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Everything posted by Balschoiw

  1. Balschoiw

    Flashlights on the guns?

    Oh...now that you can´t have it your way you resort to flaming ? How cute. Skip the rest of your post. It´s nonsense anyway. Those lights are in use in real life military and they are really widespread and fullfill their role. If you believe that or not is very irrelevant. Maybe you should go and get some realife experiences first and then tell others what is right or wrong. Your turning from left to right here. First you tell us that noone uses a light in combat operations, when proven wrong you go on ranting about the use for the game and some weird MP - guesses and theories that are totally unrelated to the suggestion and after that you take it to the flaming level. Grow up, get a life and stop trolling around here.
  2. Balschoiw

    Flashlights on the guns?

    Since when are you the one to decide things at BIS ? Just because you are not aware of the useage of flashlights in a combat scenario it doesn´t mean that it´s not there. It is there for multiple useage. Arma 2 is meant to be a Milsim that covers a variety of scenarios. Modern warfare also includes housesearching and checkpoint duty. Just because you in you holiness do not value this means that we all have to think your way just to please you ? You know shit of todays combat duties but you tell others that you are the originator of ultimate truth. Eat it with a spoon: Infantery units DO use Surefire modules on a regular base and it would be a nice addition to have them ingame. If YOU like that or not is not in anyone´s interest as your military knowlegde seems to be somewhat limited anyway.
  3. Balschoiw

    patch 1.02 suggestions

    Some other things: - ZSU-23 (ground versions) do not have proper optics. They are bugged. You can´t see anything with them, while the Ural-mounted versions do work properly. - Grasscutter missing. Please reintroduce it. If you have to do it from the scratch pls make it a scaleable gamelogic or trigger with rectangular/round shape to make it easier and faster to use.
  4. Balschoiw

    Flashlights on the guns?

    We´ve also used maglites in the miles fitting on the G3 back in the days, especially for checkpoint duty and house-searching. My source: Reality. For the G36 there´s a surefire module that´s also used.
  5. If that´s meant to be funny, it´s not. Keep it for yourself next time.
  6. Balschoiw

    patch 1.02 suggestions

    It´s a question if there will be an Arma 3 from BIS at all as they have stated that they are looking into other game-concepts unrelated to MilSims.
  7. Balschoiw

