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Posts posted by BS87

  1. I don't want to act outragouse like the typical american, cause frankly i'd like to think of my self as a more controlled person then the overly used (and true) stereotype. But it reallly pisses me off that CM ALWAYS delays shit to North America. The origional game was delayed by about 2 months!, now this, and they do it with other games too. Now, some say us geting 1.20 in the GOLD version before you could d/l, is the reason for this with resistence, to even it out. Well the way i see it we got 1.20 earlier cause you had the whole damn game earlier! Anyway, don't mind my an my ramblings


  2. I don't want to act outragouse like the typical american, cause frankly i'd like to think of my self as a more controlled person then the overly used (and true) stereotype. But it reallly pisses me off that CM ALWAYS delays shit to North America. The origional game was delayed by about 2 months!, now this, and they do it with other games too. Now, some say us geting 1.20 in the GOLD version before you could d/l, is the reason for this with resistence, to even it out. Well the way i see it we got 1.20 earlier cause you had the whole damn game earlier! Anyway, don't mind my an my ramblings


  3. I don't want to act outragouse like the typical american, cause frankly i'd like to think of my self as a more controlled person then the overly used (and true) stereotype. But it reallly pisses me off that CM ALWAYS delays shit to North America. The origional game was delayed by about 2 months!, now this, and they do it with other games too. Now, some say us geting 1.20 in the GOLD version before you could d/l, is the reason for this with resistence, to even it out. Well the way i see it we got 1.20 earlier cause you had the whole damn game earlier! Anyway, don't mind my an my ramblings


  4. Aha, now this is where the problem begins. I tried what Arak said, and it didn't work. SO, i fearlessly head into battle, to install the XP drivers..... And i wait for about 20 minutes untill i realise that it's not going ot move from "creating system restore blah blah blah"

    So, i'm stuck using mouseman untill i can get these drivers installed

  5. OK, here's my problem. Back when i first installed OFP, i had the same mouse i do as now, a Logitech Cordless mouse. THe only difference is, i had less ram, a crappier Gfx card, and Windows ME. When i used the actual wheel, it scrolled through the options in the action menu. ANd, when i pressed the button down(the actual button), it preformed the highlighted action.Now, i installed it on my new machine, With Windows XP, And the same mouse. At first, neither of those fetures worked. I Downloaded the latest Mouse Man drivers. I went to where you can assign the different options to the buttons. I fiddle around with most of the scrolling options, and still nothing worked. I changed it to "Middle Button", And the description said "default use of Middle Button". Now, when i press the actual button, it preforms the actions like it used to. But, i still cant get the wheel to move through the options. Now, in TheAvonLady's Faq ( never knew it was still around, was a great resource in the pre 1.20 days), it says that some mouse man drivers wouldn't work before 1.20, but they *should* be fixed in 1.20 and after. Now, i'm wondering How i can get both the options to work, like it used to.

    Thx guys, if you need my specs i'll just post them

  6. ALso, the way i do it without cheats, is to take the flares you get in the m203, and right when you start to assault, fire every damn flare you have. It seems that it helps the russians see the squads. They proceed to whip your butt unless your really good. After this, you fall back and hte next mission is "Strange Meeting"

  7. Sorry for bumping this back up top, but i wondered if noone has figured out that this is the only point in the origional campain where it goes Dynamic (many possibiliters) from Static(1 possible outcome). I knew we found this out a loooong time ago, pre 1.20, but it seems like it has faded into the past. If, instead of taking Montignac, you fire up flares, and you get your arse royally kicked, You instead retreat, En route to the retreat, you go investigate "activity" at a barn nearby. Basically, its the same scenario, whole squad dies, get to evac, etc. But, i like this one more, cause its a teeny bit easier, and has a mini-cutscene in it, where Armstrong pulls the "all alone, theye all dead, i want my mommy" routine.

    Its called "Strange Meeting"

