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Everything posted by Bullz_eye_on_my_back

  1. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Problems with a new addon...

    haha....well seems like im testing it as i go along scripting. There will probably be a beta version since i hope to add more to it later on. Plus im not the greatest modeller in the world, so im sure it could be improved on. If you know anyone that knows how to do textures, it would be great if you could possibly drop a line to them that i need some help
  2. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Problems with a new addon...

    actually not exactly, but the model doesn't have a proxy image of the pilot in it- so therefore you never see a pilot. Also, once it gets to the damage point where the pilot would eject an eventhandler imediately beams the pilot to the cooridnates [0,0,0] and sets his damage to 1. So you never see the pilot at all unless you were standing at the [0,0,0] when he is beamed there for a split-second. Dschulle has really helped a lot. He looked over my scripts and solved several small problems, and updated his helmetcam script especially for the cypher. Through the scripts so far i have made an interface where you can move left/right/back/forwards in small increments. I'm currently working on getting combo list boxes where you can pick the griddings of the map and have it move to that position. Also, you can turn on and off the lights. Pick the direction of heading of either the camera or model (they rotate independently now). The camera can be tilted up or down. You can control the altitude of flight in both moving and hovering modes and land. oh and one thing i failed to mention that would be needed is that a new sound would be needed. Right now the sound is an UH60 engine. These things would be a lot quieter!!
  3. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Problems with a new addon...

