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Everything posted by BlackDeath

  1. BlackDeath


    do you people turn every fucking post into a argument? im just wondering.
  2. BlackDeath

    Weapon name

    what is the weapon name and magazine name for the russian and american grenade launcher? ive been trying to find it...
  3. BlackDeath

    Weapon name

    The name of the ammo for western grenadelauncher="GrenadeLauncher" The name of the ammo for eastern grenadelauncher="GrenadeLauncher" ok the name of the grenade launchers is WHAT IM TRYING TO FIND OUT
  4. BlackDeath

    Weapon name

    no, not the rifles with m203's. the HEAVY grenade launchers.
  5. BlackDeath

    A plane would be nice

    30? HOLY FUCKING CHRIST i hope i dont turn out to be you, shouldnt you know...have a wife and kids to argue with/look after rather then postng in these forums?
  6. BlackDeath

    A plane would be nice

    like his age really matters, and i would even tell that shit to your face. and id rather play this fucking game while im young then be some old fuck like you sitting in a room playing video games when im fucking 20 years old, ROOFLES! oh yeah and if you dont care why are you still argueing with him? stfu kthxbai fgt
  7. BlackDeath

    Almost done :) :) :) :) :) :)

    the maps are good ive played em, oh yeah............ shadup fgtz kthxbai
  8. BlackDeath

    Alot of cracksmoking in flashpoint

    shut up fgtz kthxbai
  9. BlackDeath

    Alot of cracksmoking in flashpoint

    you people f*bleep*g suck
  10. BlackDeath

    Vehicle respawn problem

    script didnt seem to work for me.
  11. i have it so if the jeep is destroyed it will respawn, but i also want it to respawn even if its not destroyed so i dont have to walk 1000 meters to my next waypoint, and pick the jeep up again, is there any way i can do this?
  12. BlackDeath

    Nuke boom

    is there anyway i can put this in my own mission, like make a plane drop it or do it with a trigger?
  13. BlackDeath

    Vehicle respawn problem

    no script, i used a tutorial from www.ofpeditingcenter.com but it doesnt seem to work =/
  14. BlackDeath

    More mission help

    ive been there, the tutorial on vehicle respawning didnt help for shit, if i could get vehicle respawning id be at least HALF way done with my map but no one knows how to do it, and i know its possible because ive played a map that had it.
  15. i wanna make it so when i destroy these 2 shilkas i can radio in a air strike of 2 ah-64's to come in and destroy the rest of the tank base, i know i have to do this with triggers but i cant seem to figure out how to get it to work
  16. whenever i put new weapons in a map and i hit 'preview' in the editor i always have to reload my weapons. but when i exported to multiplayer i didnt have to, happend to me a few times.
  17. im working on a sniper mission and i want it so the jeep that i use to get around to respawn, so if i die i dont have to walk 3000 meters to get to my next objective when i respawn, if anyone could tell me how i would be greatful
  18. BlackDeath

    Vehicle respawning

    nevermind i found something on that page about vehicle respawning, i tried it out in the editor but it didnt seem to work, if anyone could give a better explanation of how to do it please do.
  19. BlackDeath

    Vehicle respawning

    i couldnt find anything
  20. BlackDeath

    More mission help

    thanks man, i messed around with it and got it to work, i dont think i could do this with a10's because there planes and always fly forward. it would be cool if i could waste the tanks and then tell the choppers to come in through radio, but this will do perfectly.
  21. BlackDeath

    More mission help

    i got preety much everything you said done but im sitting in the editor right now wondering how i 'sync' it with the seek and destroy WP's, i am a newbie here so i dont know much
  22. BlackDeath

    Vehicle respawning

    fine, does anyone know a tutorial on makeing vehicles respawn?
  23. BlackDeath

    Mission help

    im trying to make it so my squad starts out in a uh60 and goes to shore, then we get out and parachute to the ground, but how do i make it so we start out in the uh60?
  24. BlackDeath

    Mission help

    i tried putting 'this moveincargo UH60-MG' and 'this moveincargo UH60' but both of them didnt seem to work, and i did the command for every unit
  25. i would start makeing some maps but i cant figure out how to make it so you respawn when you die, other then turning into a bird...if you guys could help i would appriciate it