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About AAC Stu

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  1. AAC Stu

    Hardware acceleration

    hi .. ah cool... oh sorry! erm well i have never installed a new sound card so i guess its stock from DELL..... but Pc wizard says the sound device is a "sigmatel audio 82801G High definition audio"
  2. AAC Stu

    firewall port overide???

    hello, ----it seems to of corrected itself now!----- sorry for the fuss!, don't know what happened, just messed around with Norton left it a night, and its working fine. thanks for the effort anyway mate. suppose this topic can be deleted now
  3. AAC Stu

    texture problem.

    what do you mean? whats the problem? on the verge of a new ATI... or Nvida
  4. hey again, i have got the Gold edition of Arma now, and all i want to know is... why cant i get "hardware acceleration" to be enabled?? it was enabled in the 1.06 demo of Arma, but i cant get it enabled on the full copy??? ((another quick question while its here... can i upgrade to 1.09 with the expansion pack QG that comes with the gold edition???)) thanks allot stu
  5. hi, when i play multi-player, i click on a server (thats if a sever list is there) and it takes about 7 - 10 minutes to load!!! after its loads it appears with no players..-thats with firewall on now when i turn my firewall off, it runs perfectly.. so its a firewall issue i have added the arma.exe to allow... but is there an port override i have to have? i would prefer to keep my firewall on?! what do i do? thanks in advance stu
  6. AAC Stu

    RKSL Studios

    Absolutely Brilliant Work RKSL team, i cant wait for the Lynx... fantastic stuff the JTIDS sounds cool aswell!
  7. AAC Stu

    vertex/texture prob, new card?

    hey people, its fixed!! just so everone knows, it is a driver issue, i installed the latest Catalyst ATI drivers 8.1 last week, so i thought i had it all set up correct with up to date software... however, the drivers failed after an inncorrect shutdown so i just unistalled all ATI stuff, then reinstalled the same stuff again, and it fixed it... working really smooth now!! on a x300! fiddleing with the catalystcc also helped. so now i just need the x1950 to beef it up a little! oh and probs an new psu for the card! but atleast its working! cheers for the help stu so if this happens with an ATI just try unistalling the previous drivers, then install the new ones fresh
  8. AAC Stu

    vertex/texture prob, new card?

    ahh cool, thanks for all the replies, tutmiester - i never thought of that!! i will do that right now! the x300 doesnt have a fan, so i will just do the cpu, but i have never seen a heat sink so big!! it literally takes up half the inside frame! just downloaded the new drivers. plantiff - yes i see what you mean now... i was considering a new psu to accomodate the new card... currently its a stock 305w dual 12v and 18A rails... now i'm not good with psu's.. so go easy, and i saw this, Power supply, it seems to be a secondry psu that directly and only powers the G-card that works with the primary psu... will this do?? because i dont want to frazzle the brand new card and not be able to play on the amazing game!!!! i did think about the GT, but if you look at This Chart you can see the pro is slightly faster. cheers again  stu (oh and yes all settings were on low and very low) (edit - terrible spelling)
  9. hello people, i am going to get this game right , and i currently have a pentium D (dual core) 2.66ghz and 1024mb ram(upgraing to 2GB) with xp.... my card is a radeon x300 (haha i know). i am going to get a sapphire x1950 pro 512mb to replace the poor card! i have the demo, and it plays fine with about 30fps, until i get near AI or villages, vertexes and stuff cover the screen from the center (attached pic), what is it... memory possibly? what i want to know is will the x1950 i am going to buy fix it? and play the game normally? cheers in advance Â