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About Bugsfrombis

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Bugsfrombis

    Why Bis

    Ofp was released over 5 years ago arma is just a gloryfied version of that
  2. Bugsfrombis

    Why Bis

    Armed Assault obviously was not rushed unless 5 years is rushing to you guys, and it obviously had no Beta Testing you have a very loyal fan base but i certainly feel like ive been taken advantage of with this game. Its as if you know all your ofp fans will buy the game regardless so you just released a half finished game. I would like a official apology from bis Thank you
  3. Bugsfrombis

    ArmA uses only one core!

    how do i see if both my cpu's are being used i press cntrl + alt + del then click performance but only see Cpu usage
  4. Bugsfrombis

    Armed Assault..

    all they had to do was make arma same as ofp with better graphics and make it so you cant corner camp like in ofp and every1 would have been happy
  5. Bugsfrombis

    Good Players

    (MOD) clan are really good
  6. Bugsfrombis

    Good Players

    What players have impressed you all so far?
  7. Bugsfrombis

    Very poor performance

    make sure you have latest motherboard chipset drivers and video drivers put all nvidia settings to application controled
  8. Bugsfrombis

    Very poor performance

    6600 isnt not minimum the geforce fx series is wich are fx 5200 and on
  9. Bugsfrombis

    Well done bis

    well done you have released a game with apsolutley no testing done on it not even by the programmers unless there blind. So many 100% obvious bugs in the game and whos idea was it to release a game that is mainly played online without dedicated software, got the game cant do campaign cuz it just sucks with all the bugs and rainman rejected AI, lets not even talk about the snap crackle and pop sounds get a cereal advert this game makes same sounds. and cant play online without it crashing every 20 mins or it laging more then a hamster powerd tamagotchi
  10. Bugsfrombis

    M4 Acuracy

    yeh its not just m4 its alot of other weapons too accuracy is all over the place its just damn pathetic bis didnt notice this no testing seemed to be done atall the mp5 or w/e its called doesnt even have slightest bit of recoil
  11. Bugsfrombis

    Best players online

    I did and was top for awhile if your think being top of that makes u a good player ur wrong u need to have alook some euro players too. Best i seen are: Ali, Raptor, Hallett, Jackthis, Gamer, BigRed, Enron Exec, Tiberian, Iguana,
  12. Bugsfrombis

    Best players online

    Any1 half decent can get top of mariks stats just gota play on them particular servers alot
  13. Bugsfrombis

    Aint it about time

    If you have bullets that go through walls how would you know if some1 is cheating and can see you through the wall or generally just got a lucky shot?
  14. Bugsfrombis

    Challenger tank

    Catterick is a uk army base in yorkshire where the infantry do there basic training.
  15. Bugsfrombis

    Best players online

    Who ya all reckon the best players are at this game and the best clans?