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Everything posted by Bloodshot

  1. Bloodshot

    How do you change view distance?

    To add to Hidden's comments: The default rendering distance is 900 m and you can set the number between 500 to 5000. Alternatively you can use the Benchmark command with it too, and write this in your Player's "Edit Unit/Initialization" field: setviewdistance benchmark This will set the distance to a recommended distance for your PC's spec. Do yourself a favour FlackJacket and download the latest Command Reference Manual!
  2. Bloodshot

    I want an OFP MP add-on and I\'ll PAY for it!

    And I understand what you're saying, Agua! I certainly don't want the game changed in any way. I just think the pings would be much better if they dump Gamespy though!
  3. Bloodshot

    Implent Hand-signals

    But what if you get both your arms shot off??? It'll come in handy on those night missions! I know! You could wear flourescant yellow gloves! Ummm...unless of course you guys are talking about those other hand signals; the ones where you shine a torch against a wall and create farm animals with the shadows cast by your hands... (Edited by Bloodshot at 6:54 pm on Dec. 27, 2001)
  4. Bloodshot

    Could BIS please implement "peek around corner"?

    I prefer the way Return to Castle Wolfenstein does it. When you peek, the enemy players cannot see your head looking around a corner, so you can remain hidden. But, to stop it being abused, you're not allowed to fire weapons while doing so. Its used only to observe your surroundings in reasonable safety of cover.
  5. Bloodshot

    I want an OFP MP add-on and I\'ll PAY for it!

    Agua, I would love nothing more than to have a Cable connection, upto 40 times faster at a third of the cost of my current phone bill! But it just isn't available where I live yet. So what do I expect??? I expect it to be a lot better for 56k users at least! If Op Flash was as easy to get into online (with hardly any lag during gameplay) as it is in Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Dump Gayspy too!), then it wouldn't just be one of the best Single player games ever, but also King of MP too! I've never been kicked from a game of RtCW because of my ping and never had to wait around for ages to find a game! P.S. I noticed that on Gamespy pings are upto 200 higher on RtCW games. So I stick to the ingame route and avoid Gayspy altogether.
  6. Bloodshot

    What MOD do you want to see!

    What about "The Predator". A s**t load of technically advanced aliens start hunting both sides. Instead of fighting each other the Allies and Ruskies eventually have to pull together in order to survive and escape the island! Or............. Tremors! Swap the Aliens for those Giant Land Worms that are sensitive to noise vibration! I also liked Aaron Kane's Jurrassic Park idea but make it like the sequel with the soldiers on Safari! However, I think xxxvader just wanted ideas that could already be created within the limits of the Editor! How about this then.... World War 3 has been and gone! They used Nukes! These islands are all that is left of the living world (Maybe Ice caps melted, a la Waterworld!) and its survivors are divided into factions (remnants of the Russian and American military that were based there when war broke out), fighting over the last of humanity's resources. (Should be fun stealing the last few gallons of fuel on the Island to get the edge over your opponents with your tank etc..)
  7. Bloodshot

    Red Hammer Problem

    Are you using the Gold UPGRADE rather than the full Gold product? If so, did you install it over a fresh installation of the original game, or one that has patches and updates already added to it? Some of the patches in the past have been known to interfere with proper installation of newer upgrades, and can be fixed by re-installing from scratch without the earlier patches!
  8. Bloodshot

    Hehe 1.40 comming on my birthday...

    CanisDEK, I also saw the movie yesterday (19th Dec. release day) and also thought it was fantastic, and the best movie ever made! But am I just being biased because I'm a Tolkien geek??? HellToupee, I think they premiered it first here in the UK as a mark of respect to Tolkien himself! Still, hold your head up high, you have a beautiful country to be proud of and (I assume) Hobbit holes on your doorstep! Does anyone know if the Hobbiton village they made for the film in New Zealand is still standing for tourist purposes? (Like a type of Disney World!)
  9. Bloodshot

    Hehe 1.40 comming on my birthday...

    Re: CanisDEK, a fellow Tolkien fan, but not as old as me! The road goes ever on and on...... But that's because I have SetviewDistance at 5000! or... One PING to ruin them all, One lag to lose them...... Happy Birthday, my preciousssssssssssssssss!
  10. Bloodshot

    Get up, fools!

    How far do the Officers have to walk before they get to the chopper? If they are far enough away the chopper should have warmed up enough by the time they arrive and board it! Also, have you set the helicopter's 1st waypoint as "LOAD" (directly under its starting position) and synchronised it with the Officer's "GET IN" waypoint? P.S. As an alternative, you could also initialise the Helicopter as "Flying" (under Special in its Edit Unit Screen) and have it just landing for them as they approach! (Edited by Bloodshot at 9:25 pm on Dec. 11, 2001)
  11. Hidden, in response to your enquiry about English spoken Map references. If there's no simple way of changing the speech, how about putting in loads of Narrative in your own language using "Triggers". At key points you can use on-screen text to appear and direct players much like subtitles in a foreign movie! Just a thought!
  12. Bloodshot

