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Everything posted by Baphomet

  1. Baphomet

    Wasteland RELEASED!! wOOT!

  2. Baphomet

    Weapon accuracy

    What needs to be done is not something exaggerated like weapon sway, but a better simulation of human error when handling and firing a gun. WIND -needs- to be simulated no matter how. I too am sick of seeing the guns in ofp sniper rifle accurate. Anyone who's had any experience firing guns outdoors knows it's not nearly as easy as it sounds. Hell for me shooting a target the size of a cantaloupe at 20 meters with a 12 gauge slug in real life is an accomplishment in itself. I DON'T think that exaggerated performance is COOL in OFP. I'm sick of being able to hit people at ridiculous distances and likewise being hit by people at ridiculous distances while playing OFP. It's not the kind of game I want to play. I would like to see a lot more emphasis on realistic recoil as well. As it stands in OFP the recoil is not as good as it could be. Unless you're like ultra sniper master, you're not going to have a gun recoil stright up and be able to move it back down immediately. Humans aren't perfect, and when firing repeatedly it's often common, especially with higher caliber guns to overcompensate and aim a bit too low when bringing the barrel down after cranking off many rounds quickly. These are all things that I really want to see in OFP 2. I'm just sick of having precision robot like accuracy. All those feats of amazing accuracy or those figures you see on ballistics charts are under ideal circumstances, 99 times out of 100 soldiers are not going to possess the requisite skills or experience the proper circumstances to pull off shots like that. Sure for some it may make them feel like rambo or something, but to me it's just becoming very redundant and boring. I have seen combat footage from Iraq and in one case a VW type bus was spotted by a detachment of marines and they shot at it. It caught fire and stopped easily less than 50m away from them. They saw one guy make a run for it. They shot at him as he ran across the road and could not hit him. He kept running until he stopped in front of a shack only then struck by a bullet and then staggered inside. After that it looked like he was finished off with .50 caliber incendiary rounds, or that's what I assume as the crackle of a much louder gun with small explosions (smaller than 40mm) around the shack were seen. They also weren't taking carefully aimed shots either, this was MANY MARINES firing many rounds out of their rifles before the guy finally was hit. To me that perfectly captures the fast paced chaotic nature of combat and how it has a directly negative impact on one's ability to shoot accurately. As a final note, it seems to me that LAWs and RPGs and mortars are entirely too accurate. I'd -love- for that to be remedied. I'm sick of them being sniper rifle accurate, flying in a straight line without any kind of deviation whatsoever.
  3. Baphomet

    Wasteland RELEASED!! wOOT!

    As I stated in MY previous thread about this addon that was closed down after this one was created... Are there going to be any worthwhile missions that will be made for it?
  4. Antimeasure submitted his Wasteland Island to OFP.info image I've always wanted to make a dynamic wasteland type mission, in the same vein as those games in the Fallout series. This addon has once more stirred my imagination. It'd be really great if one of the more scripty mission makers made a dynamic mission in which you could travel around the world talking to npcs to either buy, or trade weapons/vehicles/etc or to generate missions. What would especially be nice is a multiplayer version which emphasized a party of individuals. I don't know if it's possible in OFP but with Starsiege Tribes' mod Tribes RPG, they tackled the problem of saving games by giving players the option to output certain data in the game to a file that could be loaded later which would track the last known location, inventory, etc. Would this be possible in OFP? Is there even a demand for such a thing? Regardless. I think it sure would be fun.
  5. Baphomet

    Wasteland Island released.

    You know I was thinking about Sinews of War when I thought of a dynamic mission that could be used for a post apocalyptic setting. I think it would work great.
  6. Baphomet

    Wasteland Island released.

