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Everything posted by Bart.Jan

  1. Bart.Jan

    Things that annoy me

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ May 18 2002,03:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">34: People who've never ever in their life heard of or attempted to use a spell checker <span id='postcolor'> Whot ? Where I can downloat some ?
  2. Bart.Jan

    A problem with the editing thingy

    Click on text in top right corner - switch from simple (or basic) to advanced.
  3. Bart.Jan

    Need new image hosting site

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ May 18 2002,00:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">http://www.sphosting.com/new.htm<span id='postcolor'> This is exactly what I was looking for !
  4. Yes, it helps. Thanks !
  5. Bart.Jan

    My 100 mission campaign

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CyberX @ May 17 2002,20:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WHAT DOES HOCKEY HAS WITH OPERATION FLASHPOINT??!!!<span id='postcolor'> Play campaign intro again and listen closely !
  6. DV Chris Death I tested your way and it works. But how to make soldier return to his patrol route ? Why it works with trig.B activated by trig.A and doesn't work when I create and synchronize only trig.A with 4th wp ?
  7. Bart.Jan

    Trigger attached to unit

    Afak you must use script. Use command setWPPos.
  8. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ May 17 2002,12:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That leads me to a question. I have a mission in which a soldier patrols in circles. I want him to stop patrolling when a trigger is by another trigger activated. So I have trigger A that activates and another trigger B that should change the soldiers behaviour (he should take cover) . I synchronized trigger B (switch) to one of the waypoints the guy walks by. And that`s the problem: The soldier now moves only to the waypoint where the trigger B is synchronized to and stops or doesn`t even move there. Even if trigger A is not activated that would activate trigger B. How can I get that guy to patrol and then change his behavoiur when a trigger is activated. Must`ve made a mistake.<span id='postcolor'> I can't completly understand your question. But if you synchronize wp with trigger then unit will pass through that wp after trigger is activated - if trigger is not activated unit will stay near synchronized wp. If you want to stop soldier after trigger is on add into trigger on activation : alert=true and into all conditions of patroling wps put !alert. Patroling soldier will stay near his next wp after trigger is activated. If you want to let soldier to continue his patrol after that, actvate (by trigger or script) alert=false.
  9. Bart.Jan

    Anyone still use a zip drive?

    I'm using 250MB Zip for back-uping. I'm back-uping valuable data on ZIP,CD-R,back-up HDD. It's much cheaper then loss of data.
  10. Bart.Jan

    Need trigger help

    Right syntax : ? cadetMode ? !cadetMode
  11. Bart.Jan

    Star wars episode ii now playing in theaters

    Yoda is a small lazy bastard ! He acts like I'm very old and tired creature, I need my crutch and levitating chair - but he is deadly high-speed green smurf !
  12. Bart.Jan

    How to fly a mi-24 hind in real life

    Seriously - if you want at least once in life to pilot hind so attend most of Air Shows you can (in your country and abroad). You can make there some friends (you must have interests in every branch of aircrafts). Enter some local air club and you can attend most air shows with them. I you will be very lucky you will be allowed to pilot your foreign friend's hind for a short time. It's not matter of months but years. You can also become military helicopter pilot and when you will be on official busines in some NATO country, you can pilot hind maybe (you'll need a high rank for this). Czech Republic, Slovak Republic (not member yet), Hungary, Poland - they all have hinds as their battle helicopters now and will have them as long as possible. So there is some chance you will pilot hind at least once in your life.
  13. Bart.Jan

    Star wars episode ii now playing in theaters

    Now he is only dumb political pupet.
  14. Bart.Jan

    Star wars episode ii now playing in theaters

    I'm back from this film right now. It's not bad !
  15. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ May 16 2002,15: 08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">... If you want to join a group, you only need to join into the leader's name. <span id='postcolor'> It's fine as long as you don't need to join player during mission. Leader could be killed and then [soldier] join leader doesn't work. It's better to name group and then let soldier join group
  16. Bart.Jan


    You need lose trigger (last choice after end#1 - end#9 is LOSE) for playing lose-outro. In debriefing file use : Debriefing:LOSE
  17. Bart.Jan


    In that case it's impossible.
  18. I can try it again. Post the link.
  19. Bart.Jan


    I don't know if it will work but try lose trigger with condition : not (alive player)
  20. Bart.Jan

    Request for help.

    I just send it. I not copletly undestand this : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5. Do you know what the units are, per drink?<span id='postcolor'> What is this means ? Is it an amount of alcohol in drink [%] ?
  21. I can not host any files. But you can try to contact ofp.gamezone.cz ( info@ofp.info ) or flashpoint.bonusweb.cz ( flashpoint1985@quick.cz ). Maybe they should be willing to help.
  22. You can find it in Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual, Appendix F : Action Type List.
  23. Bart.Jan

    Ass hair!

    It's a very interesting and important information. Â Â
  24. Bart.Jan

    Intros not possible in mp?

    It's not possible.
  25. Bart.Jan

    Say hello
