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About Bodie

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Bodie

    Hats & caps

    Anyone got the problem that the caps the soldiers wear are somewhat incomplete, you can see their heads through it sometimes. i've tried some other video configs but the problem remains.
  2. Bodie

    Laser black op

    thanks, thats clear
  3. Bodie

    Laser black op

    anyone can tell me what the laser black op can do with his important looking piece of equipment?
  4. Bodie

    Lame game

    Whaaaaa, thanks for buying the game, gives us as chance to.....
  5. Bodie

    Super ai

    Hey, anyone playing with superAI on? What's the difference? I hope for instance, you're no longer being able to prone 1 inch away from an enemy soldier without being noticed....
  6. Bodie

    Which new missions, where?

    Thank, this'll do going to the FAQ.....
  7. Bodie

    Which new missions, where?

    What are the consequences for my OFP installation when I install non official missions? Can i remove them later on? Will they alter anything? where can i find good ones
  8. Bodie

    Ai response

  9. Bodie

    For god sakes someone please help me!

    use the cd drive you installed ofp from
  10. Bodie

    Lights shining through hill

    Strange: certain lights shine right through a hill, blinding your sight, in fact, it's just not realistic  Anyone knows if this is a known bug?
  11. Bodie

    Switching seats....

    right, that must be it then, cause sometimes a vehicle keeps moving even when you think it isn't! Thanks...
  12. Bodie

    Localized damage?

    yes, building damage looks just a bit too much like a piece of messed up paper
  13. Bodie

    Switching seats....

    that sounds logic, but sometimes you do not have to do that first, but you can just hop into the other chair
  14. Bodie

    Switching seats....

    I'm in it with one other soldier
  15. Bodie

    Switching seats....

    How come that i can't always switch seats when I step into a tank. Is is the first position I choose that matters? When I get in as gunner I cannot get to the drivers seat. When I get in as driver I can get to the gunners seat ??