    hey! some news on the cypher project im working on. So far the scripting is going great. Only a few more things to do and the basics of the remote controling of the cypher will be complete. Later i want to possibly add a few things to it: 1. laser targeting system to "paint" a target. 2. maybe create a cypher command vehicle that has a specific range which it could control it. Also, it could refuel and repair the cypher. 3. at certain health levels have a staticy (if thats a word) screen. progressively getting worse ofcourse. 4. rotation animations of the camera on the addon to coincide with the rotations of the camera script I really need some help though: I still have no textures and no software to even make them, nor if i had something- i have no clue how to do it. Hopefully really soon (within the week if all goes well) the only thing holding this back is the texturing. I need all the things that i previously described with a few additional things. Additions: 1. transperant greenish texture that i can use as a nightvision screen 2. a camera "site" or crosshairs texture
  4. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hey!! good news, the hovering height has been solved!! Dschulle has gone over my scripting and solved several parts of my problems. He even updated his helmet cam script especially for the cypher, and created the camera where it acts like a turret. So now you can rotate the cypher and camera independently. He kept in the tilting of the camera up and down. Just so that when you move the cypher in different directions, if the directions aren't the same direction the camera is pointed in- then there is a "centering" button that centers the camera back to horizontal view and same heading as the cypher.
  5. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    haha....yep boredom can be a pretty good kick starter. Thanks for the info! I think i can set up where i can use the same button for when its flying and at a certain speed will set the forcealt to true and direct the info to the other script made for the hovering height! Thanks Homer! I'll get to work on that idea!
  6. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmm...i can't get it out of the loop still... if anyone would like to help figure it out.. i would gladly send a zip of the files your way to try and get this scripting done here is a small update on what I've got left so far: 1. figure out how to change the hovering height 2. get some textures for NV screen/ texture for the spycam (addon & icon)/ texture for damaged camera lens/new texture for cross hairs for camera sights and laser pointer targeting 3. Figure out how to make the cypher use the laser targeting/ and set up the script to detect what is "painted" 4. moving to certain griddings on the map (which i have been given permision from MFCTI to use his script [huge huge thanks!] ; I just have to decode how he did it to make it work) Thats about it for the first version of it. Later I would like to possibly create a "Cypher command vehicle" where the person controlling would sit in the cargo hold of a vehicle (tv screens and parts and such in the same cargo hold) and have it where it can refule and repair the cypher... and possibly have a range of how far it can remotely control the cypher. Thanks, keep the ideas and help coming! Bullz_eye
  7. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    Thanks InqWiper for the laser designator help!!! Now i just need to figure out a way to make a script to make it actually use it. Yes, I've been trying to play with the setvelocities and setposition and flyinheights.... unfortunately the only way for me to stay at the height i want it to during hovering mode....is to set a loop, but i can't stop it for when i want to move. The script is stuck in the loop. Dschulle has suggested using different camera scripts that you can use the key pad to direct it, but not sure if it will allow the dialog to be used too I'll check out the spectator script I have fixed the camera, but not by sliders or anything. I've set up a set of buttons that will rotate the whole cypher in certain specified increments (+/-1,15,30,60, & 90 degrees or heading direction). Then I have set up a tilt of the camera up or down, then centered. I'm currently trying to mess with the animations to make the camera on the model also rotate up or down with relation to the button pushed to tilt the camera... i need to figure out how to make it perform the animation action through scripts
  8. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmmm...i tried the setposition, but it negates just about everything else for moving. with the loop it just sticks to that one spot basically. Dschulle has been taking a look at everything when he gets the time and has been helping solve some problems. About the laser designator or targeting device...how could i place it on a heli? to use to "paint" the target? i know you can find the painted target through scripts, but not sure how to add it to a vehicle.....
  9. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmm....i just tried that...it went up, but like most things in gravity...it came back down.....not exactly why its not working, but i will fool around with it to see if i can get it to work! Thanks again Red!!! I'm starting to think i picked a doosy (however you spell it) to try and learn how to script on. Wondering....should i try and place a lasertargeting script on it....so that it will "paint" a target with a laser dot? Also, if there are any texture people out there...i really really could use some help!!!! I've never textured, all i need is the cypher to be textured, and just a green colored (see through) .paa file ..where it looks like the NV goggles (without the black round circle) and a laser sight and maybe a "locked on" sight too.... I'm thinking also...at a certain health status..ill try and make the cam flicker and get a little fuzzy
  10. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmmm.....so far I've been able to menuver it manually through the interface into a building and through the rooms, but i still can't get it to at a hovering state raise up and fly at a higher altitude.... ive tried..... spycam setvelocity [velocity spycam select 0 ,velocity spycam select 1,((velocity spycam select 2) +2)] ~0.3 spcaym setvelocity [velocity spycam select 0, velocity spycam select 1,velocity spycam select 2] exit then tried... spycam setvelocity [0,0,((velocity spycam select 2 )+1)] ~0.7 spcaym setvelocity [0,0,velocity spycam select 2] exit then... _num = 0 #plus50 _num= _num +1 spycam setpos [getpos spycam select 0, getpos spycam select 1, _z + _num] _ht= getpos spycam select 2 spycam flyinheight _ht ~0.02 ?(_num < 50): goto "plus50" exit everything ive tried makes it raise up , but then falls back down to the original altitude....anyone have any ideas?? Ive searched but can't find anything
  11. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    cool..I've gotten the movement in small incruments to different directions! (well tested in one direction and pretty sure i can get the others- using the sin*getdir and cos*getdir commands) Very good idea with the set velocity, because it gets rid of the AI wanting to fly up to 50m before moving! Thanks Red!! I have a problem though....since the flyin height command only works while in movement (as far as my tests show).... how do i make the heli raise up or down and stay at a certain height?? I was trying to figure out a way using the setvelocity, but it flies up and then falls back down to its original altitude....
  12. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    ahhh....good call! I just started trying to work on that...i've had lil luck with going one meter forward and everything... hmmm..im going to have to think about how to make it set the velocity direction determined on its heading.... also, i have the fly in height working, but i just noticed once it stops to hover at its positon it doesn't want to fly up or down. Would "setpos" with a loop (to make it slowly raise up) work or would i need to use the set velocity also? I've never used the setvelocity....would i need to set the velocity to zero once it hit the mark....or will it die out over a distance? Thanks for the advice!! by the way....is it possible to set the camera's dive and bank, when using the target command?? or even use the dive and bank command at all?
  13. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    Well good news!!! I have been slowly learning code and have gotten a few things done.... I've started making a dialog incorporating a modified "helmet cam" script ....in it so far i have created a way to rotate the spy camera (through buttons)...have it fly at any height wanted....through buttons that add or subtract height from the given flying height....also landing I'm currently trying to make it turn on/off its light....and the night vision goggles also. I'm looking into controlling the speed and moving small incruments(left, right, forward, and back) and to specific griddings..... I could use some help still... if anyone has any suggestions or would like to help...please post it thanks!!
  14. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmmm....I'm back at the cypher addon again. I've fixed my geometry LOD. I can now fly it straight into a building doorway and up a flight of stairs to sit and hover at a window (very carefully and slowly). I've been looking at scripting snipets and everything, and think that there might be a way to make it all work. Only thing is I have no experience in scripting- so I'm trying to learn. If anyone knows how to make an interface with slide bars, butttons, and setting a heli heading (facing direction) please let me know. I'm going to try my hardest to figure it out, as soon as I do, and get the textures on...I'll send it out Thanks!!!
  15. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Problems with a new addon...

