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About Bremmer

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    Private First Class
  1. Bremmer

    Config for static objects

    Thanks Kegetys - accuracy was the problem with the name (so higher accuracy means the object is harder to identify, right?). You are truely an OFP genius. Leone - I don't want the AI to ignore the target all together, I just want to be able to control how they engage the target (bullets = good, rocket propelled grenades = bad). Thanks anyway.
  2. Bremmer

    PMC Ranger Path - OFP Campaign

    It's always nice to get feedback on a script, even if it is implying I'm a racist  Snake Man - it might interest you to know that v1.1 of my ai script is available at the OFPEC. There is an easy option that would allow you to turn the sounds off/on, as well as a host of other improvements (making the option side specific is a good idea - I'll take that onboard for the next version). I also tried to cut back on the frequency of the comments - I appreciate it can become tiresome in a long mission. The script just now is limited to the ofp default sound files, but I would love to add lots of custom ones to decrease to repetition. If anyone is willing to help me by recording some sound files (both english and russian) please e-mail me at ian at 289gwr.fsnet.co.uk or IM me on the OFPEC forum. Regarding the accuracy of the artillery, I must say I'm not an expert in the real subject but it strikes me that if a target stays in the same place artillery will very quickly zero in on it. That is what the script simulates - the first volley is usually well wide of the mark, if the target position does not move successive volleys become more and more deadly. Keep moving and you'll almost never be hit. Right - I'm off to download the campaign. Cheers Ian
  3. Bremmer

    Config for static objects

    Thanks Bratz, but I don't think the armour value affects how the soldiers engage the target. I tried lowering the value to 10 and rasing it to 100000, but the ai shot it using sidearms (which I want) and LAW rounds (which I don't) regardless. Cheers anyway
  4. Hello. I'm a total beginner when it comes to cpp editing, so apologies if this is a simple problem that I should already know about ... What I am trying to do is make the AI target inanimate objects. Tomb previously managed to get the AI to target the rifle range target, but unfortunately he has lost his work. He did give me a great start with his cpp file (below) that tricks west AI into thinking the target is a UAZ, and I have worked out that the east side will target a 5t refuel truck in the same way. All good so far, but there a a couple of problems: - Despite trying to make the AI call the object 'target' they still call it 'UAZ'. Why isn't namesound working. The target also shows up as 'UAZ' in the extended HUD. Is this fixable? - LAW soldiers thinks its great fun to unleash their full payload into the target, but I would prefer if they engaged with guns only. How can I decide what weapons the AI will engage the target with? Here's Tombs cpp file ( cheers mate  ) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches {   class BRM_Target   {     units[]={BRM_Target};     weapons[]={};     requiredVersion=1.460000000;   }; }; class CfgVehicles {   class All{};   class AllVehicles: All{};   class Land: AllVehicles{};   class LandVehicle: Land{};   class Car: LandVehicle{};   class UAZ: Car{};   class BRM_Target: UAZ   {     nameSound="Target";     scope=2;     hasDriver=0;     side=1;     displayName="Target (West)";     simulation="House";   // same as below     coefInside=2;  // fools the game engine to think that it really IS a d**n building!     coefInsideHeur=4.300000;     vehicleClass=Objects;     model="\imb_target\target";     picture="ivojak";     icon="unknown_object";     mapSize=0.4000;     type=0;     threat[]={0.00, 0.00, 0.00};     destrType=DestructTree;     canSmoke=0;     accuracy=1000;     transportSoldier=0;     transportMaxMagazines=0;     transportMaxWeapons=0;     fuelCapacity=0;     maxSpeed=0.000;     cost=1000;     armor=1000;     soundEngine[]={"",0,1};     soundEnviron[]={"",0,1};   }; }; Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Ian Â
  5. Bremmer

    High resolution skies

    I'm having some trouble getting this working. The extraction seems to go OK, and I have set up the shortcut properties OK, but when I load each of the islands I get an error message such as: Cannot load object data3d\plot_proizorni.3pd Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? Thanks
  6. Thanks Ralph Your right! It appears that @ is sensitive to whether the variables are undeclared. The only other time I've needed to declare variables false at the beginning is when checking for a not condition type. ie. cond1 - not declared not cond1 = false cond1 = false I wonder why having some ambiguity in one of the OR terms (by not declaring them) causes the command to fail ? Thanks again Ian
  7. Bremmer

    Editing problem with @ and ||

    Thanks Ralph Your right! It appears that @ is sensitive to whether the variables are undeclared. The only other time I've needed to declare variables false at the beginning is when checking for a not condition type. ie. cond1 - not declared not cond1 = false cond1 = false I wonder why having some ambiguity in one of the OR terms (by not declaring them) causes the command to fail ? Thanks again Ian
  8. Hello I just came across a problem with the editor, trying to use a combination of @ and OR. If this problem is well known then please forgive me for bringing it up again. Basically the OR in a condition line such as : @ (condition1 or condition2) is not recognised correctly, and is interpreted as an AND instead. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ian
  9. Hello I just came across a problem with the editor, trying to use a combination of @ and OR. If this problem is well known then please forgive me for bringing it up again. Basically the OR in a condition line such as : @ (condition1 or condition2) is not recognised correctly, and is interpreted as an AND instead. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ian
  10. DnA I'm pretty sure that knowsabout ranges from 0 to 4. 3 should work fine. Cheers
  11. Bremmer

    Change the original radiomessage ?

    Find your voice.pbo in the flashpoint directory and unpack it. You will see that each speaker has his own directory containing all the standard voice files (eg one, two, alpha, bravo ...) in wss format. If you replace these files with your own *.wss and repack the PBO you should now hear your own voice instead. I'm not sure where you will find a sound editor for converting to wss. Replacing all the phrases for all the different voices will be quite a large task though. Good Luck
  12. Does anyone know the correct title for the music track '7th - I am gonna fly', for use with the playmusic command? The other 7th tracks are named '7thoverdose', '7thlifeless' ... but this syntax doesnt work with '7thiamgonnafly'. Any help is much appreciated Cheers
  13. Bremmer


    Come out of mission editing, start a single player mission, then abort it. Go back in to mission editing and your HUD markers should have reappeared. This is just a little quirk in the editor. Cheers
  14. You can use titletext instead of titlecut, eg: titletext ["Your text here","plain down"] Cheers
  15. Bremmer

    Debriefing for end lose

    Thanks Acid The problem is that all the End# type triggers are considered win scenarios, and show the 'End Win' outro. I want an ending that will give me a debriefing, and show the 'End Loose' outro. Thanks anyway man.