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About Bosch

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  1. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    http://www.internetnews.com/isp-news/article/0,,8_905351,00.html if ya go back to page 2 of this post RN youll see i posted that link because of a comment you said , well that link states that 91% of the people on the net in the US are on dial up , 9 % are broadband now thats about 70 million people on dial up , city or rural most of the people online are dial ups
  2. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    WOW ! lol "If you think there are more 56k users on the Net then Broad Ban you're Mistaken, 5 years ago this was true, but the fact remains larger Ciry centers with HUGE populations have 60-80% users on Broad ban, we're talking Millions of users in just 1 Large city alone. " Not even close..... maybe in the year 2010  but not now ...  a artical on internetnews.com says that 35 million (45% ) of the online population will be using broadband by 2006 , they also go onto say that only 9 % of the online users are using broadband as of the year 2000 , so last year 91% of the people browsing the net were dial ups , i doubt that has risin much in a year ... heres the link  http://www.internetnews.com/isp-news/article/0,,8_905351,00.html
  3. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    Dial up modems arent going anywere for a long time , unless the make a good satilte for cheap , were still stuck with 56 k , if ya really think about it most users online are on dial ups, a very small fraction of online users are gamers , and there is probly more people playing yahoo games on 56k then cs right now , i know ill never see broad ban for a long time and i live close to it , ive called and asked both my phone company and cable providers and they said they have no intrest in expanding because it cost so much to set up and maintain...and unleet......is that really true? one 56k guy makes your dsl connection lag like 28k? does all the broad ban users ping skyrocket to 500 ms ever time some dirty 56k guys comes around? how come that wasnt the case with the older games when the majority of the users were dial up ? didnt see host banning people cause they had a slower connection . Do as ya wish with your Broad ban , fine by me , just less people for you all to play with
  4. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    i also live in a very populated city, i got verizon for a phone company and i will NEVER see dsl , there just not intrested in getting it to thier customers ....and same with cable , adelphia .....not a chance . theres alot of people like me that are in this situation , many dont have any available options, no matter were they live
  5. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    If ya really look at it 56kers pay just as much as you all for a connection , they got a monthly fee $20 - $25 (depending on isp) then ya gotta get the unlimited pakage from you phone company on local calls or youll have a $100 phone bill , that rings in about $40 ($20 more than the base local call package) so that brings us up to about $40 - $45 , and you cant use your phone to boot Now ive done everything possible to lower my ping (modem boosters,turned offf apps and firewall,lowered my packets) and i still pull about a 250-400ms ping . All im trying to say from my original post is its just a waste of Time & money for dial ups to buy this game , people with faster connection arent nice enough to let you play
  6. Bosch

    Waste of Time

    Were has online gaming gone when you cant even play a d*amn game if you dont have a dsl connection or higher? i bought this game to play it online and theres only been one person nice enough to let me in his server. is it that much of a nuissence to you cable guys to let a few 56k guys play a few games ....are we really laggin that T3 connection of yours down? Even still today Most people online are still on them old inventions called telephone modems , Some dont wanna pay higher cost for bandwith , most ,like myself dont have any options for dsl or cable . Sure we can get ourselves a $75 month satilite connection , but if you would reallly spend that much money to play a game you should seek help , basicly what im saying is it not our faults we dont have cable our dsl , our parents arent here for some of us to by us that dedicated line , so please let a few dial ups in ..... Its only fair