    Hey hey hey! everyone! I've so far fixed hopefully all of my problems with the Geometry LOD of the cypher. It flies smoothly, but is very sensitive when it is flown into a city area. It has to be put into auto hover and slowly taken down the paths and centering with the strafe buttons. So far I have been able to carefully manuver it into a building and up a flight of stairs to sit and look out a window. The only thing to complete the addon is: 1. I need someone to texture it-since I've never textured before. 2. I need 2 pictures made to have as the icons in the command bar and map views. (optional) It would be great if someone that new how to create scripts and interfaces to make a way to control the AI flying it. (I'm currently trying to learn how to script and create an interface-so it make take me 50 years when it might take one person 1 or 2 days) Thanks!! Oh and if you're interested just let me know and give me your e-mail address! Bullz_eye
  16. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    The cypher

    Well, I just fixed the whole problem of not being able to go through doorways and into buildings, but for some reason everyonce in a while it will start flying like its strafing to one side and it gets hard to make a turn. I'm going to fool around with the geometry a bit and see what i can come up with. Just wanted to give an update! Thanks Bullz_eye
  17. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    A possible idea for a new addon....

    haha....yep i would have to say that is one fence cutter and a half. I didn't know about the fence with the cut in it already, but yep I think it would be a pretty nice addition to have. Only thing is, I have no clue how to script. I've been working on small addons here and there, but haven't completed one yet. That and my cpp skills...are nonexistant lol well I do think with a fence cutter like that- there wouldn't be a base left lol ofcourse you wouldn't need fence cutters anymore
  18. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    A possible idea for a new addon....

    I'm thinking the only way to get through any fences and barbed-wire are to either run it over with a tank or blow it up with some type of explosive.... Could there be any way to actually make a bolt/fence cutter ..with a new fence that would split open down the center so that you could crawl through?? It would def. add to the realism of the game and help in stealth missions.... Its just a thought...
  19. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    A possible idea for a new addon....

    sweeeeeeetttt!!!! well I was throwing an idea out there for if it was possible.....Hmmm..I guess I need to work on learning how to make such a thing..... or if anyone else knows and would love to thanks for the response!
  20. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    A possible idea for a new addon....

    true true... but wouldn't it make a sound of it falling or damage being inflicted to it?....you could easily see that the fence is fallen and that someone had been through
  21. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    The cypher

    Cool! I just now got it! I guess my e-mail is acting crazy too!
  22. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    The cypher

    I've based mine as a chopper since the real thing seems to be able to hover and uses rotating blades. The only problem I'm running into though- is that the cypher isn't very stable (flipping and shaking) flying on larger maps and requires a heavy and wide bottom on the geometry lod because of its small size (which creates the problem of getting through narrow door ways of buildings). I tested mine on the desert island (smaller map) and i had it flying pretty stable without exagerating the geometry. I'm not sure if the size of the model is the problem for it flying unstably or just something that needs to be fixed in the center of gravity (which I've been testing with no other luck other than a wide and heavy bottom signifigantly lower than the rest of the model-about 2 to 3 meters). The concept would be great if it can be scripted- in multiplayer if someone actually menuvered it, then there is no problem. Just thought I would put in a lil bit of testing results! I sent an email to you but didn't get a reply back well happy holidays all!!! Bullz_eye
  23. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    hmmm....i guess this is the only time i wished the AI was reaaaally stupid! lol.... Cool, well thanks for answering, I was just hoping there was a way to do it. A few of the scripts on that page looked promising too... Thanks again! Bullz_eye
  24. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    well I've seen that in missions that were out and thought it was a really sweet thing....I was amazed when i saw it..especially with the zoom! But with this you could be seeing through the camera's eyes....from the horizontal view too and not restricted to only a view from the vertical (if someone was hiding in a building or under a tree or bush you couldnt see them from the satellite) plus with the spy camera you can use the night vision goggles with the helmet cam you can see what the "character/object" sees as it moves a long. I just wondered if there was a way to manually control an AI helicopter pilot to raise up or down and turn left or right (rotate) to actually manuver (sp?) the spy camera through streets and possibly even big buildings to scout or to hide and watch.
  25. Bullz_eye_on_my_back

    Need help for a script for a spy camera

    oops!! forgot to say.... the way I would like it set up is...that the cypher is essentially a remote control helicopter that you could control from anywhere on the map! Thanks Bullz_eye