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Everything posted by BRITISH BULLDOG


    It's the best war simulation out there, but...

    Theres just no pleasing ..... . Seriously lads i've got to agree with kegety when he say's more like missing feature than HUGE FLAWS. Having played ofp from the begining and anyone else who has done so, will of seen some huge improvements over the months. BIS have worked their gonads off to make these improvements happen and in its current state its bloody awesome, so be patient cause its gunna get better.

    Does anyone play?

    As allready mentioned flashpoint is more of a team game, So joining one of the many squads out there would get you some serious gaming. Go to www.euro-flashpoint-league.com/ where you will find many clans looking to recruit, as is our squad which you can find at www.dvsquad.com . If your lookin for a game and not just clan matches you are welcome to join our public server which you will find using the ingame internet link or direct using i.p address .You will find our server mostly full every evening after 19.00 GMT.

    Resistance dedicated server 1.88 beta

    i've found on our ded server [dv] with 12+ players that the desync problem still appears but for only short moments. In a 30 min game i've noticed maybe 4 moments of high desync which will last between 10 - 15 secs. Doesn't seem to be a problem thou. Also has anyone else noticed but i'm sure this is a new problem to 1.88, every time a mission is completed and the game reverts back to the player side screen, it allways goes back to the default mission and not the one you were just playing.

    Resistance dedicated server 1.88 beta

    i've found on our ded server [dv] with 12+ players that the desync problem still appears but for only short moments. In a 30 min game i've noticed maybe 4 moments of high desync which will last between 10 - 15 secs. Doesn't seem to be a problem thou. Also has anyone else noticed but i'm sure this is a new problem to 1.88, every time a mission is completed and the game reverts back to the player side screen, it allways goes back to the default mission and not the one you were just playing.

    1.75 doesn´t save new missions?

    Any map makers with any sense and i know there are plenty that have, would rename there updated version i.e v1, v2 ect. Its frustrating having to download missions time and time again, and even worse sitting waiting for some poor bugger with slower connection struggle downloading. So unless you have any other idea's other than kegety's which if possible would be great, can we have the old system back...never had any complaints before and never seen any either.

    No xml tags

    Just installed 1.58 and still dont get my xml tag as with 1.55. Also my ping and desync are not shown and my bandwith is allways 999999. Another thing when i select user name and edit i get error " shape \o\char\civilistka_head p3d not found ".......any idea's why?

    The beta test prob

    Dunno about v1.55 cause i didn't check but just downloaded v1.58 and with my nvidia GF2 mx400 64mb i have hw t&l enabled, frame rate and visability upto the max and ofp looks and runs like a dream.

    1.58 bug

    I've also noticed the slippery tanks on 2 seperate maps, 2 sliding together down small slope in 1 map, then 1 sliding down hill, but this time with the engine running and matching the speed of the slippery bugger.......wasn't anyone driving it.

    1.42 doesn't fix repeating messages

    We all agree the repeated message is there,and above we have an example that shows when and where. So come on BIS lets have a small patch to fix this prob, and please dont keep us waiting a month.