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Everything posted by Bart.Jan

  1. Bart.Jan

    Codemasters & bohima interactive

    What means RESPAWN=SIDE ?
  2. Bart.Jan

    Newbe edit question

    No, there is not an easy way. You must add them by hand. But you can write it once to script and use this script for every crate in game.
  3. Bart.Jan

    Lights out

    But when you edit some file in game, mission will be playable fine on your computer, but everyone else will have M2s with lights on.
  4. Bart.Jan

    Lights out

    I think there is bug in game : When you are gunner, you have option Ligts On/Off, but if you order man from your group to be gunner, you haven't option to command him Ligts On/Off. I tried command unit action ["lightoff"] and this isn't working.
  5. Bart.Jan

    Making a unit leave a group

    Try : PilotName Join GrpNull
  6. Bart.Jan

    Lights out

    Try to place empty machineguns and behind them put soldiers. For each soldier make waypoint getin on M2s with some condition that will be activated when you want. For each crew of M2 put into init field : this SetCombatMode "BLUE" and in each getin waypoint mark combat mode Fire at will.
  7. Bart.Jan

    Quick question guys

    Or put this into leader's init box : "_x MoveInCargo VehicleName" ForEach (Units Group This)
  8. Weapon / Ammo : LaserDesignator / LaserDesignator
  9. Bart.Jan

    Me again

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkTerritory3 @ Mar. 15 2002,18:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh cool! Didn`t know about that. problem is you don`t know when or where or if he will die so i don`t know where to put the setdammage -1.<span id='postcolor'> Create trigger with condition : not(alive nameofsoldier) on activation : nameofsoldier setdammage 0
  10. Bart.Jan

    Quick question!

    Yes, it's possible. You must find mission extractor somewhere on opf fan sites.
  11. Bart.Jan

    Weapon and ammo names

    weapon : MM1 magazine : MM1magazine
  12. Bart.Jan

    A couple of weird problems

    In one group can be only 12 soldiers. Check every group on your map (soldiers and vehicles linked by blue line). Have on mind that in vehicle is crew. That is why you can have only 4 tanks in one group. Each tank has 3-men crew. Error message with 12 units should popup when you place anything on map.
  13. Bart.Jan


    Use action EffectStandSaluteEnd.
  14. Bart.Jan

    Ai to take flag

    Yes, I know about setflagowner. But I would like to know, how to use command soldier action ["takeflag"]. I would like to hear commander saying : "4 take flag at ...", and soldier to run to flag pole, croutch and take flag. I know that I can use script with step by step commands, but why if there must be command for it ?
  15. Bart.Jan


    Scalar means number. If you forget to name trigger, hint shows you word scalar instead of number. If trigger is properly named your example works, but shows number of enemy units that are known for guarding units. If you want to know how many enemy units are in alarm trigger Cr : - make another trigger, same size and location as Cr - name it Al, condition alarm, activation east once present - in Cr : on activation alarm=true;hint format["%1",east countside list Al] (It doesn't work when mission starts and in Cr are enemy units visible to guarding units.)
  16. Bart.Jan

    Ai to take flag

    No one knows ?
  17. Bart.Jan

    Help with something simple

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (chartier @ Mar. 12 2002,07:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is the vehicle empty your group is trying to embark? If not, try to place a LOAD waypoint for the vehicle near the GET IN waypoint.<span id='postcolor'> and synchronize them.
  18. Bart.Jan

    3 questions

    C) triger condition : nameofsoldier in nameofscud
  19. Bart.Jan

    Creating units

    There are two commands : createUnit createVehicle For syntax read official scripting command reference. You can download it from Flashpoint editing.
  20. Bart.Jan

    Get functions

    As I know there are no exact functions for this. There are some functions that can help very little : unit hasWeapon "weaponName" unit ammo "magazineName" someAmmo unit nearestObject position
  21. Use this : rus setbehaviour "combat" rus disableai "autotarget" rus setunitpos "up" rus dotarget us 1)point with gun when targeting 2)don't target someone or something else (like jeep) 3)don't go prone when targeting 4)target
  22. chartier : I checked official comref manual and there are mistakes in setfog and setweather commands. I posted about this to Scripting reference topic in forum. There are possibly another mistakes in it (i read about some in other topic). Mainly I'm using Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual Version 1.04 from ofpeditingcenter.
  23. Bart.Jan

    Scripting reference

    There are mistakes in Scripting Reference : overcast setOvercast time fog setFog time should be : time setOvercast overcast time setFog fog
  24. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ Mar. 07 2002,19:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bart.Jan - your suggestion was nice, but it can only be used in single-player, and Psycho1 wants to use it in multi-player. The reason is, that the random weather, like you are doing it, will be created different (randomly) on each machine.<span id='postcolor'> I expected when script in MP is executed its results are generated on server and then send to clients. Weather and time should be same as on server are. Am I wrong ?
  25. Bart.Jan


    It's speed meter.