLEASE help.. thx<span id='postcolor'> Don't worry about my last post, I got the soldier to get up the ladder into the tower, but I have another question. Once the guy climbs up the ladder, he just stops at the top and pulls out his gun; standing on the top of the ladder. Is there a way to move him once he gets to the top of the ladder? I would like him to stand in the middle of the tower. Thanks
  6. "If you don't have resistance, you have to use the nearestobject (or nearestbuilding) command to specify your watchtower. It would look something like this: unit action ["Ladderup",(nearestobject [player,"ViewTower"])] But it depends on the specific type of watchtower ("ViewTower","ViewTower2" etc) " Can someone please tell me where to put this code... do I make a soldier (call him player) and make a MOVE WP... then put this code in the a MOVE WP... ON ACTIVATION field? PLEASE help.. thx
  7. Blich

    Get in problem

    OK.. I figured it out!!... Some times I was placing a GETIN WP on the ground.. then moving it over the truck.. which doesnt work.. other times I was placing... the GETIN WP on the truck to start off.... which is the only way it works. I hope this helps someone else
  8. Ok... all of the sudden my Get In WP do not work. I assign the officer to get in an empty truck.... and give it a another MOVE WP... and all the group does is run to the way points. Yes I have made a lot of missions with get in wp for trucks, jeeps, choppers.. etc... but now it doesnt work. The missions I have made still work.. but any new ones dont. So what gives? I recently upgraded to 1.46... wonderin if this was the prob.. any suggestions. Maybe I am leavin out something really stupid. Help pls.. thx for your time
  9. Sweet... thx Bart.Jan!!!! Â Â I had to change it to.... forceLoose=1... but other then that.. it worked great!.. thx again! Â
  10. thx.. the Loose works.. but I need it dependent on the scudstud action ["SCUD Start"] and only on that.:( So if the scud is detroyed before it reaches that part... it will not make you lose. Maybe a variable that get switched when the scud has launch.. although I dont know enough to make that work. pls help.. thx
  11. Like this?? because that doesnt work... I already tried it. I just want the mission to end (you lose) once the scud has fired. ; Script name : scudlaunch.sqs ; Prepare it scudstud action ["SCUD Launch"] ; Wait 15 seconds ~15 ; Launch it scudstud action ["SCUD Start"] ; wait 1 second ~1 forceEnd=1; exit
  12. Ok I have scud that follows this script... I need this mission to be lost if the scud is successfully fired... which would be this part 'scudstud action ["SCUD Start"]' What is the easiest way for a LOOSE mission to be activated? I am not very good at scripting... so can explain exactly what I have to type in. I just need the cmd to make the loose happen. Thx ; Script name : scudlaunch.sqs ; Prepare it scudstud action ["SCUD Launch"] ; Wait 15 seconds ~15 ; Launch it scudstud action ["SCUD Start"] ; wait 1 second ~1 forceLoose=1; <--- I suspect this is the prob.. Just made it up exit
  13. I was using a script off of www.ofpec.com that fires a scud ; Script name : scudlaunch.sqs ; Prepare it scudstud action ["SCUD Launch"] ; Wait 15 seconds ~15 ; Launch it scudstud action ["SCUD Start"] Unfortunately ... If I kill the driver of the scud after it is raised.. but before it is fired... it will not fire. I have 2 ways around this: 1) How do I make sure that it will fire once it has been raised (even if the driver has been killed)? 2) Much more difficult.. is it possible to get another troop(s) to hop into the scud and finish firing it?.... That way you would have to kill a bunch of troops before they could get into the scud. Thx for your time
  14. Okay.. I am making a single player game for a school project (cool school hey?) and need to know what I version I should have. Right now I have the original version.. havent patched it or anything... I also have the Gold upgrade CD too. What should I do.. to make best use out of these tutorials and posting (it seem I need 1.85) Basically I need to know what I should download to upgrade... patch wise... and if I really need the Resistance add-on. And are most of these scripts, tutorials etc geared towards any one version? Thx for your time.
  15. Blich

    Adding smokeshells

    thx... another quick noob question... this addMagazineCargo ["FlareRed",50] shouldnt that add 50 red flares to the ammo box? How do I add flares to the box?