    patch 1.02 suggestions

    +1 Feels odd... Some other things apart from performance/gfx stuff that already is heavily debated all over the place: - Add a variety of sounds for secondary explosions once a vehicle is destroyed. It sounds dull that the same sound is played over and over again. Also limit those explosions a bit please. Right now it´s simply overdone for some vehicles. Different classes of vehicles should have different amount of secondary explosions. Right now it´s overkill with the same sound repeating over and over again. - Please give us control over animals. Right now you can either place the wildlife module or have them static placed on the map via editor with a huge deficit. The animals can´t be controlled via waypoint, nor can they be grouped with other AI units. This limits the scale of useability of animals alot. To be precise, I wanted to have a patrolteam consisting of a Unit and a dog. It doesn´t work. Other possibillities already came to my mind when trying to get it to work, like having dogs sniff for mines, dogs hunting escaped prisoners, attacking intruders, etc,etc I hope you can see where this request is coming from. All the above would be possible already with scripting, but we need the basics first. Allow WP´s for animals, allow movement, allow grouping to make them useable for editors in a more sophisticated way. - Waypoints: Please give us a hight value for waypoints. Units STILL try to get on the ground when you place them on flat rooftops for patrols. This is so hindering. It was with Arma 1 and it is with Arma 2 as you can´t get the guys moving on walls, flat roofs, etc. This really should be fixed with Arma 2. If that means that you have to alter the buildings, please do it. I know it may interfere with the traffic module but a simply check before the vehicles spawn should hinder that. - That said you also should check the civillian traffic module aswell as it spawns vehicles on buildings sometimes, or 2 or 3 vehicles just get spawned so close to each other that they block ways. This makes it hard to build missions as you never know if a narrow passage will be blocked by vehicles randomly. Please incorporate a routine to check the surrounding before the spawn and make sure that 2 vehicles do not spawn right next to each other as the spawning seems to have problems to determine how big the spawned vehicles are. Thx.
  8. Problem is, it´s not that easy to find right settings. The FPS changes alot depending on the scenary you are operating in. While some settings may give you perfect FPS in a woods area on Utes it gets catastrophic in bigger towns on Chenarus. I´m fiddling with the gfx from the day I got Arma 2 and I have not yet come up to the best solution in terms of playabilty and optic. Needless to say that undocumented features like the maxmem - command or the right settings for video-Ram doesn´t make it easier aswell for buyers to get these things sorted if you are no oldschool BIS customer who´s used to work with stuff like that. Personally I think that there should be more possible with Arma 2 than there is right now. Other games show that an astounding level of detail is possible with streaming terrain and lots of AI stuff going on while Arma 2, at least imo, really has some deficits there. All that popup errors, LOD issues and streaming hickups are there and they are there since Arma 1, so imo there is something unoptimized going on with engine that needs a basic overhaul as finetuning doesn´t seem to do the job. It´s hard to understand why BIS has to use limitations like the moving blur to optimize performance and on the other hand make the game look washy once you start moving. Scopes and optics in some vehicles give you such a washed picture while others work fine. It´s no stringent line BIS is following here and imo it simply boils down to unwanted effects for the players. The result simply looks bad, while the performance is not up with other comparable (terrain streaming titles) products. I hope there will be progress in this section, but I don´t think it can be achieved by fiddling with the current render modules. An overhaul may be needed and I´m not sure if BIS has plans for such.
  9. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    - Civillian traffic module spawns cars,trucks in/on buildings or too close to each other, blocking roads, entrances sometimes. Had a funny moment though when a red car spawned on top of a destroyed church slowly flipped over when I just looked up and crushed me :pet7: - Civillian modul sends the crowds on the street again very, very soon after fighting has ended. The time-delay should be longer imo as it´s weird if you just popped out the last enemy of your choice and Joe Smart comes out of his door seconds after happily whisteling while trolling through corpses. Delay should be at least a few minutes...not seconds.
  10. Balschoiw

    How to disable sound?

    :Oo: Never heard anything like that with Arma 1, OFP or Arma 2. Tone down your gfx settings, viewdistance, shadows and the lag should be gone...or at least mostly gone. Right now everyone seems to suffer from texture loading delays or streaming hickups, but I do not think it´s sound-related. Anyway, make sure you got the latest drivers for the onboard ? Sound.
  11. Balschoiw

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    Will check the suggested methods when I´m at home again. Thx for the input.
  12. He optimized the settings for taking still pictures. I doubt that you can play with settings like that.
  13. I guess the blur is a needed thing to keep performance up. Looks like this is part is needed to hinder the engine from slowing down when moving. It also seems to "cover up" texture loading and other stuff. Basically for me it looks unreal and it´s really weird to have to wait for some time after a stop to get a clear picture. I would appreciate a better solution than the one used right now but it seems that it´s a performance thing and therefore will hardly be solved soon.
  14. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    - No sound in mig 35....exterior sound ok, but no noise at all in cockpit. Also...where is the improved steering method for vehicles we got promised ? It´s still the same old "push the mouse around the table until the table ends" method that has been in Arma and has been promised to be fixed in Arma 2.... Thx for the letdown BIS. - another good one: If a Mi 17 is wrecked, it sinks into ground when tunring over. Looks really odd... - damaged vehicles sink into ground at first and when they catch fire they suddenly jump out of the dirt again. Must be the gas in the suspension expanding...right ? :pet7:
  15. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    As much as I honor your initiative there should be either a place here on the forums or a link by developers to an official place. External bugtrackers with no link to the company or product in question have proven to be ineffective as they are not to be found by users of the product and are not visited by dev´s that often. We need an official place from BIS.
  16. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    Sorry. I thought it was meant for bugs in general. I didn´t want to spread the bugs all over the place that´s why I posted them here. Would be cool if we had a central place for bugreporting either on the forums or externally as I guess it´s hard for the DEVS to keep on track if they are splattered all over the (forum)place. Maybe a mod can setup a pinned thread with clear regulations and rules for collecting the bugs.
  17. Balschoiw