    No no, fallout is an RPG which is set in a post apocalyptic setting. Excluding the roleplaying stats, the game featured a vast range of NPCs which you could talk to and take missions from, only in the context of fallout this would advance the overall story. With OFP you could simply be generating random encounters or missions.
  7. Baphomet

    Operation Flashpoint T-Shirts

    That is a good idea Dusand. However I think personally I'd like to be able to get some kind of professionally silk screened image or something. I don't trust my artistic abilities so far as I can throw them. Which I can't... so. Cafepress is well... kinda junky because they don't exactly have a lot of variety in terms of colors and styles of shirts. I'd pay a higher than average sum for a t-shirt or a sweater with a custom logo or something OFP related, such as the FIA insignia on it. I checked out a site called www.neighborhoodies.com but you can't give them special images to put on their clothes. So that sucks.
  8. Baphomet

    Operation Flashpoint T-Shirts

    I would love a dark green or brown t-shirt that had an FIA logo on it. That would just make my day.
  9. Baphomet

    Game physics

    Since I think this forum usually gets a fair share of spam topics that could easily find it's way into other pre-existing threads. I wanted to bring up an issue the kind of bothered me with the original OFP. That issue being the simulation of lower gears on vehicles to climb steep inclines. I'd really like the ability to either shift down to a low gear or have the game do it automatically for me when going up an incline, because it's really stupid watching a hmmwv or jeep or any all terrain vehicle practically grind to a halt like you're trying to climb a hill in a high gear. Additionally, the issue of being able to make tanks fly down a hill a mach 10 if you give them a straight unobstructed path. Sure it was fun, however it was just ridiculous while playing to see someone in a bradley soundly outrunning a motorcycle down the hill at montignac. Before we start adding other things, I'd like to see existing issues fixed, or improved.
  10. Baphomet

    CQC techniques

    Well, you try moving and shooting any kind of gun, and staying accurate. Even though when you move with a gun it may not seem like much, but even the slightest movement can account for innaccuracy by at least a few feet. This isn't even taking recoil into account. Just try firing a shotgun when you don't have it properly braced whilst moving around. The gun even with buckshot you're not going to hit anything. The last thing OFP needs is the ability for people to run around and shoot accurately. I might as well play something stupid like quake.
  11. Baphomet

    East VS West - Episode 01

    It seems a -lot- like red vs blue... I mean painfully like RvB. Perhaps try a different presentation format that's a bit more unique. The voice acting seemed a bit stiff too. With some witty writing it could be great. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  12. Baphomet

    bullet penetration

    I would like to see the unique characteristics of bullets accurately modeled. One of the most unique types of bullets I've ever fired is probably hollowpoint .22 LR and .22 short. They're, from my experience a rather inconsistent round. I've tried various brands and they all seem to behave similarly in an occasionally unperdictable fashion. I've blown a cantaloupe in half with .22 stingers, yet at the same time I've shot an orange and it didn't do anything except pass through or blow a small chunk off. Same goes for regular .22 LR or Short hollowpoints. Seeing some variation of performance and consistency based on the characteristics of the rounds used in OFP 2 would be really great in my opinion. Having a simulation for the decay of muzzle energy and thus damage and penetration as the bullet slows down would make weapons like shotguns so much more realistic and would add depth to the game's combat. It's kind of annoying trying to make a buckshot cartridge in OFP and trying to balance between it's actual range and the effective range that translates to in OFP due to the fact that no matter how fast a bullet is traveling, it's doing the same damage. This has in my opinion resulted in overly or ineffective versions of this type of ammunition depending on what the focus of the development is.
  13. Baphomet

    CQC techniques

    No offence but this thread isn't really contributing anything. OFP != MGS, and it never will be. Soldiers don't perform wrestling moves on people with guns. You try sneaking up on someone and doing that. The person will shoot you before you even have a chance to. This is a battlefield simulator, not a jerry bruckheimer movie simulator.
  14. Baphomet

    Some c&c stuff

    Wow. You guys really are starting to make some progress. At first I thought this was going to be another one of those projects that just never took off. You guys keep at it. I'll enjoy playing some C&C ofp style in the future.
  15. Baphomet

    Instant Battle MOD

    Any chance of making a non dynamic range addon version of this? With minimal addons? (ie no extra vehicles etc)
  16. Baphomet

    bullet penetration

    I think ballistics and weapon handling need to be more sophisticated as a whole in OFP 2.
  17. Baphomet

    ORCS Effects and Back-pack addon

    Awesome. This looks like it has a lot of potential for missions.
  18. Baphomet

    New military RTS game under development

    The game would be more entertaining to me as a turn based strategy unless the real time portion afforded you the luxury of -not- babysitting each and every unit in a mad clickfestival.
  19. Baphomet

    My list.

