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Black Magic

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Posts posted by Black Magic

  1. Hey Sturm mate. This Sherman looks great, and alot of the team are keen to see if they can help you out before release. Darknova would like to add in some nifty burning code features and Vibes might be able to help out with new animations for the crew etc! If you're interested you can contact darknova at thedarknova@hotmail.com and Vibes at steyn_31@hotmail.com, or me at mohan.j@email.com since our site is temporarily down. Good work again man, well done!

  2. First time here. Not a newbie to editing. Veteran in fact since it's release. But now I need help so I came here - with some hope. How can I place an object, in this case the GFX Flak 36, on a hill without it assuming the angle slope of the hill automatically. If I place a pin it sits horizontal in parallel to the sea level and looks wierd on the hill. But I need this for the Flak but it automatically sits at an angle!

    Thanks in advanced.
