whoaaaa wait a minute.. this is a codemasters site not BI... i just noticed he said BI in his first thread up there... oh how do u get lost in the first place? i mean do u go run around a tree, hop in a helicopter, fly to 1000 feet then bail? seriously i couldn't get lost if i tried... ah anyway
this is about the stupidest meaningless forum ive ever seen... why do they close my thread and not this one??? wtf atleast mine had a little bit more of a point
No one that knows what they are talking about can copy text while in ofp to anohter section of ofp or out of ofp, and they can't copy outside of ofp(say notepad) into ofp with v1.29. a Pretty sh itty a ss feature if you ask me.
do u have msn, aim, or gamespy or anything like that? if so send me an email with ur name and whatever program its for and ill try to help u out that way..... my email is bkissick@hotmail.com
IGI, i have some maps with boats, planes and all that stuff, i can also make you a custom one if you want... email at bkissick@hotmail.com, or check out some of the maps at my site... http://www.geocities.com/brentbigb/maps.html