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Everything posted by B@ZOOkA

  1. B@ZOOkA

    Vanilla coke

    dont know that vanilla coke.... but i know those crackers with vinegar from britian .... i really dont like clichees but i think the one about britain and food is right
  2. B@ZOOkA

    Airforce 1

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Aug. 28 2002,15:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (B@ZOOkA @ Aug. 28 2002,15:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">whose c130 is it on the pic avon?... there are several in produce<span id='postcolor'> that was adammo's C130<span id='postcolor'> does anyone have a link of his site (if he has one) ? BTW: the movie AIR FORCE 1 is one of the 10 worst ive ever seen.... i mean have you ever seen a president who was a member of the special forces in vietnam (or something like that) and whose main job now is to be a super hero?? (except George Bush)
  3. B@ZOOkA

    I want a silent gun and other toys

    WALTER PPKsd!... even if pistols are not really useful for ofp... i want this one
  4. B@ZOOkA

    Airforce 1

    whose c130 is it on the pic avon?... there are several in produce
  5. B@ZOOkA


    in fact ..they all have quite the same addons... there are only few differences i think
  6. B@ZOOkA

    What about a flare pistol...

    should be no problem to make them.... but i dont know of any existing
  7. B@ZOOkA

    Airforce 1

    i think what hes talking about is the VC-25a.... its a boeing 747-200B i saw a pic of it some time ago ... one of the mods is working on it... but i forgot which one
  8. B@ZOOkA

    Most important event in the 20th century

    i dont know if you can say their was one most important event.... their were many very important developments... for example the one of the car, the plane, and the communication and computer technology
  9. B@ZOOkA

    A small useful addon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ Aug. 27 2002,17:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nice, small, and useful. Â I wish we got more addons like this.<span id='postcolor'> we got more addons like this.. zwadar made a lot of small useful things... check it out at ofp.cz in the download section
  10. B@ZOOkA


    great man... but cant you sent it as a private message to Albert Schweitzer
  11. i think that doesnt work either.... its not possible to install mounted missile systems on the brdm in ofp i think..its only a car which was put in the armored class the only way is to define it as a tank... but than it would behave like a tank... and that would look ... a bit strange i think
  12. B@ZOOkA

    Announcing the airwolf mod

    this mod is a great idea....maybe it will be more an action-mod than a tactical like flashpoint itself... models look good too ...
  13. B@ZOOkA

    Miniguns & choppers

    maybe BIS will do it in their next patch... they added the function of rotation miniguns in resistance they allready added it to the cobra
  14. B@ZOOkA

    Finnish a mustang!

    yes they give credits to evis on their sites and in the readme thats true... i didnt want to say that they stole it but all the big community sites put a news on their site like "today, WW2 engineer corps released their p-51" .... nothing about evis and that it is his work.... if WW2 engineer corps had finished it (removed the bugs, added new sound,...) i wouldnt have said anything.... but just makeing a new screen of it and releasing it....thats the way how misssunderstandings are created
  15. B@ZOOkA

    New ka-50 from eviscerator!

    i think its the same thing like that one about the missles that do not work on wheeled vehicle but on tanks...
  16. B@ZOOkA

    Finnish a mustang!

    so finaly WW2 engineer corps "finished" it....and thats just what i wanna talk about.... what did they change? i downloaded evis unfinished version of it a few days ago and checked it out...and now downloaded the "finished" version.... i ask my self what they finished about the mustang ..i cant see any differences... i has the same bugs like evis one so did i missed something or did the WW2 engineer corps just put their name on it and released it again? plz help me
  17. B@ZOOkA

    New ka-50 from eviscerator!

    yes i know... i didnt want to criticize anybody... look at a pic with a flying ka-50 and then at a screenshot for ofp... for me it looks terrible with that gear i know that it cant be changed ..only by bis... but they probalbly wont do it because its quite a lot of work... lets wait for IL
  18. B@ZOOkA

    A request for:

    whatever... denior is right (this time )
  19. B@ZOOkA

    Alien/futuristic looking vehicles.

    what about colonial marines fighting against bugs ? i really hope ppl wont be able to aninmate bugs
  20. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ludovico Technique @ Aug. 25 2002,04:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not sure if anybody's pointed this out yet on the subject of Russian equivolency to the M113, but the reason there is not a really similar vehicle is a difference in design philosophies. The Russians prefer an IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) over an out and out APC. The Russian vehicles are designed for frontline fighting as well as transportation. The M113 is not designed to fight toe to toe, the gun is for defence whereas the weapons on the BMPs and others are designed to engage other armoured vehicles.<span id='postcolor'> btw: the army has the bradley (bfvs) as an ifv
  21. B@ZOOkA

    A request for:

    but it takes too much time to get it in the hand and ready to fire via the action menu.... reloading your primary weapon is most the time much faster
  22. B@ZOOkA

    Where are satchels sounds?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Aug. 25 2002,17:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">where is the scatchell sound pack for 1.46? maybe i can give it a try to make it work in OFPR Â Â but i wont release until i have permission of him<span id='postcolor'> i think there was never a version for 1.46 made by satchtel... but wright made a patch for it so that it worked with 1.45 and 1.46 sorry i forgot the link but i still have it on my HD
  23. B@ZOOkA

    Alien/futuristic looking vehicles.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jamesia @ Aug. 25 2002,23:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That would be SO cool. Someone needs to make the marines from Aliens now too. We don't need the aliens. Just the army.<span id='postcolor'> no plz not the marines...then ppl will start to play starship troopers.... i always thought ofp was a tactical game
  24. B@ZOOkA

    New ka-50 from eviscerator!

    its nothing against the addon (and the original too) but for me, a ka-50 (or 52) is only good if you can get the gear up.... everything else looks terrible.... really a pitty that this is not possible in ofp same thing with the hind... i all looks so inproffesionel or incomplete if the gears out when the helos fly i hope bis will ever change it PLEASE!
  25. B@ZOOkA

    Where are satchels sounds?

    sachtels soundpack was the best one and still is the best... i absolutly agree with you.... but its only for 1.46 *whining* many other soundpacks are good too... but they often took some of their sounds from sachtels (i dont know if with permission or without) hope sachtel or anyone else will make dynamic range compatible with res ps: my favorite sound was the black hawk sound... its many times better than the original sound for the uh-60