    Helicopter Frustration

    Re: Unloading your Cargo with your Chopper! (God, it sounds like an ad for a Porn Site.......erm......Not that I would know, you understand?!) I had similar problems with loading and unloading troops on helicopters using the menu commands and thought I would have to revert to Written Commands/Scripting. But, I tried again just recently after installing Op.Flash Gold Upgrade and can now get it to work perfectly. So if the solution I'm about to write still doesn't work for you, then it could be a bug in an  earlier version. ??? Scenario: Everon, Sunday 10th October at 18:25pm. A 6 man squad of Spetnaz (Bizon) is picked up by a Mi24 at Map Ref. Aj10. (The North West island is a Russian HQ). They are dropped off behind enemy lines at EF48, where they proceed further East into the Forest for cover and then turn North to make a rear attack on frontline enemy troops holding the Northern edge of this Forest (Ej45 to FC45). The enemy is already engaged with fellow Russians further North and shouldn't notice them "sneaking through the back door"! The squad's 1st Waypoint is "Get In". A "Flying" (Edit Unit->Special) Mi24 Helicopter has "Load" as it's 1st Waypoint near a Helipad (Edit Unit->Empty->Objects->H). Using a Helipad gets the helicopter to land more or less exactly where you want it to! Both of these units 1st Waypoints are "Synchronized" with each other. The 2nd Waypoint for the squad is placed at the drop off point as "Move". Don't use "Get Out", otherwise the pilot and gunner will follow too! The helicopter uses "Transport Unload". (Don't use "Unload", it gives that annoying "continue without landing" problem).The Waypoint drops off the Squad and is "Synchronized" with the Spetznaz 2nd Waypoint. It's also close to another Helo Pad, but this time "H (invisible)" is used so you don't get a big "H" painted on the grass! Note that this is not the Helicopter's 2nd Waypoint and is not required to be. It travels an indirect route with more waypoints in order  to go around the enemy and make use of hill and tree cover etc.. The Spetnaz dismount and while the helicopter flies off back to base with more Waypoints, the Spetnaz continue on with their mission using their own.......... I hope this info. helps!
  13. Re: MetalMickey, I mean CyborgMouse...err..rat! To get a unit to follow a RANDOM path change the value of the "PLACEMENT RADIUS" in the "EDIT WAYPOINT" boxes from "0" to larger numbers. You will see larger rings drawn on the map for the waypoints, (in the same way as when changing TRIGGER sizes). Your unit should now head to randomly allocated spots within these larger rings.
  14. Bloodshot

    how to use the watch and compass?

    I read somewhere you should leave a trail of pebbles. But don't use bread crumbs! The birds might eat them, and then you'll be in a world of s**t!
  15. Bloodshot

    An idea and a question for developers.

    Yummy! Sniper Heaven!
  16. Bloodshot

    how to use the watch and compass?

    Well, the Watch should tell you WHEN you got lost!!!
  17. Thanks Suchey for that link to http://www.mcafee.com/anti-virus/viruses/sircam/default.asp?cid=2360 I just visited this site and under the heading "PAYLOAD - What can this virus do?" it says: "The virus searches for .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .MPEG, .MOV, .MPG, .PDF, .PNG, .PS, and .ZIP files in the MY DOCUMENTS folder and attempts to send copies of these documents to email recipients found in the Windows Address Book and addresses found in cached files." So this virus doesn't seem to damage your software, but is in fact a form of Spyware and gives outsiders access to your art or photo files! Drewus you're to nice a fella! I have to disagree about defending the identity of this person! A case of being "Cruel to be Kind" here! If that person is innocent, then showing these details will let him know he has a virus. He still has the option of coming forward here to defend himself otherwise! Here are the details I have of the sender: hermitian at [email protected] Other properties of the Email were: Received: from  matrix.seed.net.tw (matrix.seed.net.tw []) and Received: from [] (helo=hermitianho) by mail.seed.net.tw with smtp (SEEDNet Mail Server v2.316f) id 1664rw-000IK5-00 The "offending" file attachment is called: Ting.doc.pif and is 157696 bytes in size! With a source name that contains the words "MATRIX" and "SEED", it just sounds like trouble to me, and I doubt it was innocent!
  18. Bloodshot


    Hmm, did you type that at the same time I was???
  19. Bloodshot


    If you saw it on screen, maybe it went to clipboards or temp directory? Or maybe you can add a "send to file" command in the CLI when you're executing the original file? (Edited by Bloodshot at 3:31 pm on Nov. 15, 2001)
  20. Bloodshot

    How the hell do i escape?

    The description Devil has givien above here, sounds more like one of the earlier missions in the game, where you are rescued by the Resistance from that tent???
  21. Bloodshot

    Thanks for being Free

    Sid, you're forgetting Telecom, why should they get money for sitting on their arse, while the Games Industry generates more money for them! They should pay that part of the cost! I've payed my Å30 for the game already, and paying my phone bills! (Edited by Bloodshot at 6:20 pm on Nov. 6, 2001) (Edited by Bloodshot at 6:21 pm on Nov. 6, 2001)
  22. Bloodshot

    Thanks for being Free

    Antichrist - Son of Satan! How dare you blaspheme the mighty Max Payne! May god have mercy on your souuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul! P.S. Why don't you like it?
  23. Bloodshot

    Thanks for being Free

    Re: XXX XXXXX Lol!!! I'm waiting for the bit when the Colonel pulls out a packet of Marlboros when he's briefing you!!! P.S. Have you hidden a subliminal message in your username? I keep thinking of that beer advert........."Castlemain XXXX" (Edited by Bloodshot at 7:38 pm on Nov. 5, 2001)
  24. Bloodshot

    Thanks for being Free

    I'd just like to say that if a game includes the option to play Multi-player, then how come it doesn't just get a percentage of the Telephone Industries huge profits. Online games are generating masses of extra customers for the Communications Industry by doing this, so I think THEY should be paying for the privilege... not screwing us out of extra money! Internet sites get paid for showing adverts, so if they can't get money off BT, advertisments could at least be considered before they start bothering us!!