    Having them programmed in would seem more resource efficient than running a script as well.
  20. Please tell me BIS will -never- ever go the way that Valve has gone and force you to either call a phone number or have an internet connection to validate one's copy of OFP 2. I was never terribly interested in Halflife 2 to begin with, now I'm somewhat disgusted that they've taken a cue from microsoft and forced you to have an internet connection to validate the copy of a game that you purchased at a store. I was in another forum discussing this and someone mentioned that OFP's copy protection was so much better as it didn't inconvenience the shit out of players yet was effective enough to prevent the game from being hacked and pirated on a large scale. I totally agree with this. I believe it's an unnecessary inconvenience. I'd be rather insulted if I was forced to have to endure it just to play a game I liked. I'd seriously consider not even buying it and I'd encourage others not to as well if it were the case. Yeah it's spiteful, but I just hate the audacity of valve to force something like that. Not to mention that I do harbor an abiding hatred to for steam, so that does account for a certain level of disgust when this issue came to my attention. In my opinion that's one step closer to a conceptual orwellian 1984 type control over software.
  21. Baphomet

    Remote validation for games.

    Same here. I told everyone I knew about how glorious OFP was. Even someone who worked at a computer store, which he said got him a commendation from management for moving so many copies of the game, which otherwise wasn't selling as well as it could or should have. Oh and OFP did have some decent (albeit negative) media coverage. It got in PC GAMER at least, which was one of the most widely read pc gaming periodicals at the time. They essentially spent a good portion of the magazine pretty much taking every opportunity to trash the game. I never read the magazine after that. Not only did they not like it, but they slagged it whenever the game had any occasion to be mentioned at all, constantly extoling the virtues of Ghost Recon. They even wrote rude replies to reader responses from that issue. I mean none of them as I recall were the least bit spiteful or juvenile. It was more like "How can you say this game is so bad?... etc." Which was met with nothing but snyde remarks. I do think however in part at least. The fact that OFP found itself a specialized and loyal niche market, that it partially saved it from a lot of unwanted attention. Let's face it. The game in terms of mainstream media and opinion was not a big ticket item. Thus not so much a target for crackers.
  22. Baphomet

    My list.

    Well, not to split hairs or anything. However would this be a running jump or like a leap to clear small obstacles? I mean you could conceivably make a soldier "hop" so you could clear narrow trenches or ditches... that I could see being perfectly acceptable, as long as it's done in a way that they can't go off to a flying sprint and leap and then land and keep sprinting. However at the same time, not balance it in the way soldner did, which was utterly ludicrous. I can't imagine many soldiers would find that level of acrobatics feasible or useful when you're actually being shot at. Considering how high you could jump without all that combat gear on. You jumped... straight up practically, then as you fell down you basically hovered half a foot over the ground it seems for a second before falling the rest of the way down. Yeah... only the vegetation is more sparse and less detailed, less detail on textures. Thing is you can't tell me OFP runs as well as that game. We both know it's not true. That's the point of my comparison. For certain circumstances I think the visuals should be scaled back to allow maximum performance. As it stands, aircraft in OFP is nothing more than a novelty.
  23. Baphomet

    ORCS Effects and Back-pack addon

    Can I use this backback addon without the ICP weapon pack? Furthermore, I use FDF as a base for pretty much everything. Will this back pack addon conflict or simply not work with it?
  24. Baphomet

    My list.

    That's all fine if you're certain you're playing with people who won't let it disrupt the game. It would be rather interesting and perhaps a good training tool for clans to help improve the skills of their members. If that's what one is in to.
  25. Baphomet

    Remote validation for games.

    Total noob question here, but doesn't 128 bit encryption play havoc on the orgainization of data on your PC? Apparently Half life 2 just makes a bloody mess of your PC and fragments the hell out of it within a relatively short period of time according to a fair amount of users, allegedly because of steam and it's 128 bit encryption for data. Any truth to this?