    Converted OFP SP Missions

    No wonder. He was/is part of the german betatester-team. Looks like you should have better spent more time testing the game... Thx anyway.
  18. Balschoiw

    Aircraft Carrier

    There´s no way. It´s a map object placed in visitor. You can´t place it via editor neither can you move it.
  19. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    - sun is shining through hills - Scope sight is not useable with low sun in the back. The whole thing turns plain white. - AI report enemies through hills far away - Ai drivers are wrecked...totally - AI Helicopters crash into woods, buildings, hills - AI Tanks get stuck on railways - AI vehiles get stuck at railway crossings Yep...that´s all observations from playing the campaign.
  20. Balschoiw

    The Arma 2 Small Bug Thread

    - I get a missing something popup when trying to use mortar long-range. - Firing MRLS as gunner blows up the vehicle - texture lag with buildings, damage textures on vehicles and units - flickering - sometimes game comes to a complete stop while the hardrive goes crazy - units running through solid buildings - NV is really weird AGAIN. Once there is a brighter part in the sky during night it makes the NV obsolete as all is dark again except the bright part of the sky - the view-lag when looking around is disturbing imo - general performance not that topnotch, lots of stutters - no preview of voice in user setup - Glasses in user-setup have no textures - Campaign bugs Hardware: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 3,4 Ghz Nvidia GForce GTX 280 SATA IDE with 500 GB free space
  21. Sure...that´s why the crosshair shows a red enemy signature... Even if they were friendly they would turn hostile if you shoot some of them because of the negative rating you get. Imo the building itself has a problem like the AI can´t "see" within it. This was about to be witnessed in Arma aswell when you placed units on balconies for example.
  22. @Ziiip : From the patch changelog it looks like a lot of problems will not be adressed in the patch. Furthermore Marek said that : "Also, what is quite unusual is that some things happen completely differently every time I try a mission. I think the bugs do not kill the open nature of the game and that sheer scope, amount of content or beautiful country of Chernarus will more than compensate for these issues. " This has to be a joke right ? If things in the game do not work just enjoy the view. :rolleyes: The campaign will not really be improved with tomorrow´s beta patch but with the patch that is supposed to be coming next week: "I believe we already went a long way since version 1.00 and that the upcoming patch 1 next week will improve the game heavily, especially the quality of the campaign. This version 1.01 is also what will be released in rest of the world. In late June we plan to release Patch 2, version 1.02 which should provide even more." Cool... the next patch is expected to be finished end of June. To be honest this is the same stunt as with Arma and this time I´m not going to polite anymore. This stinks !
  23. Balschoiw

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    The russian UAV has a pilot seat under the main body according to a german player :party::confused:
  24. Better tone down for a second. The video was taken in the campaign as they focus on the campaign with the review, not the editor, not the MP side of the game that is hardly to be tested right now as there are no MP games going on. It´s not that they are stupid, it´s just that Arma 2 has bugs.
  25. Surprise, surprise. Campaign has AI´s in buildings. Looks like it got removed again. Maybe another phonecall from Peter Games/Morphicon. Video will be online again at 00.01 german time this night. There is no official patch yet. It´s a beta patch and they only got it from the publisher yesterday while they got the boxed versions of Arma 2 at the start of the week. Official 1.01 patch is expected on monday and will be around 70 MB. I can´t understand why people are insising on testing with a patch anyway. The boxed version is the release - version and that is the version that matters for testing as this is the version that people will buy. If it needs an imidiate patch this certainly will go into the rating. That´s quite natural.